Monday, October 8, 2018

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

Yes, I have the day off-- and no...I'm not blogging!! I am taking my Aunt out to lunch (which takes awhile) and then I have to get home, walk Tillie and then get to the...(drum roll please) DENTIST!! 
Just a great, great day :eyeroll: 

Here's a photo of our local Seneca Nation, part of the Iroquois. They are having a big celebration in Victor, NY today. Ganondagon is a site that has been open for years but recently got a museum and information center. 

Since I'm not sure I'll be here tomorrow either-- I'll say in advance SORRY!! -- I'll also say that although JaSam is getting it on, looks like it's not going to actually happen. Not that I care one way or another but geesh. Where does Jason live again?? With Carly and Sonny?? I totally forget.  If he does live at the Metro, they never show it. 

By the way, I think one of the reasons we don't see Roxy a lot is that animals cost so much to appear on any TV show! That's why we haven't had dogs or cats as main characters. I was reading something online (I can't find it again but I'll look) that said even prime time shows aren't 'employing' animals like they used to. 

That brings us to our question of the day: What is your favorite TV animal/pet? Mine is Jack the Dog from Little House. Awwww. When he died on the show I about lost my mind. 

Have a good Monday. Hope you have it off and can enjoy. 


  1. Have a great day. My kids and I actually have it off and taking the dog to the river to play and walk.

    I think Jason has an apartment??? They showed it once when Danny came over. Jasam will get interrupted. I was a big Jasam fan, but they ruined this return IMO. Jason just needs to ask her on a "proper" date and they need to have a nice "Love in the afternoon" thing with them. Don't get that anymore on GH.

    I too just love Mike. They did something right when casting him. I liked the "old" Mike too, but for this story line Max Gail is just superb. I usually don't like recasts, but he is great. I also think Laura Wright makes an excellent Carly even though I liked Sara Brown too. IMO there are some characters that you can't recast such as Sonny, Robin, Laura, Luke, Lucky, Lucy, Scotty, Kevin, Anna etc. Mostly the vets that have been on forever. Oh, and Liz/Elizabeth.

    OK. Have a great holiday whether you have it off, or you don't!!!!!!!!

  2. Okay people - here is my theory ----

    Margeaux will have some famous doctor something/somebody who can save Oscar -
    IF Drew will tell her things on Sonny and she will also give him the flash drive---

    and he does it


    It's clear they aren't getting those two together - ---- Drew and Kim will get together and then Julian and Alexis will get together.

    and then at some point Alexis will break up with Julian when she finds out he knew about the baby.....

  3. Barbara, yes, that sounds right . . .

    I am working today, BTW, but have a light day, as a lot of my patients are away.

  4. So, why did they have a memorial for Morgan? Was nice, but they've never done this before. Is he coming back or something? Been a lot of Morgan talk.

    1. I think they did last yr? It was mentioned today that Ava interrupted it by showing up.

  5. Little Avery is so cute. She seemed more shy this time. Maybe the age??? Or, maybe the shyer twin?

  6. I am probably in the minority, but I don't like how self centered and "whiny" that Ava is. I have never liked the character of Ava. I know most everyone loves her.

    Laura got to show us her "witchy" side with Valentin. Wow.

    1. Can't stand Ava either. Love the actress though.

  7. I think that Ava is basically a horrible person, but the actress and the writers have created a very complex, and sometimes sympathetic character. I think that people love the actress and what she does with the character, but Ava herself is not very admirable.

  8. I also loved jack from little house on the daughter called the show prairie house .she was 3yrs old at the time.

  9. okay Alexis watch stopping at 10:10 - means WHAT?
    October 10th???????
    think they are going back to Mikos and her mother?

    1. I thought the same Barbara. Just like they did with the Jake storyline when he first came back and dropped that story to only pick it up an eternity later.

  10. For some reason I was wondering if her mother would turn up alive. She'd have to be about 80 years old though

  11. Morgan's grave:

    Ava and Kiwi: HOLY CRAP KIWI SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! You sanctimonious, judgemental, hypocritical bitch!!!!! Man the writers are really making me hate her!!! Do they want me to hate her, so that if she dies, then I won't have a problem with it?

    Julian and Kiwi: Wow! Julian and his warning!!!! So will Ryan kill Kiwi and set Ava up? Hmmm.

