Wednesday, July 31, 2024

DAY 5: With Commentary


Oh wow. So, I've been "watching" a bit of GH just by reading Twitter and Sonya's stuff on here. WTH! LOL I mean, I know we LIKE Brennan and he's a good character but--they didn't even try to make the Pikeman mess make sense. AT ALL. So, Brennan stabbed himself to get out of jail to talk to Valentin in the stairwell and see Carly? He was ok with Sonny's medication meddling? BTW, now it's Jagger that's the bad guy. 
WELP! And Carly goes free. JUST. LIKE. THAT. :eyeroll: 

So, I guess the next thing is someone gets hurt in a shooting-- and we will get the "Who Gets The Baby" Is there anything else? I guess the Cody/Mac story? OH! Yeah-- Drew and Willow (Laughing hysterically) 

OK! I'm visiting my Aunt today and I MIGHT be watching again by tomorrow!! 

NOTE!! I decided to jump in TODAY!! (Dave was right!!) 

Kids are in the opening now? Hmmm. Donna and Wiley.  Kristina just has the same dang shirt on LOL And...SO does Carly. You'd think she would have gone home to shower and stuff after being arrested? 

Jason tells Sonny the entire FBI story and Greece and why he was working for Cates. Sonny's still mad at him because he didn't trust him with the information and now Jagger is still coming for him. :eyeroll: "I can't trust anyone"!!  Dante comes in, Jason leaves.  Dante and Sonny argue. 

Jagger just yells at Anna. Says it's her fault neither Valentin or Sonny are in jail. 

Krissy and Molly seem to be making up? Kristina's been served by Scotty. He's going to grill her about Sonny's beating Dex. 

Anna and Jason talk about the whole Pikeman thing. She thinks that Brennan erased the tape because he likes Carly. 

END: Sonny finds out from Brick that Ava and Jagger are together in her room. Tells him to "take a lot of pictures"


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

DAY FOUR's it going?? I guess Jagger is goading Sonny and he will have his epic 'flip out' soon. Molly and Krissy going at it about the BAY-BAY.  I wish I was more enthused!! I just can't believe how Carly-Centric this show has become. I mean, I KNOW she's a big part of it but geesh-Louise. 

OK! HOPE you are well. I'm hanging in there. It's going to be August soon! Yikes!! Summer is 1/2 over!! 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Deck the Halls


With Holly!! Emma Samms has announced she's returning to GH details just yet but I'm sure more will be coming in. They are sure bringing back a few vets, aren't they? Rick Hearst, JJackson and now Emma. 



Carly in CUFFS!! What will happen? Will she go down for RICO violations and spend years in jail? HAHAHA. Come on now. 

Today it's HOT AND HUMID in ROC-- not fun for being outside for long. I shouldn't complain because it will be snowing soon enough.

Still not watching yet. If something happens that I need to see, I guess I'll jump back in but until then, enjoy space to write your thoughts. 

PS! RUMOR has it Jagger Cates gets shot and Sonny is blamed...not sure if it's true. If it IS true--I saw Brennan did it from the shadows. 

Oh, and how much longer until Drew/Willow do the deed? 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday Surgery: BREAK


Wasn't sure I was up for this after 2 days of not watching the show. I did keep up somewhat on Twitter and with Sonya's recaps but that was about the extent of my Thurs-Friday viewing. If you don't know why I needed a break, look down in the blog and see what broke me! When you want to be entertained and you're just not getting it, well, time to go and take a little chill pill instead of complaining. 

Let's see what I can conjure  up for today's round-up, shall we? 

PIN THE TAIL ON THE PIKEMAN? Is it really over? Nah.. I mean, maybe the Valentin part is for now but the fallout is still going. Jagger is still going to hold Jason to the fire, he's also after Sonny now. I don't even know what's going on with Brennan but I'm sure he'll pop back up soon. Anna's basically compromised her job and an entire FBI case (and lied to Laura) so.. what's going to happen with all that??  I'm not really invested so.. don't care much. 

Photo Credit: Chupabaca

CARLY BANSHEE WOMAN is alive and well. I did really like her scenes the first day with Jason and her losing her mind. By day 2 I had a headache and can't imagine what Laura Wright was going through. I saw clips on day 3-4 and her screaming to 'arrest her'-- and welp. Who here thinks Carly will go to jail for any length of time? 

THE INTERVIEW.  I won't go into the optics of Perez Hilton or his past but let's just say this soft-ball questioning of Blaze and Kristina didn't warrant having him on the show. Seriously. THAT was a 'hard hitting" interview?? What finally drove me away was the storytelling on this whole thing. It's not Blaze's mother that's the bad It's Ava who taped it. 
Ring a bell? Remember Nina? As someone pointed out on Twitter, she's now the Nina who was the bad guy for turning in Drew/Carly to the SEC.  Same plot points. Same plot channel. *sigh* How did we get here? Ava is such a complex and rich character and she's reduced to standing in her hotel room, holding a martini trying to get sympathy from a town that hates her. 

MY EGG OR YOURS?  Did anyone NOT see this coming?  Kristina threatens to not sign the custody papers over to her sister because she and her husband "fight". Girl, come on now. Kristina looks so dumb in this. If you want to keep that baby because you've bonded, own up to it all. She's also acting like she's been in a relationship with Alison for years and years. Molly did have a great line about 'lesbians and onezies" that I heard but--again, meh. 

