Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday Surgery: The Hangover

Oy..I drank too much--now I have to look at dimples? 
Just like last week, I'm leaving a lot up to you! I watched Wed/Thursday's shows. Really liked Wed's. great scenes/dialog. If  GH was tighter and had about 1/2 the cast removed we'd get more moments like this. It's the skipping around that's maddening! I was just thinking: Get Valentin on and then? Huh? Where'd he go? It's like they save stuff in the freezer for later! 

Maddox Gift to Jordan 

I think the ol' "Hospital Serial Killer" is coming to an end. Maddox had those cufflinks..gave one to Jordan. Ergo, unless someone stole it from his office looks like it's him. Which makes no sense. But the entire story makes NO sense. It's like throwing paint at the wall. Just a waste.

These are the scenes that were NOT wasted---and I enjoyed them. Don't faint..just read on! 

Krissy and Molly? . Who's gonna save you from a drunk dial? Your sister. Who's gonna to tell you you're acting like an ass? Ditto.  I thought the scene of the week was when Krissy told Molly off and sat down and bawled. Molly came back!! So perfect. You know you have a BFF like that. You tell her to F off and she shows up with 2 glasses and vodka! 

The Boardroom: Looked real...and they showed it on camera. They could have easily said it was all done and just given us the details. Watching Alexis face was so good. Diane did a her part as well. Those two need to be on more together. Just a nice relationship. Anyway, I liked the use of the extras in the room. Olivia storming in was weird but hey, she has to have something to do. 

Laura's Breakdown:  We know she was yelling at Hayden, but deep down she was yelling at herself for abandoning Nikolas on Cassa-Isle. I was not a happy camper when Guza introduced that whole made up backstory but...we did get a kick-ass'd family from it so?  And I also tend to forget just how selfish and self-absorbed Laura was back in the day. She could have totally run outta there and not looked back. Anyway, Genie was superb and Kevin was her 'rock'. Mature relationship--nice kiss. 


PROP OF THE WEEK:  Yep. Flea Market Lamp 

See how easy it's getting? I leave for HOLLYWOOD next week (Thursday) so I'll try to get some stuff up if I can about my adventure. I'll be on twitter @wubsnet  as well. Alberta is going. Never know who she's going to run into! 


  1. Agree 100%. Too many characters and such a waste of time. Keep Curtis and DUMP Jordan, TJ, Shaun, NuCarlos, Nelle, Ham, Hayden, Naomi, all that mess.
    MORE LAURA AND KEVIN, PLEASE! Nice mature ROMANCE, not a dysfunctional lust fest like Alexis and Julian or Sonny and Carly. Still so sad thiese writers have just ruined a great character, Sabrina. I mean Michael and Sabrina had some real scenes for about a week and every scene since has Sabrina hiding something from him. Not a fair chance and ruined a good character for the sake of Jeffery, IMO.

  2. I agree that We'd was an unusually good episode! But you are missing the #Friz cheek kiss amazingness! Classic soap push & pull that is reeling me back on to GH

  3. You didn't miss out on anything. lol Sorry true fan. Hate Friz. I also hate that we keep having Franco and his streely hair shoved in our faces every time Liz is on. I don't find him sexy. If I passed him on the street I might stop to give him coffee money if I noticed him at all.

    I loved all the scenes you did. I was also impressed with that board scene.I'm so glad they included it and didn't do it off camera. That chairman did a great job. He was so in the scene when Alexis was talking. It's so nice to see extras taking their job so seriously. (And NO writers. That doesn't mean I want him brought in as another new character.)

    Loved the sisters and Laura and Kevin. And I always love Alexis and Diane. We need more days like that.

  4. Have a great trip! Love your GH commentary.

  5. Alberta is going with you? YAY! :)

    "Oy..I drank too much--now I have to look at dimples?"

    Hahahaha. That should be Sonny's nickname! The dimples. :)

  6. Oh you are right, I DID Forget the Franco/Todd/Liz cheek touch.

  7. "Oy..I drank too much--now I have to look at dimples?"

    That's FAR worse than any actual hangover effects!


  8. Am I the only one who loved GH today! Wish every day could be like today!

  9. Did anyone notice today that Nelle seems to be channeling TB's Carly with her hands on her hips?

    Also loved Andre's comment about always being a pattern with serial killers and something that drives them.

    1. No I didn't notice that. Are you thinking what I'm thinking about her? (As soon as Carly took her earrings off)

  10. I think she's trying to insinuate herself into Carly's life the same way Carly did with Bobbie. If she is Carly's daughter, I wonder how she feels about Carly caring for Avery, someone she didn't even give birth to (somewhat similar to how Bobbie was Lucas's adoptive mother).

    1. So I wonder if she really is gonna turn out to be Carlys daughter or just someone who is going to insinuate herself into Carly AND Sonny's life, because of his biz? I did alot of talking to the tv screen lol! I actually wasn't annoyed at all by Morgan today, shocker. He was totally in the right when that skeevy guy was bugging Kiki. Haychel annoyed me with her "over my dead body" comment about Spencer going away to boarding school. Loved Laura and Kevin. 💚

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Michelle Latta said...
    No I didn't notice that. Are you thinking what I'm thinking about her? (As soon as Carly took her earrings off)

    I saw it coming and I'm thinking that Nelle set that other poor girl up.

