Thursday, August 4, 2016

Summer Libations

We all need a drink! I found a blog with some good recipes:  PARTY BLOG . It's hotter than Hell here and VERY dry. We do have humidity but nothing like we can have. I personally love very hot dry weather. 

I'm going to try to watch a bit today but I have a bad headache so not sure how long I'll last. 

Morgan and Kiki: You on your meds or not? Which is where we've been for a year. 

Valentina. Talking in the morning after the sex. Zzzzz Curtis comes in. Weird.

Dante tells Jordan that Jason is innocent because Nikolas who's dead NOW, wasn't dead THEN. Sonny's hanging out at the PCPD and gets the skivvy. They got back sure quick, no? 

Darby and Dillon at the coffee shop. She says "you need to get tested"..she has (and I quote) MICROPLASMGENETALIA.
Genitalia :GIGGLE: 

OMG. Anyway, Dilly has to take an antibiotic. He's like: what about Morgan? Maybe that's why Morgan is acting so manic. 
KIki is like: You taking your medicine? Morgan: YESSSSSSSSS. 

Ok, I'm done at 2:26. This show is beyond stupid. Maxie and Nate have NOT MOVED and are still talking and the entire crew came back from Greece --changed and ..what? Couldn't they at least have TRIED to make time sense? I mean TRY? Yesterday they all pointed out to "sea" said BOAT!! and they are home today.



  1. Ugh! I know how you feel, it's 96 here with a heat index of 110. Humidity is awful!

  2. Did the Greek crew remember to bring Kevin, or is he still asleep behind that rock?

    1. They said he was at the hospital and Laura was with him.

  3. They said that Kevin was at the hospital, Carey.

    Nice that they at least mentioned the dangers of STDs or STIs, although Darby was so darn blasé about it that I was wishing she had something much worse. the hospital should pass out condoms with the meds.

    If any of you have ever helped with a kids' production I'm sure you were laughing as much as me at the scene of Spencer all alone in the change room. And what kind of camp lets someone in to see a kid without going with them and asking the kid if he knows him. Ridiculous.

    And Claudette, you viper! Stay away from my Griffi!!!!

    1. I love Bree but I wanted to trip Claudette and really hurt her LOL! She is playing both, oh I want Nathan, oh hi Griffin...girl please..

  4. Regarding KS, she was off a while back for endometriosis, a rather scary condition with no real cure short of radical surgery. The drugs used to suppress it usually have side effects, so that may be what's going on. I did notice today that she was wearing rather heavy makeup around her chin. Everyone here is being real nice, but some other sites are posting some awful stuff!

  5. I don't think today's show was that bad.

    Nina's Metrocourt hotel room:

    Nina and VC: Wakey Wakey Nina! :) Love their scene. HOT! Friends with benefits? Sounds god to me! :)Oh more bedroom adventures. :) Oh hi newspaper.. Port Castaways? BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Nina and Curtis: Awwww Curtis wants to make sure Nina is okay!!! :) Curtis you are so sweet. :) What did Curtis say? She was toea? Huh? Was he saying she was drunk? She didn't seem drunk to me. Oh bye VT. Uh you forgot Nik's phone! Glad Nina and Curis listened to Spencer's message. :) Curtis wins the line of the day!

    Curtis: Well it's a burner. Which begs the question why does your booty call have one.


    Police station: Okay come on Jordan! Let Jason go! Come on now. You can do it!!! There you go! Good girl!! Oh hi Nina! Nina you are a lifesaver!!! Poor Nina is all embarrassed! Hahaha. :) Doc is having surgery?! I hope he is okay. :(

    Lulu and Sonny: Again with talk about Luke is dead? Is this a foreshadow that Luke REALLY dead? What are the writers doing?!

    Carson home: Oh I'm impressed with Kiwi!!! Yes you tell him Kiwi!!! You changed!!! Things can't go back to the way it used to be! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

    Morgan Jr: Oh crap!

    Central Perk:

    Dar Dar and Dillon: Dar Dar has an STD?! HAHAHAHA! Oh excuse me. An STI. :) Don't get so defensive Dar Dar! I bet Dar Dar Jr is mad and probably really itchy.

    Morgan and Dillon: Glad Dillon is telling Morgan! He should know!!! I was thinking Dar Dar would be mad..

    The hospital:

    Pinocchio's private room: Love Pinocchio and Griffy's scene!!! He has got her number!!!!! He knows her so well!!!! If Pinocchio ever says she is a Christian I will scream!

    Pinocchio, Nathan, and Maxie: Oh good Naxie are getting married next month. You two aren't going to invite Pinocchio are you? When Pinocchio was looking at Griffy, I thought she was going to say look Nathan! It's the man you shot!

    Dar Dar and the STI gang: This storyline is very realistic. The writers are teaching again! Love when they do that! :) Dar Dar is bugging me. Hey Dar Dar! It doesn't matter if the STI is small! It still IS a big deal! You have to be more careful next time!

    Dumb and dumber: Oh you agree with her that things have changed eh? Oh goodie. Oh love the hug because you can see her longing in her eyes for Dillon! :)

    Camp: Spencer the only one in the room? Hahahaha! Why can't we see the play!?!?!! Oh hi VC! Oh you want to take Spencer to his dad? Why don't you tell him that you want to give him candy too! Love that Spencer is suspicious! Spencer tell him to give you the password!!!! Wait. Does Nik and Spencer HAVE a password? OH SONNY YAY!!!!

    Sidenote: Yesterday with Friz, the writers are using the old school tactic of relationships! :) Just like back in the day with couples like Luke and Laura, and Frisco and Felicia, and others. Nice just writers. :)

    Throwback Thursday:

    Kevin Collins first arrives in Port Chuckles. December 1993

    Kevin sees Ryan December 1993

    1. I kinda liked today too, must have cause the only ff I did was for Moron and Kiwi. The look in her eyes for Dillon, she needs to drop the guy she's hugging! I thought Claude was going to say something too.

    2. I kinda liked today too, must have cause the only ff I did was for Moron and Kiwi. The look in her eyes for Dillon, she needs to drop the guy she's hugging! I thought Claude was going to say something too.

  6. "shirleedee said..Regarding KS, Everyone here is being real nice, but some other sites are posting some awful stuff!"

    That's awful that people are being rude!

    "Michelle Latta said...I love Bree but I wanted to trip Claudette and really hurt her LOL!"


    "She is playing both, oh I want Nathan, oh hi Griffin...girl please.."

    ROFL! She is a piece of work isn't she? :)

  7. Well, of course Sonny will rescue Spencer from Valentin's clutches. ::: eye roll :::

  8. Today definitely had it's ups and downs. At first though, I thought maybe a repeat was airing, with Sonny suddenly at the PCPD and Jason in cuffs. I had to FF a few mins to see Valentin was on, to realize, nope, it's a new episode, the spacetime continuum is just being as wacky as ever. (I.E. More atrocious writing.)

    I was never a real big fan of Bree Williamson on OLTL, she's a good actress and all, but I MUCH preferred Erin Torpey as Jessica. But yeah, I already wanna smack Claudette upside the head a few times.

    Last, but not least: OF COURSE it's Super Sonny to the rescue!

  9. "K said. I MUCH preferred Erin Torpey as Jessica."

    Awwww love Erin Torpey as Jessica!!!! The original Jessica! :) Bree was a great recast, but will never forget the original.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...