CUSTODY CRUSH. Let's face it. Neither one would win in a court of law when it comes to bad deeds in their past. Sonny's fighting to keep Avery away from Ava--the very person he put up for months because she was in danger. This court battle has been done before and again and again. It's just not a story I want to revisit. 

DREW AND THE FIELD MOUSE.  I mean.. again, showcasing Drew's abs and talking about how zexy he is doesn't make it so. Also see: Don't care. 

JASON. Hey, just pick Carly, will ya? You've given up your kids, your life and your soul to her anyway so just shut up and get it going.  You are both a half a century old and this 'dance' or whatever you're doing is just tedious. 

NEWS AND NOTES:  Rick Hearst is back as Ric Lansing in mid August. You know Molly's going to ask his legal advice about the baby. I'm sure Sonny will be on Kristina's side and the brotherly jabs will fly! 

That's all I'm going to do today. Hope YOU enjoyed the shows. Dave has pegged me coming back by Wednesday but we shall see. It is summer and there are a lot of other things to do! 

Friday, July 26, 2024



How are you feeling about the whole Rick Hearst thing? I'm intrigued but not overly so. I'm hoping it doesn't dissolve into a Sonny-Ric fight about custody of the baby. 

Also, I saw that Carly got herself arrested yesterday. Good. Maybe she'll be on 'vacation' for awhile. Laura Wright must have had a giant headache after yelling for 2 days straight! 

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! This summer is just flying, isn't it?? Always happens around here because we don't get that many days of good weather!! 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ric Hearst Back for Aug. Stint


Ric Hearst is returning for the surrogacy story starting Aug 19th according to TV LINE.  I guess Daddy Ric will have a part to play in that whole Drama!!



Of my self-imposed break!! I want to say I reacted to what I saw yesterday in REAL TIME. I'm passionate about the show and was genuinely floored with the direction it has taken with the Kristina/Blaze story. It's not cute, funny or anything other than bizarre. Why did they even GO in this direction? Minimalizing the things Natalia said? I don't understand. She got blasted by Blaze day one then...meh. It's been ALL about Ava. Ava, who they are writing into some corner because they clearly can't figure out what to do with her. 
This is the new writer's vision for the show? Pikeman stretched out until I'm crying for it to just END? Cassadines are gone and I'm watching Anna just twist in the wind. 
I want to be entertained by my soap. I'm no longer being entertained and I'm sure you're tired of my bitching about it all. 

I'll be watching Neighbours on Prime (2019 is an awesome year) and just enjoying my summer afternoons for a bit. You know me, I'll be back but right now? I need time off. I will post fun things daily so check back!! 


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Well, Who's the Victim?


We are having a thunderstorm so-- not sure how long this will last!! 

Perez Hilton set. Krissy and Blaze/Brook show up. They are nervous. He introduces himself.  He launches into the interview. So far so good. Natalia watches in her hotel room. They talk more and basically Blaze says she's MORE ANGRY about the recording and her mother's privacy being invaded. Her mom actually is a really GOOD MANAGER. SHE'S THE REAL VICTIM in all of this. (yes SHE SAID THAT). They wanted to wait to come out of the 'closet' to give Blaze's mother TIME to accept it. THIS IS BULLSHIT. 

Carly tells Jason he's never going to be out from under Cates and she'll have to turn herself in. She SCREAMS AND SCREAMS at him about the fact it's her fault and SHE'S GOING and yada yada. OMG my head hurts. They talk about Donna. Danny. Jake. She cries some more. Jason says he HAS TO GO. She says HE HAS TO STAY. Cripes. Ok, all you need to know is in the end, Carly agrees to not turn herself in to Cates. 

Jason is at the bus station. He calls Danny to tell him he's going to be away for awhile. 

Anna yells at Jagger about keeping Jason in the FBI after he got the evidence. He wonders how she knows so much about the evidence. He thinks she helped Valentin get away.  They fight. He says Jason is going to pay. She says he's a bully and coward because he only wants evidence to put Sonny away and Jason won't give it to him. 

Willow and Nina meet at The Metro. Willow has a PSA to do on the charity and needs Nina's help to edit it. They talk about GRAMMAR. Yep, that boring. Ava comes over and wants to join. Nina's like: NOPE. Ava then tells them she wants one of them to call Scott to report on Sonny's behavior. Nina tells her to scram. THEN Willow leaves. Ava and Nina spar about stuff. Nina says she will never forgive Ava. She's team Sonny


The interview was a boring FKING NOTHING. 

Carly is throwing John Cates out of the hotel 

AND I will be taking a break from this show for a bit. I am so disappointed and angry with the whole Ava/Natalia storyline that I can't see straight. I also can't deal with any OTHER Story right now because they are boring me to tears. 
SO, until then... I will put up filler so you can write what you think of this show. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Luke's BDAY


Michael and Kristina eat at Kelly's. He wants to tell her about Sonny.  He says the way he's acting he won't get custody but might get a restraining order! 

