Oh wow. So, I've been "watching" a bit of GH just by reading Twitter and Sonya's stuff on here. WTH! LOL I mean, I know we LIKE Brennan and he's a good character but--they didn't even try to make the Pikeman mess make sense. AT ALL. So, Brennan stabbed himself to get out of jail to talk to Valentin in the stairwell and see Carly? He was ok with Sonny's medication meddling? BTW, now it's Jagger that's the bad guy.
WELP! And Carly goes free. JUST. LIKE. THAT. :eyeroll:
So, I guess the next thing is someone gets hurt in a shooting-- and we will get the "Who Gets The Baby" Is there anything else? I guess the Cody/Mac story? OH! Yeah-- Drew and Willow (Laughing hysterically)
OK! I'm visiting my Aunt today and I MIGHT be watching again by tomorrow!!
NOTE!! I decided to jump in TODAY!! (Dave was right!!)
Kids are in the opening now? Hmmm. Donna and Wiley. Kristina just has the same dang shirt on LOL And...SO does Carly. You'd think she would have gone home to shower and stuff after being arrested?
Jason tells Sonny the entire FBI story and Greece and why he was working for Cates. Sonny's still mad at him because he didn't trust him with the information and now Jagger is still coming for him. :eyeroll: "I can't trust anyone"!! Dante comes in, Jason leaves. Dante and Sonny argue.
Jagger just yells at Anna. Says it's her fault neither Valentin or Sonny are in jail.
Krissy and Molly seem to be making up? Kristina's been served by Scotty. He's going to grill her about Sonny's beating Dex.
Anna and Jason talk about the whole Pikeman thing. She thinks that Brennan erased the tape because he likes Carly.
END: Sonny finds out from Brick that Ava and Jagger are together in her room. Tells him to "take a lot of pictures"