Friday, July 5, 2024

Olive Later


Martini Friday! Not sure if I'll be back --not sure I WANT to be back for the show today! So comment here! Hope you had a good 4th 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Day OFF !


I'm enjoying my family pool and eating hot dogs--my fave picnic go to food. Hope you all have a great day. No new GH today. Tomorrow I'm sure we'll take back up with the "Ava is a rat-fink traitor" story. My only joy in the last few days was seeing Maxie looking great and acting like a boss. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Lucky Bets


Today is Filler Day. Karen is off to spend the day with family (well deserved time off!) so there is no blog or recap today. Instead, talk about today's show in the comments below. Also, we ask for your input in today's comments as well. We all know that Jonathan is returning as Lucky. Here are 2 questions for you to answer in the comments. 

1) Where has he been? 

2) What are your thoughts for a storyline for him. 

Below are a few examples. 

Karen's Thoughts:

This will be a tough one for sure. He's already been back a few times (twice with a new face) and now he's been gone long enough to merit the REALLY "DEAD BEAT DAD" title. I'm going with the idea he's been WSB and it will tie into the Pikeman story. That's one of the reasons Mac left "to help a friend". He and Frisco have been doing some uber-spy stuff in Europe and he has to return home because he knows Port Charles is about to become ground zero in a world wide mob fight. 

I also think Aidan's height is going to be hilarious when you put him next to Lucky and Liz-- I know Luke was tall but...eesh lol 

Dave's Thoughts:

I want him to have met someone (let's call her Lauren) and for the past several years he engaged in a relationship with this woman. Then, someone from his past has caught up to him and threatened him (actually maybe from his dad's past) and he left Lauren for her protection. Like he did when he walked into Ruby's diner in 1983, (flashback) he winds up on Bobbies' doorstep to hopefully take shelter and refuge. Lauren follows him to Port Charles and finds him. He tells her she isn't safe and needs to leave and all she can muster to say is "But I'm pregnant".  

Tuesday, July 2, 2024



I'm actually going out on a boat today so I won't see the end of the show-- being on the Finger Lakes should take some of my edge off!! 


Maxie yells about the audio tape that's going all over the net. They listen and Blaze yells at her mom. Everyone is shocked. Maxie tells everyone what to do. Get PR..shut down comments on social media, Scott guard the door because Tracey will be on the warpath. Oh, Natalia has NO IDEA when she said all that or who would have taped her. :eyeroll: Blaze reads her UP and down. Good stuff. Natalia's like: Well, we will just put out a statement. Blaze yells again. Leaves. 

Ava sees social media's reaction, which is partly against Blaze being a lesbian and she's upset. She calls Adrian to come to her hotel room. He gets there and Ava makes him PROMISE not to let anyone know his source. EVER!! It's really a dumb set of scenes. She tells him to leave. 

STUPID IDIOT goes to the METRO POOL..Alexis finds him there. His assistant told her where he was. He's celebrating. She says she's going to sue him and The Invader. 

Diane is in Sonny's office (redecorated) and tells her he want full custody. She's like Well, Ava hasn't done anything worse lately so...not a great chance. He doesn't care. Then Diane sees the Social Media post. She calls Alexis. Then Sonny asks if Alexis published it. She says no because she quit that morning. Sonny is gunning for whoever published it and taped it. Sonny reads on his phone that people are calling for Kristina to step down from the LGBTQIA center because she didn't talk about HER being gay and Blaze. Sonny throws phone. 

Alexis and Krissy are still talking about the baby. Alexis gets a call from Diane. She tells her to look at the Invader's website. Kristina is just worried about Blaze at this point. Alexis goes to confront Adrian. Blaze comes home. Krissy is reading instagram and says they are cancelled. 

OK, TO SUM UP: Blaze is cancelled because she didn't come out and was lying about being straight. Gay community is going to be angry. Alexis tells Adrian that he used a recording of a private citizen (not a public figure) and is open to being sued. She tells him she won't sue if he tells her who gave him the recording. 

I think Eva LaRue figure out who recorded her ...

I have to get on that boat. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Jordan's Pink Dress


What a day. I just want to forget life and watch something that will make me forget!! I believe the whole "Natalia is a raging homophobe" is going to happen this week. 

Trina drops off stuff to Ava's place. Ava asks her to tell her "Everything Joss has ever said about Sonny".  She basically begs Trina to help her with custody by telling her what Dex/Joss say about Sonny. Trina says Joss doesn't talk about Sonny much and she doesn't know anything. She can only help her by working in The Gallery. Then Ava lets Adrian the gossip guy in and they listen to Natalia's voice tape. He's so happy and wonders if it's AI. Ava's like: NOPE! She wonders how Alexis is going to feel about the story. He says: She quit! It's going to run today. 

Sonny's at the pool with Avery. Talks to Gio. Finds out that Joss and Trina are moving into the garage apartment. Sonny asks Joss to keep her opinion about his to herself because Gio is 'family' and 'special'. Joss says she's not saying anything and learned from the Kristina thing. Sonny will probably mess it up anyway. LOL  Trina comes in and tells Joss how uncomfortable Ava made her feel and the custody battle coming. Joss said she actually THINKS AVERY IS BETTER OFF WITH HER FATHER. WTF. UGH 
Ava comes down to the pool Gio takes Avery to get ice cream. Sonny tells Ava he threw her out and doesn't want to see her face at the pool or anywhere else. Ava tells him to be very careful because she will come at him HARD in a custody case. Sonny asks if she's threatening him. She says it's a promise. Doesn't he know who she is? That's her daughter and he'd better watch his step. 

Meeting at Deception about Blaze's contract. Lois, Lucy, Scott, Maxie and then Mama La Rue show up. Blaze gets there. Lois is saying how people think shes' Blaze's mother. Mama La Rue isn't happy about that. They talk about how well everything is going and they hope this latest contract is acceptable to Natalia. And NOPE! Mama says it's terrible!! Maxie gets a ton of alerts on her phone about Deception being in the news. She doesn't check it. They argue about video interviews with Blaze. More alerts come in.

Alexis tells Nina she's quitting. Says they don't have a contract so goodbye! Drew is happy she got her law license back. Nina leaves to go make Adrian the editor in chief. Alexis leaves and Jordan comes in. She heard he's running for office when she was in DC at a Mayor's thing she went to with Laura. She wants him to get busy because some lady is running who's horrible. He needs to beat her. Then Jordan leaves and Nina walks back in. *sigh*-- She finds out Drew is changing his name to Quartermaine. She wants to manage the camp!! She wants to help him win! 

Alexis goes to Kristina's house and says she quit her job. Krissy goes to get OJ and Alexis sees the resumes for the manager for the LBGTQIA Center. OH! The Center is opening in August! Then Kristina complains she's carried a child for 9 months and will give birth, then have to give it up. OMG. UGH She cries.. "it's not even MY DUE DATE"! It's THEIR DUE DATE! Sobbing. I'm eyerolling. Alexis tells her how great she is and has a big heart. 

END: Maxie is looking at her phone and sees all of the headlines about Blaze and what her mother has said. 


Olive Later

  Martini Friday! Not sure if I'll be back --not sure I WANT to be back for the show today! So comment here! Hope you had a good 4th