Tracey and Ned in the horse stall. She's not in a good mood. I guess she hasn't been sleeping well. Ned patches up a nip she got on her wrist from Hades the Horse. He says he knows what today means to her. It's Luke's birthday. She says he was the love of her life. Nice scene. they hug

Carly goes to Sonny's. Tells him Jagger is after him. Sonny is like: Yeah, so what he has been. Carly is saying he has to watch out. Sonny is like: Meh. Carly says that Jagger could use Dex's beating against him. Sonny's like, he's not finding out. Carly asks who knows about it. OMG he remembers AVA KNOWS! AHAHAHAHA. Then he tells Carly about his fight with Michael and wants her to smooth things over. She's like: NOPE!!! You drove everyone away. Do you even have ONE Friend to help you? He says: YOU. Carly says that he called her a traitor in that very room and she's done. Cries and leaves. WOW GOOD STUFF. 

Jagger goes to Ava's hotel room. He says everyone is on Sonny's side and she's brave to go for sole custody. Ava says she feels so alone. He says she's not alone now. Ava flirts like a damn ninja with him!! WOO HOO. He says she has to give him something on Sonny and she's like, he will never go to jail. "He killed a Quartermaine and got pardoned"!! LOL  He finally tells Ava he will protect her and Sonny will never see Avery again. She says it's been a long time since anyone has had her back. They kiss.  Then he gets a call--his boss. Has to leave. 

Jason goes to Anna's office. He tells her Jagger is pissed Valentin got away and now he has a whole new assignment he has to do. Anna tells him to go to the press and tell them the FBI went back on their word. Jason says that they'll put Carly in jail on RICO! He says it's her fault this happened because he made her wait while Valentine got away. They really YELL--wow. Jason is furious. Anna tells him most of this is Carly and his fault because of their lifestyles. She finally says she promises to get him out from under the FBI. He says he hopes so and leaves. Slams that door. 

Carly walks into Kelly's and sees Michael. Starts to tell him about Sonny but Jason comes in and says he has to talk to Carly. They go upstairs and he tells her he has to go tonight to Quantico. 

OMG.. Maurice and Jane are outside ...really outside and they both visited Luke's Club (across the street) on his birthday. They talk about him and what a good friend he was. Wow, unexpected. NICE

Carly says she's going to turn herself in

Anna tells Jagger to stop Jason going

Ava calls her lawyer to ask about Sonny being investigated by the FBI 

Monday, July 22, 2024

You're Still IN


I REALLY need for today's show to be a good one. Dang it. 

Scotty and Ava talking about the boring custody case.  She says Laura is on her side. He says that's a good "get" but only one. She puts Trina on the list and is going to get John Jagger on it too. Then she thinks Scotty should make Dex testify about the beating and have Kristina as a witness. She also thinks they should call Carly. Have her tell the truth and say she doesn't want Donna to stay over night because of Sonny's instability. "She even thought he wasn't taking his meds"!! Then Ava realizes that Sonny might be their best witness. Ava tells Scotty (because he's her lawyer) that one of Sonny's meds is a placebo. She didn't do it and doesn't know who did but she knows. Scotty figures out if he puts him on the stand he will crack. 

Sonny has Michael over to ask him a favor. Diane is there too. They talk about Ava and Diane brings up the fact she tampered with Morgan's meds and they could say she's not stable to be around Avery. Michael says that they'll mention him getting hit in the head with a bullet meant for Sonny and Carly sending Morgan to military school to get him away from Sonny. Sonny is mad thinking Michael won't help him in the hearing. Diane tries to calm him down. Sonny yells at Michael that he always looks down on him. Michael says the only time he's seen Sonny like this is when he's off his meds. Sonny says he TAKES THEM EVERY DAY and he can CHECK! You saying I'm crazy? Michael tells Diane he can't testify with Sonny, he's not the father he grew up with. Leaves. 

Diane gets into it with Sonny about doing what he did to Michael and if his behavior carries on like it is, he won't win custody of anything! 

Brook, Krissy and Blaze talk at the Q boathouse about their interview with Perez Hilton. Brook says that he didn't agree to only stick to the questions they gave him. Also, he can mention Sonny and Blaze's brother. Blaze freaks out and says to cancel the interview. Then they talk and decide to do it. Brook gives them tips on how to answer the questions. They look ridiculous in fall jackets and blouses btw. 

Laura and Anna. Laura says the FBI is looking for Valentin. She can't figure out what happened. Not ELQ, not WSB..what? Then she says their phones are turned off (no longer in service) and Charlotte even scrubbed her entire social media. She's so upset and all her children are scattered and if Charlotte is missing she can't take it. Anna promises to keep her up to date if she hears anything. (lie). She leaves.

Jason is in Kelly's with Danny getting ready to go on a boat trip. Jagger comes in and says "No you're not". Carly's not happy. Jason tells Danny they have to reschedule and takes Jagger upstairs. Jagger says that Valentin left the country and he's SURE Jason was stalling for him to be able to slip away. Jason says NOPE, NOT ME. Jagger tells Jason that until they find Valentin, he's not done. He's going to Quantico and getting a new assignment and he's leaving TONIGHT. If he doesn't do it, he'll put Carly in Jail. Jason says nope. Then Jagger launches into a tirade against Sonny and tells Jason he has to help him put him away. "you know where the bodies are buried"!! Jason says that Sonny was right, Pikeman was only and excuse for Jagger to go after him. 

Carly stomps into Anna's office demanding to know if Jagger is after Sonny. Tells Anna that he is up in Jason's apartment talking to him right now. She and  Anna talk about what Jagger could be doing. Anna tells her not to do anything and Carly says that she and Jason will take care of things. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Pickled Pikeman


Well, this week supposedly brought an "end" to the Pikeman Saga. One that has gone on so long, I no longer can recite it's timeline nor do I care to. I have no idea how this blog is going to go so hold on tight. 

