Thursday, July 14, 2016

Don't Rummage

SO Happy Constance Zimmer got an Emmy nod for UnReal! 

Saw the last 1/2 of GH: 

TJ and Jordan have to talk in weird places because they HAVE NO HOME!! And this might be at ALL the interesting if SEAN WAS STILL ON THE SHOW! I mean, Bajubus. Seriously? Who cares? 

New out door cafe thing being used!! 

Carson-- talking about the kidney magazine article. 

CJ and Nate eating lunch? Huh?  Nathan totally still likes her. He even mentioned their "Grand Central Station" stuff. 

Curtis catches Maxie in CJ's purse.  They both go in her hotel room. Curtis tells Maxie not to rummage thru her things. 

The elevator talk was creepy. I guess it was a shock value scene because it ended up with Liz saying she had feelings fo him. 


  1. The elevator talk was definitely creepy.

    Franco: Are you scared of me?
    Liz: Why no, of course not. When someone stops an elevator I'm in, covers the camera and asks if I'm afraid, I just think of fields of fowers and butterflies!

    Stupidest scene ever! He's an ex serial killer who kidnapped one of her sons, is trying to hijack another and won't take no as an answer. WE WILL NEVER BE ALL RIGHT WITH THEM AS A COUPLE. He is not cute funny Tood! He's FRANCO! You messed up making him that character writers, now get over it and move on.

    And Molly just can't get over the fact that Kristine is happy with Aaron. She really wants her to be gay as that's the new "thaing" now.

  2. The hospital:

    Private room: Val and Griffy chem test? At first I liked it, but then it got boring very fast. They are boring together.

    Cop: Spencer breaks over. There is a report that Franco trapped a nurse in the elevators. Franco covered the security camera.

    Wow! Overreacting much? Stupid cop.

    The elevator: FRIZ! :) Awww BobTodd she isn't afraid of you! She is just afraid of her feelings for you! :) Even Piffy knows! :)

    Liz: My feelings for you are growing. And no Franco I am not afraid of you, but I am afraid of how I feel about you.

    YAY! She admits it! :)

    *elevator door opens*

    Val: Grab him!

    Oh give me a break!!! Unhand him you idiot cop!!!

    Naxie: So basically,

    Fake Maxie: Invite her for lunch!!!! You got to invite Claudette for lunch!

    *Fake Maxie looks constipated*

    Fake Maxie: Invite her to lunch! And while you are at it, give me some maalox!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Claudette's room: When the door opened, I thought it was Nathan at first. Curtis yeah!!!!! A Curtis and fake Maxie tag team!!!! :) Uh Curtis, do you have any maalox?

    *Fake Maxie grabs birth control pills*

    Birth Control Pills: Hi!

    *Fake Maxie grabs condoms*

    Condoms: Yo!

    Fake Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Fake Maxie: And she's on the pill. Oh wow! And a chaser prophylactics.


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jordan: On the phone with Maddox eh? You two are still dating? UGH!

    Jordan and Curtis: Oh Jordan stop whining that your son is mad at you. What did you expect him to do? Not be mad at you and give you flowers?

    Jordan and TJ: Oh Jordan blah blah blah! I don't care!!! I just want TJ to go see Shaun!!!

    Nathan and Claudette: Nathan!!! Claudette WUVS you!!!!! Nathan do you hear Claudette Jr?! She is raring to go!!!!

    Perk's coffee: Hey a new place to hang! Cool!!! TJ and Aaron refuse to call Sonny by his first name hahahahahaha! Well hey that's just a sign of respect.. Aaron and TJ have manners. :)

  3. "Di said...Franco: Are you scared of me?
    Liz: Why no, of course not. When someone stops an elevator I'm in, covers the camera and asks if I'm afraid, I just think of fields of fowers and butterflies!"

    ROFL! Don't forget chocolates!!!!!! :)

  4. Peeps, Aaron is a NARC. He's FED, or something.

  5. "Ruthie said...Peeps, Aaron is a NARC. He's FED, or something."

    Yeah I can see him being a NARC, but a fed? He is too young to be a fed. :)

  6. Sonya, still, very creepy, Aaron looked like he was surgically attached to Krissy, in front of her parents !, I icky

  7. "Ruthie said...Sonya, still, very creepy, Aaron looked like he was surgically attached to Krissy, in front of her parents !, I icky"

    Yeah I know. Maybe he is an FBI informant!!!!

  8. From Aaron's first day I've thought there was something fishy about him. All of his questions , and trying to get chummy with Sonny.

  9. Oh, no, not someone else who came to town "to take down Sonny Corinthos"!! The last one, Paul, shot Sonny, then the writers had collective amnesia, and Carlos shot him instead!!



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