    And i wasn't as annoyed as usual by Morgan either. I wanted to slap that obnoxious jerk myself. Morgan showed great restraint. I loved that he had already called security.

    LiamAZ, I also loved the scenes with Andre today. I think the rumors about him being the killer are just guesses that a certain site made based on the little bit they saw of Friday's promo. Most of the spoiler sites don't know what the word spoiler means. They use rumors or guesses and call them spoilers. They simply preface them with "may be". I've even seen Celebrity Dirty Laundry‎ quote themselves as a source. lol I want Andre to stay a good guy. I'd even like to see them use him as a WSB source on occassion.

    1. Yeh CDL is crap, but I can't think of anyone else....I really do think it's Andre. The whole thing Jordan said about the killer even being him (right under their nose). Dun dun dun....yeh Nelle definitely played dirty with that poor girl.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I'd like to see it be Paul. Can't stand him. They've tried to unsleaze him but it's too late. Then Paul can go away and Scotty can go back to being DA.

    Either that or have it be Dr. O. She doesn't really have a role anymore anyway.

    1. Yeh Paul, I'd like that too. Because I do like Andre.

  14. Carson home: Wow!!!! I think Nell set the nanny up because SHE wants to be the nanny!!! And it worked!!!! :) Soapy goodness! If Carly is really her mother, then all she has to do is sleep with her stepdad Sonny!!! Then the plan will be complete! :) Why does Carson have a photo of dumb and dumber on their nightstand? How odd. Wow! Did Ava just take Sonny's meds!!?!!


    Laura and Liz: Spencer wants to go to boarding school?!!?! :( Poor Spencer! No don't go to boarding school!!!! Just have patience.. Your father will show up soon! :) No Laura don't cancel your date with Doc!!! Come on snap out of it!!! Geez did you forget that all your family members "died" and then all of a sudden they are alive again!?!?!

    RayRay and Liz: RayRay wins the line of the day.

    RayRay: Elizabeth, honestly he might be the only guy in town you haven't fathered a child with.

    ROFL! Oh hi Naiomi! How did you just walk right in!?!?! How odd.

    Metrourt restaurant:

    Doc and Lucy: Fun fun fun scene!!! Love it!!! :)

    Laura and Doc:

    Doc: Nope my shoulder may be dingy, but my sense of chivalry remains intact.

    Awwwww Doc!!! :) Oh Lucy bought them a drink hahahaha!

    RayRay and Naiomi: Huh?! She wants RayRay to stay away from Liz?! HUH?!!?!?!

    Jordan's home: After the sex fun with Maddox, I was afraid in that robe she was going to have a wardrobe malfunction, and she did!!!! Did I just see a paisty on her nipple!!?!?!! :0

    Central Perk: Wow that guy is hot and a jerk! Can we keep him?! Great scene with him and Kiwi! She can take care of herself very well. Oh damn Idiot Morgan had to ruin the scene! Where did Ava and the cops come from?! Where does the doors from Perk and that pizza place go to? To the garage? to the outside?!!?! I am so confused.

    1. I think that was Morgan's room, she might have been being nosy and stopped by there on her way to Avery.

  15. sonya said.... Wow! Did Ava just take Sonny's meds!!?!!

    Eeeek! I thought she took Morgan's. Doesn't he still live at Sonny's. It would really shake things up if she messed with Sonny's too.

    sonya said... Spencer wants to go to boarding school?!!?!

    I'm thinking poor Spencer thinks his father's faking it again and he wants to follow the plan to go to the school to see if his dad will come and get him. *sniff*

    "RayRay said: Elizabeth, honestly he might be the only guy in town you haven't fathered a child with."

    I'd love to see her say something like that to Carly or Alexis and see how long it took her to hit the floor. ROFL

    1. LMAO!Di said, "I'd love to see her say something like that to Carly or Alexis and see how long it took her to hit the floor."

  16. "Di said...Eeeek! I thought she took Morgan's. Doesn't he still live at Sonny's."

    Morgan still lives with Sonny's? I thought he moved out.. Oops.

    "It would really shake things up if she messed with Sonny's too."

    Hahahaha yeah it would! :)

    "I'm thinking poor Spencer thinks his father's faking it again and he wants to follow the plan to go to the school to see if his dad will come and get him. *sniff*"

    :'( I hope the plan is still a go!!!! :(

    "I'd love to see her say something like that to Carly or Alexis and see how long it took her to hit the floor. ROFL"

    ROFL! One split second to hit the floor! :)

  17. BTW...

    It irks me to no end that Bobbie NEVER mentions her step-daughter Terry Brock.

    DL Brock's Murder 1985 -

    1988 -

    1989 - (Julian's even in this one and Sharon Case was playing Monica's often-forgotten (now deceased) daughter Dawn. Spoon Island is also the locale for the NYE Party and fake Duke (Jonathan Paget) makes an appearance at the end).

