Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Scoop It Out.

Alberta Wub with THE Magic Milo!!!

Oh settle in. Today's Surgery is a long one...think brain operation with some organ transplant thrown in.  I just have to bitch a bit. And I'm WAY interested in what you're thinking about all this as well.  Let's scoop that toomah out!! 

And PS..all of you at the Fan Club Weekend in LA.. I hate you just a 'lil bit!! LMAO 

The bridge.  How can I do Sunday Surgery this week without mentioning THE BRIDGE. I'm sorry, but it was a giant flop. Everyone knows I'm a huge Cartini fan and loved Ron's writing on OLTL. This summer on GH however, has just been off in so many ways. This last stunt took the cake.
First of all, casting RH as "Franco" to then "reset Jason" is just too convoluted and in your face EVERY DAMN DAY that I just got sick of it. RH seemed to be having fun playing Franco at first--then it just got sloppy.  The whole "Jason/Franco Yin-Yang crap talk" was almost exactly what they said in the stairwell of the MOCA.  But hey, it had some legit to it because Jason was really JASON. He wasn't "Jason" being played by "Franco" being played by "TODD" (and let's face it, there was a whole lotta Todd in that Franco). So, having the "Twins" come together was just basically weird in my world. 

What the HELL just happened?
Now to the acting. I LOVE Roger. This week What he heck? I have to think he hated the material. Or he was jet lagged. Or something because.. well. If he was trying to act like "Jason"--that wasn't how "Jason" would be. He wouldn't be fake-crying on that bridge.  Franco? Well, he did him better when he first came on. Talking to Heather Webber he really had that creepy smile going. The hoodie Franco was dull and just-ugh.
I understand they are breaking apart Jason and Franco by using a medical tumor and some trauma. I get it. This is so that "Franco" can emerge a fresh new butterfly and spread his wings over Port Charles. 
My next point is why did Starr and Todd come back as they did? Lauren is NOT really a Quartermaine--and they are NOT father and daughter, which is the whole point I thought. So, that whole thing goes out the window. They certainly didn't give Kiki and Franco any "bonding time" so when she finds out he's NOT her Dad, it can't be that big of a deal. She can go screw Michael and that will be that. 


She's gonna owe the Q's a whole lotta scotch!
My next beef is about more than just this scene. It's about the choppy life of GH  lately.
Anna and Duke--I know they'll get more front-burner when the whole Robin story gets going again. I'm sure Luke will be looking for Jerry and it will all come to a head. Why leave them OFF all this time? Having them on once every 2 weeks is driving me nuts. Ditto Flea and Mac---hello PLAN THAT WEDDING. Maxie's PG and fighting with herself over the baby. GET THEM INVOLVED. Good Lord. Just do it. I guess I should say a thank you for having Leslie and Monica on. Yes, that was brilliant. A tiny nugget I can take away and savor. Why do we get 77 hours of AVA drinking scotch when we could have had more Lucy, Monica...Laura, Scotty yada yada??  Maybe have Scotty and Laura look for a house and decide to open a Brownstone type place.  Do more with Deception. Did Milo disappear? Milo who was on DAILY with Lulu and is now totally MIA? I still say this show is 10 days on, 10 days off of story rotation. 

Well, Michael Got Some. And then, Felix talked him into trying to get BRAD... LOL. I did like Felix --the story is weird but whatever.  Penny was a great name, btw. A nod to Big Bang and Penny the Kelly's waitress (she filled in for Liz when Liz never wanted to work)

Oh Poor SCOTTY... Bye Laura, go find Luke. Where do you think she's going to start? Maybe at the Swiss Clinic? Robert/Holly? Hmmmm. We'll see a bit later on. I'm sure this is the next 'adventure' and the start of finding Robin. Oh, and PS in case you forgot, we were reminded that Scotty is running for the DA.

AHAHAHAA...even when he's dead he's ALL OVER GH. First the Bridge and now Sam's praying to St. Jasus. Goodness. Yet--note, when she asked for a sign, McSilas was at the door.  Hmm. 

Good things: Felix getting Brad to almost be human. Michael's 'gay' shirt.... The Q's business and meeting. Tracy finding out Alice was the flipper. Oh ALICEeeee. you got some explainin' to do!!
Moronigan proposing to Kiki was a bit of hilarity. Sam wearing the same outfit all week. (which is basically yoga outfit and black bra!)
I swear he was here-- a day ago or so...
 Weird stuff: Ok, Nikolas and Alexis are talking over an empty baby-crib and never once wonder what's going on. No one stops by the room to tell them what's happened until it's basically all over. AHAHAAA.   Ava's zipper dresses. She wears a sheath dress daily. With big zippers.  

  and of course....