Grab what you go and let's give it a go! 

Friday, July 19, 2024



It's Friday! I missed yesterday and EVERY PERSON told me on Twitter not to bother LOL. So I'm flying blind. I did see Jason gave Cates the phone and LaRue/Sonny are doing a record label with Brook. I though Lois already had one? BUT... what do I know. 

Laura and Lulu. Laura is visiting her. Putting cream on her hand-- Dante walks in. They talk about Ace and hope Lulu. They talk about Lulu's early years with Laura and what a great mama she is/was. I think she's waking up soon. 

At the pool with Joss and Trina. Joss found Trina's turtle dove. Trina's sad. Joss schools her on grief. Trina thinks she should be over it by now and Joss is like NO WAY. Trina says Spencer had his in Paris in his pocket. 

James took a ride share to see Cody LOL. He's mad about Grandpa Mac not letting him ride with Cody anymore. Tracey's like: HOW DID YOU GET HERE? He says he snuck out the window and stole Georgie's phone. Tracey laughs. Anyway, Cody calls Spinelli and Maxie and they come and yell at James. He tells him Mac said he can't rid with Cody and Maxie says that's not his choice, it's hers. 

They go home. Georgie is mad James stole her phone. James knows something is up and weird. He wants to know what's going on. Maxie says it's Mac and Cody's problem. He's still mad he can't ride. 

Cody is sad. He calls Sasha. She comes over. They are sad that Cody can't ride. 

Weird scenes with Tracey and Gio talking about NYC. And talk and Talk

Jason and Carly on the bridge talking about all his manly sacrifices.  They hold hands Good lord. BORING. Now they are talking about Sonny. Cates is "after him".  Jason HAS to get back in with Sonny because he has to help him with Cates! 

Ok, the end: Was nothing. Carly and Jason clinking beers. I thought Lulu would move LOL. NOTHING. This was a boring boring Friday show for sure. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024


I'm out today so please enjoy this special fun blog!! 

Remember the Love Boat from the 70s? Well, I guess you would have to be of a certain age to remember it. It was a campy show on Saturday nights with tons of guest stars every week and the storylines for that week involved the guest stars and the cast. I always liked the idea of guest stars on a show. They add an air of freshness and best of all, they don't wear out their welcome. "One and done" or maybe a two-parter and that's it.

So… what if GH had guest stars? Not for weeks on end, but just for a day or a week? Karen and I came up with a few. Who would YOU like to see as a guest star on GH?

Kimberly McCullough (two weeks) - Returning for a few days to meet her cousin Cody and to bring Emma to PC to attend graduate school at PCU (and have Emma become a cast member.)

Jane Lynch (one day) - Sonny's therapist. This would be a one-off episode that takes place in Jane's office giving Maurice a chance for a tour-de-force stand alone episode. Plus a PSA on manic-depression. (She played a therapist on Two and a Half Men, but that was comedy. Would love to see her on a drama)

Cameryn Manheim (about a week) - She can play a non-nonsense barracuda of a lawyer going up against Alexis or Diane in court. Then, at the bar afterwards, she can display her comedic skills and be crazy and boisterous, sitting on the bar and singing while taking everyone off guard with her lunacy. Maybe 2 people in white coats can come and take her away at the end of the episode.

Alison Arngrim - Let's try to get Alison Arngrim in there. Nellie Olsen? I've seen her in person on her "bitch" tour and she's delightful. She could totally come in with a mystery illness and it turns out to be a twin growth that never severed from her body. 

GUESS WHO?? YEP... a surprise bartender just for 2 weeks at The Savoy. We'd have some great musical guests (NO VIOLINS) and JESSE behind the bar!! 

GET THE TIKTOK crowd here!! KEITH LEE--doing a little food review for Port Charles. The highlight?? KELLY's BLTs!! "I got it, let's try it" .... 

We are just going to leave all this here.  Hope you have a great day!!! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Pikeman Plus


I was looking around Google and found this LOL...Look at Becky's hair!! I don't remember that!! Also; Bradford looks like a baby.  TODAY I am going to the dentist at 2:30 so I will just get a bit of the show. Tomorrow, I have meetings from 9-4 .. (WHAT!!) so you'll have a fun filler to enjoy. 

TODAY'S SHOW: (Half of it) 

Jagger goes into Jason's room. The clock is 4:30. Jagger wants to take down Sonny now and Jason is like: NO, I'm here for Pikeman! Jagger says Sonny's trying to take poor Ava's child away from her and she's terrified. Jason says: Um..Ava Jerome? don't believe her. 

Carly and Lois talk at the pool. Carly thinks it's great Lois brought Gio to town. He's such a good kid. Lois says she's going to look out for his bright future. Lois talks about his parents: Camilla and Frank. Both dead. Huge long story. 

Gio talks to Joss, he thinks he over-stayed his welcome in PC. Joss is like no, that's not true. 

Nina and Sonny talk.. Oh, you should watch it. They are so nice to each other and really good dialog. They want each other to be happy. NICE scenes. Really. They talk about Mike and Sonny protecting the mothers of his kids, even Ava. They leave on good terms. 

Maxie comes in and Nina talks to her about Sonny and her life. 