    Outside Central Perk: They finally show the outside!!! Oh Carly that was very clever of you to help remind Mike about the gun being in the Hudson river!!! :) Oh don't worry everyone, I am sure Morgan will show up soon!!! Just like with Mike said, it feels like he is here. Foreshadowing anyone?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jordan and Margoo: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The pier:

    V.C. and Laura: Oh my gosh Laura!!!! I love you, but shut up!!!! I can't believe you would stand on his hand!!! I can't believe you slapped him! Slap her back V.C.!!!! It would be self defense!!! Of course she would probably cry to the cops that he hit you.. He had every right to slap back!!! You had no right slapping him! You are the one who started to harass him! And about Nik, give me a break already! He is alive somewhere dammit!!

    Sam's home:

    Jasam: WOOT WOOT! WOOT WOOT! Oh damn Alexis what the hell!!!!! I don't care if you have a key! You should have knocked!!!!!! You should have yelled out, Sam are you home?

    Alexis and Sam: Hmm is anybody a Sam whisperer? This is so funny! Sam tells her that it's none of your business, but then Alexis finds out something from Julian, and Sam is curious and wants to know! HAHAHHAHAHAHA! None of your business Sam! :)

  12. "lindie said... Little Avery is so cute. She seemed more shy this time. Maybe the age??? Or, maybe the shyer twin?"

    I think it's the shyer twin. :)

    "Barbara said... okay Alexis watch stopping at 10:10 - means WHAT?
    October 10th???????"

    Yeah that was really strange and interesting. :) I wonder what they are doing.

    "think they are going back to Mikos and her mother?"

    Seems like they are! I thought they dropped the storyline.

    "Karen says By the way, I think one of the reasons we don't see Roxy a lot is that animals cost so much to appear on any TV show!"

    They do? I didn't know animals cost so much money! WOW!

    "That brings us to our question of the day: What is your favorite TV animal/pet? Mine is Jack the Dog from Little House. Awwww. When he died on the show I about lost my mind."

    Yeah that was heartbreaking!!!!! But that is my second favorite! My first favorite is Foster and Anabelle's love story!!!! :) I love my Fostabelle!!! :)

  13. Sonya, sorry, I have to disagree w/you about Laura! VC killed her son! He may deny it, and I WISH that TC would come back and that Nik is alive, but haven't heard anything about this. We all saw how horrible VC was when he came in and held them hostage, he shot Nik and Kevin, he was heartless. Every time I see him I just can see how he came into the house in that cap and was horrible and evil.

  14. Laura should do a lot worse to him than just step on his hand!

  15. The mention of Val shooting Kevin gave ma an idea that Kev should have a scar. Could Laura notice that the scar is missing, and that be her first tip-off that something is weird about her husband?

    1. That's true Pat....I wonder if the writers will remember that??

  16. Just read somewhere that Stefan Cassidine died on October 10. Would love to have Stephan Nichols back. Nice change

    1. Do you mean DiMera? Carradine is GH?

    2. Stefan Cassadine was played by Steve Nichols. He was one of the few Cassadines that I liked. I heard that he's leaving or left Days I hope he comes back.

  17. "AntJoan said...Sonya, sorry, I have to disagree w/you about Laura! VC killed her son! He may deny it, and I WISH that TC would come back and that Nik is alive, but haven't heard anything about this. We all saw how horrible VC was when he came in and held them hostage, he shot Nik and Kevin, he was heartless. Every time I see him I just can see how he came into the house in that cap and was horrible and evil."

    Meh! Her family including her are famous for thinking that the other one is dead, but then end up alive. I'm surprised that Laura isn't thinking her son is still alive and go looking for him. :)

  18. Exactly. He would have a scar. They always think we don't know these things though.

  19. Kind of like Peter not having to use the bathroom for months

    1. But it's a soap.....once again, I'm sure he used the bathroom. Hey Heiny, wanna pee? Why thank you Leisel. Stuff like that and teleporting somewhere in 2 minutes are not what makes a soap. It takes them long enough to get on with a story. Haha!!

  20. WHERE is Margeaux's mom? Have I missed that?

  21. Sonya, the fact that Nik might still be alive somewhere does not make it OK that Valentin shot him.

    I really hope Stefan C comes back.

  22. Replies
    1. Yes I loved Eddie from Frasier. Man I miss that show! Speaking of....the actor who plays Valentin was on Frasier, just one episode as a ski instructor when they all went to Aspen or somewhere. Thought Niles was gay, funny episode!

  23. "AntJoan said...Sonya, the fact that Nik might still be alive somewhere does not make it OK that Valentin shot him."

    No of course not. On GH there are a lot of people who got shot, or shot people! ROFL!


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...