 Nikolas and Britt. Good beginning to this!! We know that she's going to be an AWESOME Cassadine...whee! I think people are calling them Brik. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: No..not  Morgon proposing to Kiki. It was Tracy and AJ busting on them. "What, you're like 10"...and  "I'll get the juice boxes" ...OHH yes, it was fun and I laughed and laughed. 

Suprise  SCENE OF THE WEEK Evil Dr. O is back..and gave me the goose bumpins! Wasn't expecting it and I really LOVED it!!

PROP OF THE WEEK:  AFRICA BOOK! From Jason himself to little Danny-pie.  Those of you that are old enough remember him reading that giant thing to Michael.

RUNNER UP: awesome headline!! And I guess The Sun is out of business?

EPIC FACE: Diane finding out Franco has a brain tumor  and  being ELATED!! 

So, Roger is off doing his Californication stint and Franco is in a COMA--so, there you go. We'll be Franco FREE (except for the mentions) for awhile. Thank you!! How are you liking this summer?? GH has times of greatness and I know it's 100x better than it used to be. I just really need more consistency.  


  1. I agree with everything you've said except I really don't think it's 100 x better than it used to be. I think it's bad in a different way than Guza's GH....but still pretty bad. I think there is potential for greatness and that's what keeps me interested...

  2. Oh, where do I start.

    In no way would I want Guza back penning the show.

    That said,

    Just call him Jodd Fromkey and be done with it. Good Gawd that fake Jason hair. And I'm sorry, but no one should have to fake seduce Brad. What a creep. Can someone kill him? Felix deserves better. Paging Lucas Jones!

    Also, there is no reason why we shouldn't be half giggly and completely caffeinated with wedding plans at the moment.

    It's just jumping all over the canvas and staying too long on KiMor and Molly and Whomever it is this week. No continuity. No focus.

    I have very little incentive to continue watching. Glad to hear Dr O was on. I'll go warm up the DVR for that.

  3. The Stone Cold deconstruction was pretty good, save for the Carly part. If they hadda bring Franco back this was the way to do it. But, they better not neuter him to be a Sonny flunky and apologist. There are enough of them.

    Now that Michael Cambias is coming to town as Evan Jerome, maybe someone will finally rid PC of Sonny.

  4. They should have left Franco alone, imo.
    Just bury that sheeze

  5. The old Franco story was horrid and they should have left it dead and buried. This thing that Ron and Frank came up with is worse and it is on every darn day. The bridge thing was weird. The writers are trying too hard to redeem him. So they gave him a tumor and all will be forgiven. I was rooting for Franco to kill himself. And it would all be done.

    They should have brought RH back on as a distant Q cousin with the shares of ELQ and let the fighting begin. Instead of this crap.

    Don't think for a minute that when Franco is in the Comaneci won't see him. . Not with the flashback crazy writers.

    And they had that big search for Lauren who doesn't even turn out to be Fanco's daughter anyway.

    Look I like Ava, I thinik the character is interesting and GH needed a character that was bad and stirred up trouble. A good foil for Carly. BUT. Way too much Ava she is on all the time and no Anna, Duke, Flea etc.

    I think they should have had Duke be Kiki's father. That would have been more interesting.

    Like Felix and his friendship with Michael.

    Like Brit with Nik.

    Sam praying to Jason was over the top. Sam,you pray to god, not your "dead" contact killer husband.

    There are bright spots. Tracy and AJ are funny and the Alice twist was great.

    It is not my favorite time on Gh but it is much better than it was 2-3 years ago, when i wasn't even DVRi g it. I'm hoping that the Luke and Robin return will be good and the Maxie/Lulu story will be something great to watch.

    And that they send Franco to the loony bin with Heather.

  6. They really should have not tried to change the whole Franco story, just give Todd a completely new role (even Sam's father, why not?).
    I loved McSilas and Sam, they're always so great together, I hope they finally become a couple.

    I still don't get it.... how is it possible that Franco thinks Kiki is his daughter? Didn't Franco "happen" after Silas?

    Is Penny more than just some girl Michael met?

  7. I didn't find the whole praying to Jason so horrible, I mean, of course, it's always St.Jason, I know, it's ridiculous but I for instance turned to someone I lost and used to love when I was facing awful times. It's not sensible, of course, you do it when you're desperate, which is how Sam must have been feeling or any other mother whose son is about to die and there's nothing they can do about.

  8. There are aspects of the show that I like much better: instead of a few characters per day we see 15 or so each day and there is not the neverending violence. But just like Guza shoved Sonny, Jason and Carly down our throats daily we are now getting way too much of Franco, Ava and Kiki. And surprisingly, too much Carly. Just for fun I decided to track appearances for a few weeks and Carly was the only character who appeared in more episodes than Franco ( 1 more).