Valentin wants Anna to go with him. He knows she wants to go because she warned him. She says it's  just for Charlotte. If it was up to her, Cates could take him. He's like NO! You love me!! Almost as much as I love you. Anna says she can't leave Robin/Noah/Emma and be a fugitive. She can't go. They kiss a goodbye kiss. She asks why he got involved in all of this and he says for her. 

Ok, I have to fly! See you later. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It's 4:03pm and you have 2 hours


Well WE had a whopper of a dang storm yesterday! Our immediate area missed the hail but it was bad in areas. There's another big storm today. This is such August weather. 

Anna won't give Jason the phone. He's pissed. She can't take Charlotte's Dad from her when her mother is in a coma and Laura is raising a child. Jason is yelling about his sons. Gets really upset. Anna's crying.. yada yada. She asks him for TWO MORE HOURS. That's it. TWO HOURS.  Then she can warn Valentin and he can take Charlotte and get away. Jason says no because they want Valentin in custody. Anna says no, just his name. She pleads. Jason says ok. She gives him the phone and says 2 hours. He watches the clock. 

Anna runs to Valentin's barges in. Tells him to get the Go Bag and get out. Take Charlotte. NOW. She turned him into the FBI as the head of Pikeman. He's like WHAT DID YOU DO? He calls Charlotte and tells her to come home. Asks Anna to go with him. 

Jagger wants Ava to 'build a case against Sonny'.  Wants to tape her about her time living there. She's like: NOPE. Not gonna do it. Too scared. Then she talks about the Jerome family and how she loved Julian. Wasn't really into the business. Jagger asks why she was at the warehouse the night of the shooting. She said Sonny insisted she went. "Maybe as a human shield... maybe to intimidate Ms. Wu...who knows". She says they were getting along better and she wanted to appease him. She won't make a statement. He leaves. Then he gets a call from his boss and there's a Pikeman shipment coming in. He's on it. 

Natalia knocks on the door. She wants to know why Ava recorded her. What's her end game. Ava says she just accidently recorded her but heard what an awful person she was and had to let the world know. Nat says that Blaze got dropped from her label. Ava's like Oh well, she'll get picked up by someone. Unlike YOU ...I'm sure Sonny hates you. Natalia smiles and says: NO he hates the person that dropped the tape. 

Willow goes to see Sonny> VERY WEIRD SCENE. She says she got done talking to Nina and 'let the anger go'. Then she says she's sorry to hear Sonny and Nina BROKE UP? Wasn't that eons ago??????? WHAT!!? AHAHAHA. Then he gets a call and Diane can't talk (it's her assistant) and he's mad and throws the phone. Tells Willow Ava's trying to take Avery from him. Willow leaves. 

Nina is yelling at Drew. He says he got caught up in the moment and fireworks and it was too much. A beautiful woman was there and BLOOP! Nina says she should tell Willow he's sleeping with her MOTHER. He says it will never happen again. Then Madison says SONNY is there to see her! What? Drew leaves. Sonny tells Nina he wants to get full custody of Avery. Nina thinks that's a great idea. Sonny asks her to bury the hatchet with him like she did with Drew. 

POOL: Joss, Gio and Dex. OMG this is so stupid. Joss tells Gio to "watch the pool" and jump-kisses Dex in the hall corner. They just make out for awhile. 
Lois comes in and tells Gio there's a job in NYC because some guy fell down the stairs and Broadway needs him. He doesn't look thrilled. He says no. She keeps talking it up and saying he can do this and they'll talk to the college. He finally tells her no. He loves PC and living there. 

Jagger smashes on Jason's door. Jason just sits there, listening to the phone that Anna brought. IT's only 4:30. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Before You Can Kiss A Baby



It's Monday and I swear, July is flying by ~~!! 

Anna is in bed with Valentin--AGAIN. Like the exact same thing we saw weeks ago. UGH. Anna finally takes the phone. They kiss at the door. Charlotte walks in!! She says her friends all went to Greece so she flew home to surprise her papa. She says she has to say something to Anna as well. She apologizes and realized traveling in Europe with refugee kids from war torn countries that Uncle Victor was like the war mongers and he was really not a good guy. Cassadines are bad people"  They both forgive each other. Cry, hug. Anna leaves (with the phone)

Anna downloads the phone to her computer. There are a bunch of folders. 

Brennan and Carly. She tells him she got a lawyer. He's more interested in who taped her in the first place. He thinks Carly is SO BRAVE for standing up to the mob and she'd make a GREAT SPECIAL AGENT. .( Um, ok??) He says he thinks he can improve her odds in court to beat the Rico charges. He says she can go public and try it in the court of publicity. OR she can let Jason stay in the FBI and try to destroy the evidence so there's no case. She says she has no idea how to do that. 

Willow goes to see Nina. Says she's done something terrible and she has to talk to someone like a mom or a sister and she has no sister so.. .(she sobs) Tells Nina what happened. She's crying and crying. Nina looks sick/stunned.  Willow says she's gotten close to Drew since he saved her life and it great and she can't stop thinking about that kiss! Sobs. Nina's like, probably not as bad as you thought. Willow says she kissed Drew like she kisses Michael! Talks about Drew saying in an other time/place they could have been something. Nina looks upset. They talk and Nina tries to reassure her that it was probably nothing and since it won't happen again, why worry. Willow says she's going to tell Michael. Nina's like: DON'T TELL HIM!! Willow leaves. 
Nina calls Drew and tells him to get the hell up to her office NOW or his campaign is OVER before you can even kiss a BABY! ahaha. 