  18. "Michelle Latta said... I think that was Morgan's room, she might have been being nosy and stopped by there on her way to Avery.:

    That looked like Carson's bedroom.. Although they never showed Morgan's bedroom before so maybe that's what it is. :)

    LiamAZ thanks for that! :) Yes you are right Bobbie never talks about Terri!!!

  19. The script had Morgan's name on it.

  20. "Watson said...The script had Morgan's name on it."

    It did?!!?! Oh I missed that. Thanks! :)

  21. New GH promo!

    At 10 seconds that looks like Liz!

    1. 2 questions, who's falling down the stairs and who's being covered up?

  22. Thanks's a little mind-bender:

    I think the penthouse that Bobbie and DL Brock lived in (assumed to be Harborview Towers) during '85 (where DL was murdered) is the same penthouse that Johnny Zacchara lived in years later, although I'm not 100% sure. In fact, it looks similar to the penthouse Sean and Tiffany lived in before Sean sold it to Sonny. The penthouse that Robert lived in during the early 80's and the Quartermaines during the late 70's-80 was somewhat similar, although the staircase was on the other side and it actually looks similar to Jax's penthouse, although I have a hard time placing if/where there was a staircase in his.

    1980 - Quartermaines penthouse:
    1981 - Robert's penthouse:
    2008 - Jax penthouse (not one at PC Hotel):

    1985 - DL Brock and Bobbie:
    1988 - Sean and Tiffany's:
    1993 - Sean and Tiffany's:
    1995 - Sonny's:

  23. sonya said...

    Carson home: Wow!!!! I think Nell set the nanny up because SHE wants to be the nanny!!! And it worked!!!! :) Soapy goodness! If Carly is really her mother, then all she has to do is sleep with her stepdad Sonny!!! Then the plan will be complete! :) Why does Carson have a photo of dumb and dumber on their nightstand? How odd. Wow! Did Ava just take Sonny's meds!!?!!

    I think she set her up, too. The whole thing about her being Carly's daughter, I still think is just overthinking. She MIGHT be, but if that were the case, I would think either Sonny's men or Spinelli (who Sonny had look into her) would have come across some red flags about her. Also, that was Morgan's bedroom, he's been living with Sonny and Carly since he was released.

    Metrourt restaurant:

    Doc and Lucy: Fun fun fun scene!!! Love it!!! :)

    That was a very fun scene! I have to say Lucy is acting quite mature about everything. That's quite surprising in itself! :)

    Laura and Doc:

    Doc: Nope my shoulder may be dingy, but my sense of chivalry remains intact.

    Awwwww Doc!!! :) Oh Lucy bought them a drink hahahaha!

    Now to wonder if when Kevin got the bill at the end of the night, if Lucy charged it to his tab, since she is supposed to be broke these days.

    Jordan's home: After the sex fun with Maddox, I was afraid in that robe she was going to have a wardrobe malfunction, and she did!!!! Did I just see a paisty on her nipple!!?!?!! :0

    I didn't notice that. O.o Although, I think that pretty much confirmed today that Andre is the killer now. Particularly after Jordan's `I get the feeling I know this person' line.


  24. LiamAZ said...

    I think the penthouse that Bobbie and DL Brock lived in (assumed to be Harborview Towers) during '85 (where DL was murdered) is the same penthouse that Johnny Zacchara lived in years later, although I'm not 100% sure. In fact, it looks similar to the penthouse Sean and Tiffany lived in before Sean sold it to Sonny. The penthouse that Robert lived in during the early 80's and the Quartermaines during the late 70's-80 was somewhat similar, although the staircase was on the other side and it actually looks similar to Jax's penthouse, although I have a hard time placing if/where there was a staircase in his.

    I'm pretty sure Johnny's penthouse was the same one that Sean had sold Sonny. But, things were turned around a bit. I remember that really sticking out to me, at the time.


  25. More recycled sets:

    Susan Moore's (Jason's mom) cottage (where she was murdered):

    DL and Bobbie lived there after:

  26. LiamAZ said...Thanks Sonya...

    You're welcome! :)

    K says I think she set her up, too. The whole thing about her being Carly's daughter, I still think is just overthinking. She MIGHT be, but if that were the case, I would think either Sonny's men or Spinelli (who Sonny had look into her) would have come across some red flags about her.

    Maybe I AM overthinking it, but something is up with her.. :)

    "Now to wonder if when Kevin got the bill at the end of the night, if Lucy charged it to his tab, since she is supposed to be broke these days."

    Well Lucy IS a real estate agent now.. Maybe she sold some houses. :)

    "I didn't notice that. O.o"


    "Although, I think that pretty much confirmed today that Andre is the killer now. Particularly after Jordan's `I get the feeling I know this person' line."

    Yup!!!!!! So agree!!!



  I'm finally excited again to watch an episode! Squee. SO many guesses out there about Sasha's daddy. Robert? Luke? Bill Eckert? To...