    Like everyone else I don't like the way people just disappear and I don't mean Milo or Duke. Maxie is in a supposedly frontburner story with Lulu and neither was seen all week.

    I also think that while the writing is better, the acting, especially from the new people, isn't. Kiki is awful as is Rafe and Morgan is worse. Sabrina isn't very good and I think Jason's acting has suffered from being paired with her. I think they still have the same casting director who was so good at finding new talent but most of the latest additions are not good. I feel as though the sole focus is on looks rather than acting ability.

    I am trying to remain grateful that it's better than it was. I always have low expectations for the summer so I'm hoping things will pick up soon and particularly that Britt who appears to be having quintuplets will give birth soon and her mother will kidnap Sabrina who will never be seen again.

  9. I agree with you about the acting, dar. I think they went looking for some pretty people and they should have looked at their acting ability first.

    As for the lost GH characters, I think you all know how I feel about their lack of screen time. I think Mac and Felicia will be in the old age home before they're married.

    "Cue another scene of Ava drinking"

  10. They should have brought in RH as the son of Alexandria Q and Tony Cassadine as the rumors initially said they would. RH would be perfect in that roll and it would have been natural way to have him interact with many of the characters in PC easily. The Franco thing is way too forced and just doesn't feel like a good fit no matter what they do...RH is still genius though!

    The good:
    Surprisingly for me...BRITT. The actress has gotten better and damned if I am not thinking I wish she would have been paired up with Patrick. The daughter of Fiason secretly with Robin's husband and daughter? Could have been great stuff with her torn between scheming and being an honest woman. Still, I like her hellcat ways and and it is keeping me entertained. Her and Nik hooking up is promising as well...She could bring out the darker side in him which would make him more interesting this time around too.
    Any time the following are on: Anna, Mac, Flea, Leslie, Monica, Laura, Scotty and Duke (to a lesser degree with Duke but then again I never was a big Duke fan), things perk up. The Leslie/Monica scene at the hospital was fun - so much history with the characters and it was great to see them sparring again.

    Not getting the Franco stuff, Ava stuff (although the actress is good), Lulu stuff, Maxie, Dante, Sonny, Liv, et. all ad nausem stuff

  11. Agree with all you said about this week. I do like the show these days- even though there are a lot of characters it keeps things interesting and funny. The show is a comedy at times. All you can do is laugh at the Franco/Jason thing. RH's hair?! Is anyone else wondering how he got Danny to the bridge on the bike? Get the tumor out and get on with the transformation already. RH and LW will be awesome together.

    Had enough of "Kiki" with her name. Why did they frickin name her Kiki?????!!!

    More Nik please - but fix his hair and take off his shirt. What will he think of Britt when it turns out she's having Lulu's baby?

    Morgan is growing on me. I still think he and Ava will hook up. He'll have to unzip her somehow. Maybe Ava can give Sam some fashion advice. Poor Sam.

    Enough Molly and Rafe - they need to go back burner along with TJ.

    Bring on the hunt for Jerry and Robin along with Sam's daddy story. Is Jax slated to come back?

  12. I agree, RH should have been a distant Q cousin. Now that KA will not be his daughter, the whole Franco thing is even dumber. I can't believe I'm saying this but I almost like Britt and Nik

  13. The past month has been really off for me. I was liking RH as Franco after an intial amount of hesitation, but the turn into Frason is just confusing and well dumb. I FFed most of the bridge stuff and all of his surgery business. Tumor, shmumor. I liked him as a psycho with a heart of gold. The name Kiki is horrid. I would love to see a Morgan, Ava pairing. Very Joey/Dorian from OLTL. Other than that I've had enough of Ava. She's on way too much and needs to stop sticking her tongue out all the time. It's off putting. I do love the Sam/Sylas stuff. They're hot together reading the phone book. Just hurry up and kiss already. I miss the love in the afternoon. I def. want more wedding planning, Maxie baby stuff, and please move along the Molly/Rafe story because right now it's just too slow.

  14. The past month has been really off for me. I was liking RH as Franco after an intial amount of hesitation, but the turn into Frason is just confusing and well dumb. I FFed most of the bridge stuff and all of his surgery business. Tumor, shmumor. I liked him as a psycho with a heart of gold. The name Kiki is horrid. I would love to see a Morgan, Ava pairing. Very Joey/Dorian from OLTL. Other than that I've had enough of Ava. She's on way too much and needs to stop sticking her tongue out all the time. It's off putting. I do love the Sam/Sylas stuff. They're hot together reading the phone book. Just hurry up and kiss already. I miss the love in the afternoon. I def. want more wedding planning, Maxie baby stuff, and please move along the Molly/Rafe story because right now it's just too slow.

  15. I just can't get into Todd as Franco...It just doesn't work. They should have brought him back as Sam's dad...that would have been cool...


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...