Drew tells Michael when he's on the campaign trail, he will be Nina's boss at Crimson. Michael says that's ok. He loves his life and Willow and yada yada. Drew just stares. He and Willow LOVE DREW! HE'S A GREAT GUY! ahahha Drew looks uncomfortable. Michael also says he trusts Drew's judgement LOL . Drew gets that call from Nina "GET UP HERE NOW"~ 

Jason stops by Elizabeth's to drop off the money for Jake's school. She opens the door. He didn't want to stay but she makes him come in and talk to Jake.  He goes in to give him the money. Aw.. it's a nice speech about how he wants to help Jake make good choices and he wishes he was a "different kind of father". Jake accepts. They hug. Liz is all: AWWWWWWWW 


Jason walks into his room and Anna is there. Says she has ALL the evidence they need. Jason wants the phone and she won't give it up. 

Michael is in Drew's chair turned around. Looks just like Drew but before she said anything , he turned around. Willow says she loves him and kisses him. 

Nina slugs Drew in the chin and says "YOU KISSED MY DAUGHTER" 

I think Brennan is headed for a parole hearing? 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Optics


I'm honestly lighting a candle before diving into this blog today. I was riding a bit high on the soapy Willow/Drew mess and Mac scenes.  Then Friday happened and I. JUST. CAN. NOT.  with this show. I was left angry and just frustrated. 

So, let's get into it!! 

Friday, July 12, 2024



Cody won't stay for dinner and drops off Felicia's phone and leaves. Mac is mad that Maxie and Felicia would do that. Felicia tries to keep the peace when Cody leaves. Maxie says that Mac always forgave her--why not CODY? "Cody is a stranger"

Trina is setting up a special dinner for Portia and Curtis. It's been a year since he was shot. She leaves. Portia comes home and LOVES the idea. They have slow Jazz. Then Portia goes on and on about Laura and Heather. Curtis says: Um, I visited Heather to see for myself and maybe Laura has a point. Portia freaks out. He says don't worry because Heather wants to stay in jail, doesn't want go get out. 

Anna is going into Valentin's to get the satellite phone--'MEMBER THAT? AHAHAHAHA omg. ANYWAY, She doesn't want Jason to keep watch. She's doing this alone. Jason gives her a key to his place at Kelly's and will meet her there. 

Knock Knock: It's Elizabeth. Jake got accepted to Barcelona's drawing and painting classes. Jason is happy. He wants to pay expenses. Liz finally says thank you, yes. 

Anna goes to Valentin's with wine and stays for dinner. He goes to cook, she looks for the phone and Valentin asks her if he can help her find something. He gets dinner ready in 3.4 seconds

Kevin shares and article about Cobalt poisoning with Laura. She thinks it might help people understand the whole thing. Laura says Heather doesn't want it reopened. Then Trina comes to the door. She has a stuffed animal of Ace's from when she babysat. Trina and Laura talk about her mother and the Heather thing. OMG TRINA SEES LAURA'S POINT!!!! whaaaaaat

Michael gets a basket from Sasha to eat with the kids while Willow is WORKING AT DREW'S___ OFFICE. OH! Sasha didn't know Willow isn't working at GH anymore. She HAS to tell Cody about the kiss she saw.  He's like: You sure? She says yes. He says to forget it because it probably meant nothing. 

END:  Anna and Valentin make out on the couch.  Trina thinks Heather deserves Justice. HOLY CRAP. WOW.. Okay then! 
TOMMORROW: Jake is on with Jason-- Carly goes to Visit BRENNAN AGAIN


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mayor Concerns


Felicia tells Cody not to leave and Mac will come around. She says he was excited to have a biological child and then found out Cody wasn't and was crushed. He's just reacting to all that. She tells Cody he's like Mac; kind, patient and good with kids. She says he has to stay in PC because of James too. 

Maxie tries to talk Mac into forgiving Cody. She says she did bad stuff and he always forgave her. Why not him? Mac says Cody must have another reason for telling him the truth now. 

Felicia goes to Maxie's. They have this plot thing where she left her phone at Cody's and they are trying to get Cody and Mac together. 

Laura goes to see Heather, brings a pic of Ace. Heather doesn't want Laura to look into her case. She says she needs to be locked up. She's not sure she wouldn't do the things again. At least in jail things seem "Real". She feels better after the hip operation but isn't sure WHY she did what she did. Heather tells Laura not to try to get her out, she's where she belongs. She needs to pay for her crimes. Laura says she will drop it if that's what Heather wants. Heather only wants Laura to take care of Ace and visit once and awhile. 

Portia goes to Jordan, wants to start a petition to get Laura recalled as Mayor and have Jordan be in that position. Jordan is like: UM Laura is fair and is only looking at the transcripts. Portia says the community boards are really mad at The Mayor.  She also says Jordan is sounding like a politician. Jordan says that the evidence has changed. Portia talks about fairness and the people that were hurt/killed. 

Kristina and Brook talk about the whole situation with Blaze and her Mom. Brook wants Blaze to denounce her mother's words. Kristina says it's still her mother. Then says: ANYWAY IT'S ALL AVA'S FAULT, she should pay for this!! Ava was mad she didn't get invited to the wedding so she did this. More crap about hating Ava.  BOO AVA. Then Blaze walks in and Brook wants her to do an interview but Kristina should be there too. She has some contacts and they agree to do it. 

