Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Britt said "Patrick is not the father of the baby I'M CARRYING"

She did NOT say:
"Patrick is not the father of my baby" ...

Dr. O switched out the DNA of Patrick, much like they switched Faison and Duke's fingerprints. Then she yells at Britt for about 4 minutes. 

there it is.

Newbie "Derek" is on. (Sam's Daddy, you can feel it). Connie has to bring up newspaper ratings so she's going to spill the Kiki secret to get a big story. 

Kiki and Michael. Just Shut up already. Morgan and Sonny were like 2 middle middle schoolers. Then it got real!! Maurice and that kid pulled it out! I don't think Sonny would agree to what he did out of guilt, but hey.  I mean, Morgan is 19..and Sonny agrees to keep a paternity secret because he might be MAD? So he can get MARRIED? WTH!

Felix and Spin were ok. Maxie couldn't even eat her ice cream she's so upset!

Boy, could I tell it was a different writer today! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  1. Connie going to spill the beans. So she can keep her job. how will Kiki's 5% get split up?

    Morgan and Michael will have an AJ/Jason relationship; insert gambling addiction for alcoholic.

    Of course this new Derek guy is a jerk. He looked a little creepy with Maxie in the previews.

    I almost liked Brit today UNTIL she ruined the whole thing today when she said that she didn't care if she trapped Patrick and had him raise another man's baby. She only felt guilty because of the real baby's father (screw the mother)
    At least Dante and Lulu will wind up with their own baby in the end.

    Can Sabrina be anymore boring?

    So they put a volley ball under Maxie's shirt and a Brit got beach ball.

  2. Karen, I don't understand what you meant about Britt not CARRYING Patrick's baby as opposed to it not being his baby. . . .

    I couldn't BELIEVE that Sonny agreed to Morgan's crazy scheme. I know Sonny is no moral paragon, but he is SUPPOSED to be a good father. How could he agree to let Morgan lie to his fiance about her father. Not only is this wrong on SO many levels, but it's BOUND to come out, and how will Starki feel about Morgan then?

    So, I guess that Maxie will get to keep her and Spinny's baby, and Britch will give hers to Lulu and Dante?

    Where has Ellie been lately?

  3. AntJoan i think karen meant britt didnt say it was her baby as in patrick isnt the father of "this" baby instead of patrick isnt the father of "my" baby leading to the fact it's dante and lulu's

  4. The park:

    Britch: Patrick isn't the father of the baby I'm carrying.

    Me: Oh! Quick Dr. Mama O slap your daughter again! :)

    Kelly's: Can Felix and Spinny be BFF's?!! :) They can be called Felinny! :) Spinny wins the line of the day! Felix asks Ellie got Britch slapped?

    Spinny: I'm not entirely sure what that means.


    Crimson: Boy the ice cream that Lulu and Maxie are eating is melting!!! Put it back in the fridge!! Oh the actor William Devry shows up!!! He used to be on AMC. :) Good to see him again! He fires Maxie and Connie hahaha!

    Sonny's home: Great scenes!!!!! When Sonny said flesh and blood doesn't matter to him, and his voice cracked, I cried!!!! :( Heartbreaking scene! Poor Morgan. :(

    The hospital: After Michael says as crazy as me waiting with you, it looked like StarKi's head was about to spin around. Starki says that she will learn to love Morgan. Awww! That is so sweet and romantic! I can just see it now.

    Morgan: I'm in love with you Kiki.

    StarKi: I can learn to love you.

    Awwwwwww! Warms my heart. :) I am going to cry! Can you imagine it being their vows?

    Patrick's home: Awww talking about Emma's birth. :(

  5. I hope Derek is not the father he's too young. The father should be a little older then Alexis or at least the same age

  6. I agree, Derek does seem too young. In real life he's not that much older than Kelly Monaco.
    So, I guess when Michael finds out Sonny lied about Kiki for Morgan, that will be the end of his Father/Son relationship with Sonny.
    I'm kind of burnt out on Sonny thanks to the Guza reign but, credit where credit is due, he did do a great job in that scene. He caused Morgan to get pit stains on his shirt! (Noticed when Morgan hugged Sonny) We really need Jax right now!!

  7. OK, Morgan is really growing on me and that scene with Sonny today was stellar. Looks like the young actor just had to get his footing and pacing, because I think he's doing great lately. :)

    The new guy...don't remember his name, nor do I care...does seem too young to be Sam's dad. Seems more like he could be Silas's brother because he's basically as unsympathetic and dismissive as Silas.

    And am I the only one who was bothered that Spinelli didn't catch on to the nickname "The Britch" immediately? Spinelli is THE one who nicknames EVERYBODY.

  8. I was watching a rerun of NCIS today and Felix was on it! He played a soldier who gets killed in action.

  9. Loved that Morgan NAILED Sonny on keeping secrets and keeping AJ from Michael for years!

  10. William DeVry is 8 yrs. older than Kelly M. and probably 6 or 7 years younger than Nancy L. G. He looks really good and I always liked him on B & B. Great scene with Sonny and Morgan - the kid is holding his own. Didn't like him at first beacuse he was so obnoxious but they have toned that down a bit. Michael & Kiki ffwd. material. Since when is Connie the only reporter on the newspaper?

  11. Agree the Morgan/Sonny scenes rocked. I still can't believe Sonny agreed to let him marry Kiki. I'm also soooo done with her name. Call her Lauren please.

    Carly bonding with Franco too. Kinda weird. Not sure what his eyes were saying.

    I'm thinking Mama O has Ellie somewhere.

  12. Agree the Morgan/Sonny scenes rocked. I still can't believe Sonny agreed to let him marry Kiki. I'm also soooo done with her name. Call her Lauren please.

    Carly bonding with Franco too. Kinda weird. Not sure what his eyes were saying.

    I'm thinking Mama O has Ellie somewhere.

  13. I agree about the scenes with Sonny and Morgan today. When Sonny's voice cracked I'm sure we all felt it. If that young actor had more scenes with Sonny and less with Kiki I'm sure we'd see a dramatic improvement. ( I've been saying the same about Michael for months too.) The ceiling is just so much higher!

    As for the age difference, that's typical of soaps.

  14. P.S. Maybe he's Sam's half brother...lol and it was his father she was with.

  15. ah, good idea on the 1/2 brother!

  16. Di said...P.S. Maybe he's Sam's half brother...lol and it was his father she was with.
    OH! That's a good possibility! :)

  17. People can say what they want about Sonny,but you must admit that younger actors working with Mo improve so much. He gets them to dig deep and ACT. Remember what a doofus we all thought Chad was when he started? Working with Mo (and to a degree SBu) Chad raised his playing field.

    The young adult & teen stuff? Blah. At least nuKristina isn't in the mix--my fast forward can only go so fast.

    I noticed that Spinny was more mature than Felix. I guess Spinny grew up while he was off screen. Where does he live BTW?



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