Chase comes in with blackberries. They talk about Violet settling in at the Qs. She's doing better, keeping busy. His leave ends tomorrow but he's going to ask to only work 3 days a week for Violet's sake. 

Sonny is at Ava's hotel room. Jagger walks by. Ava wants Sonny to leave.  She says Sonny taped her. Sonny says he deleted it. Jagger tells him to go and stop yelling at a mother of one of his children. Sonny says he fights for his kids, unlike Jagger "Where's YOUR SON"???? He leaves. Ava asks Jagger to stay for a drink. She says Sonny's unpredictable and she mentions Karen. She wants Jagger to give a statement that Sonny's not a good dad to her lawyer, Scotty. 

Sonny goes to Alexis' house and tells her Ava wants to sue for custody of Avery. He says NO WAY.. will she support him? He wants to counter sue. Asks Alexis to testify for him in court that he's a good father. She says she will but they'd better not ask about his 'work' because she doesn't approve of that. Kristina comes in and tells them about the interview. They think it's a good idea. 


Cody brings the phone to Maxie's. Mac stares at him. 

Portia leaves Jordan's...slams the door.

Jagger tells Ava that Sonny may be in jail soon. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tail END?


Kate and Amanda on IG 

Hair day today!! Given our HUMIDITY LATELY, I need it short!! I might be back to watch the end of the show, but I'm not sure.'s a FILLER DAY for you!!

Some questions: 

Do you see chemistry between Willow and Drew? I get zip. 

Gio, Trina and Joss--is it just me or do they need a young dialog writer? Because... come on. Plus, they need 2 other college kids if this is going to work, imo. I wouldn't mind if Adam came back. 

Isn't BLQ Blaze's record label now? Sharon pointed this out on Twitter and- isn't she? Linc dropped her before?? SOoooo. who dropped her? 

Do you think they should recast Monica or just leave her upstairs and "not feeling well....or mending"? 

Ok, that's all. Hope the weather where you are is decent. We are actually getting outter bands of BERYL! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

More Fireworks


So, the fireworks went off last night--which here happens MAYBE as early as 9:15pm. Ergo, I can't wait to see who shows up TONIGHT .. LOL. You know me, I love to mess with GH's "Timelines" 

Fireworks still going on.

Portia lays into Laura about Heather. Porita basically says they can't be sure Heather has changed and what if she DID go after Trina. Would Laura be all : WHOOPS!  Portia says Laura is uncomfortable with a family member in jail. She says Laura is doing it out of guilt. Liz walks in, looking for Aidan. Portia says: "OH! Here's your ally, right on time"!! Liz doesn't know what's happening. Portia still yells about Heather. Laura tries to calm her. After Portia leaves, Elizabeth says that she sees why people are mad, just like they were with Franco even after his tumor was taken out. She's proud of Laura. Hugs her. 

Cody tells Mac 'you are my father"... explains the necklace and Toliver thing with Greenland. Mac is like: YOU'VE LIED OVER A YEAR FOR GREED? Cody says yep, I did. Mac says he's so disappointed and he lied to Felicia, Maxie, Georgie and James. He's not sure if Cody is lying now or telling the truth about being sorry. He leaves.
Maxie runs in looking for James' gloves. Cody tells her the truth. She's like: lied?  She's not happy. BUT she's a good 'sister" (he says they aren't related and she's like so what, we are kinda). Also says that James will be happy. 

Mac is in the Q living room. Felicia finds him. He tells her that Cody is his son. She says: NO I did my own DNA test. Mac says he must have doctored it somehow because he IS his son. Says that he's a grifter and probably has an agenda. 

Sasha sees the kiss and leaves. Willow just dumbly looks at Drew. She's so sorry she kissed him. She loves Michael. He says in another life they could have had something. (oh brother). They will NEVER DO IT AGAIN!! Michael finally walks in. They look all guilty. Then they talk about all working together, no more secrets yada yada. 
|Portia comes in and tells Curtis she has to go home. Tells Drew for her vote, he'd better stop Laura from trying to get Heather a new trial. They get home and Portia says Laura is the enemy and anyone that helps her is the enemy. 

Michael and Willow go back to the Gatehouse. Drew and Nina just look at each other. 

Joss and Trina talk about the Q household and who does what. Trina finds out that Michael is AJ's son and a 'true' Quartermaine. Gio comes over. He was at the concert. He grabs a beer (he's 21? Okay) and says that he wonders where Sonny is. Then they talk about Gio's mom who was Italian and became a citizen. He loves The USA. They talk about the soft-serve ice cream truck downtown and then the Country Club Fireworks are starting. They are after the City Fireworks. 


Sasha sees Willow and Michael kiss, has a flashback

Drew and Nina kiss 

Maxie makes Cody promise not to leave town. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

It's The 4th


No idea why I'm here--I just saw the whole preview for this week and... yeah. Not my jam. ESPECIALLY the whole "running for office". I get enough of that in real life, 

Sure enough, we kick off the show with a live stream of the congress guy endorsing Drew for office. People at the Q house watch on line and Cody listens in the barn with James. Tracey finds out Drew changed his name to Quartermaine. 

Ned, Olivia, Portia, Sasha, Felicia, Mac.. Laura, Millow, Sam, Dante--Jordan Laura, Congress Guy, Drew, Tracey--a ton of people are there talking about Drew. Drew walks in with the congress guy and thanks everyone. Nina walks in and Tracey says "what the hell are you doing here"? Nina gets upset and leaves. Willow runs out to talk to her. 

Sam congratulates Drew and Drew tells her Scout is so happy to change her name to "Quartermaine". Sam's glad he's reclaimed his name.  Tracey's glad too and Alan would be proud as well. 

Willow tells Nina not everyone hates her. They talk about Drew. yada yada. 

Willow then goes to watch the kids and Drew comes into the room. They sit and talk, Close...on the couch. Willow thinks Drew is SO COOL AND SO WONDERFUL. He says he'll miss her when he's in DC. She says she'll call. They giggle...give each other eyeballs. 

Mac says hello to Laura and Jordan. He's sorry about Spencer. Laura says it's "unreal still" Ned brings up the "Heather Webber situation" and Mac is like: WHAT? Laura says, she may not be responsible for her crimes after all. She tells him allll about the Cobalt poison and stuff and he thinks she's crazy. Portia is mad and walks out. Curtis tries to calm her. 

Later, Portia and Laura talk. Portia wants a promise that Heather won't bet let out of jail anytime soon. 

Nina tells Sasha that she's hooking up with Drew. Sasha thinks that's just great. They say "What a body" Squee. :eyeroll: Sasha is glad Nina's happy. 

Meanwhile in the barn, James asks Cody to be his brother and Cody says yes. They spit on their hands to seal the deal. Sam and Dante think its neat-o. Mac has some time alone with Cody and says he loves how good he is with James. He wants to go to the Outback. He missed camping and did it when he was away. Cody asks why he was away and Mac says to honor something he said long ago. 

Tracey and congressman go upstairs to see Monica. She says Monica has had a tough year. He tells her he has stage 4 cancer. She invites him and his wife over for dinner sometime. At least they mentioned Monica. 


Cody blurts our he's Mac's son 

Willow and Drew kiss. Like a lot--Sasha sees it 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Surgery: No One Cancels Love


After watching all of last week's GH shows, I'm just .. blah, which shouldn't be the case AT ALL. Pivoting from Spy/Mob/Pikeman to Against-Will Outting/Gay-Bashing just makes everything trivial. A very important topic was used to destroy one character and further the mental downfall of another. It should have been about the bigoty and online harassment. I just didn't like how all of this was rolled out. I'm skipping my traditional blog today and just giving some observations:

1. Eva LaRue wouldn't be my first, second or third choice for this role. Most actors could disappear into the character but I'm just not feeling it.  She's also been very public with her feelings about the part and that just makes it all the more of a downer.  Facial expressions, inflection and delivery of her dialog just made me want to not watch. Then the writers didn't seem to help matters much. Having her talk to Sonny about HER feelings in the aftermath? NO ONE CARES HOW YOU FEEL!! 

2.  Ava the patsy. I would have had the tape leaked (origin unknown) and in a flashback it's shown that Linc (Brook Lyn's old manager) recorded it on the sly in some restaurant and sent it to The Invader.  Now I'm seeing it more about Ava than about the central story.  Because GH has to beat up on some woman and she's next at bat.  Yes, what she did was terrible but damn it, why did it have to be done THIS way with THIS character? Ava has grown in leaps and bounds over the years and has really gained depth. I feel like these past weeks have just trashed all of that. 

3. Sonny the... ?? I don't even know what to say about this so I'll keep my mouth shut.  If they don't focus on the medication switch soon, it won't matter. We all know it's going to be Ava that tips the balance with his mental health because Scotty planted the idea in her head with a 'public nervous breakdown'. Then everyone will find out she didn't tell him about the medication dosage and they can hate her instead of Valentin (the one that actually ORDERED said dosage). *sigh* 

4. The use of social media and the way trolls act-- nice touch and very topical. I liked how they showed comments in 'real time' and the consequences of posting anything on the net. I DO wish it had been more of the focus however and not just a sideline. 

5. Anyone remember when Dante was helping Anna with the Pikeman thing? Yeah, BEFORE SBu got back. What does he do now? Counsels Sam about Jason and listens to his Dad. :eyeroll: 

5.  Maximista is back--- that's it. Love it. Love her look, her dialog and her strength. 

6.  How freaking long does it take to move INTO AN APARTMENT? They are finally in by Friday!!  You all know what a set person I am--I liked their dorm room and think this apt is bland and boring. Trina finding Spencer's present made me feel all the feels and made up for it a tad. Gio however, did not. 

Sneak Peek Picture from the 4th 

I do think most of the actors have done a remarkable job with the material (see NLG, Maura, Cynthia, Kirsten  and others). Not sure where things go from here ... how you walk anything back that Ava has done (including not telling Sonny about the meds) but there it is. That's all!! Hope you had a great 4th. I think Port Charles will have it's celebration on Monday. 

Thank YOU
to my faithful readers for putting up with me all these years!! Even those that never comment, I do see you and your numbers. Here's hoping your summer is going well and you are all happy. Cheers! 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Olive Later


Martini Friday! Not sure if I'll be back --not sure I WANT to be back for the show today! So comment here! Hope you had a good 4th 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Day OFF !


I'm enjoying my family pool and eating hot dogs--my fave picnic go to food. Hope you all have a great day. No new GH today. Tomorrow I'm sure we'll take back up with the "Ava is a rat-fink traitor" story. My only joy in the last few days was seeing Maxie looking great and acting like a boss. 

A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...