Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday Surgery: Sparkle Pants

HELLO from the Outside.....

When I was younger we'd watch soaps (or even prime time shows) because we either identified with a character or wanted to BE them. I loved One Day at a Time because of Valerie Bertinelli. I watched GH for Genie Francis. I didn't care if she stood there and pouted the whole show (which she did a lot of), I just wanted to see it. All My Children had Erica Kane (bad) and Tara (good). There has always been someone I've tuned into see on my soaps. 
Until now. 
Yes, there are a ton of characters on GH. Yes, for the most part, the actors are great. I just can't get into anything on this show right now. It's so bloated and jumps around SO much I find myself unable to latch on to any 'favorite thing'.  I might get intrigued by a portion of the show and then it's not on again for weeks. 
There are seeds of good that never get a chance to grow.
And now we are getting MORE characters.  


Let's look at this week. I hope you enjoyed it because I was way underwhelmed. 

Not sure what to eat today, maybe some Snap Crackle and Pop! Could that pep me up? 

If you clicked "read more" and didn't give up after looking at that first part, you're in luck! For one of the first times in a long time,  I'm going to only have positive comments on this blog. Yep. Yes, some sarcasm (because it's in my DNA) but for the most part, I'm going to point out what I liked.  

TJ and his Mama. Now, I do have to start out by saying that this should have come about a year ago, at least when Sean was on the show. BUT! The acting was great.  Dialog solid. So... yeah, I'll say in the positive corner. 

Nathan and Claudette. Yes, she's new, and no I don't really care about her but I love Bree--she's so good.  Nathan sure did look like he missed Claudette. I don't think I've ever seen him look at Maxie like that. Ergo, the whole finding out he shot Griffin and Maxie exploding when these two hook up (and you know they are) might be worth the watch. 

Friz. Ok the whole Elevator thing was a creep-out but Roger and Becky were adorable together. Not sure if I want to invest in these two, they seem like a long-shot. My only hope is that they get Franco to figure out what an arsonist Cam is and hilarity will ensue. 

Curtis is getting more airtime. Did someone realize he's gorgeous and a good actor? Must be! He's working on a "case" for Crimson which ties into the Kidney-Gate AND is involved with Jordan/TJ.  OH and.....he had a scene with Maxie too!! 

Epiphany was on!! That's her looking sideways at Franco's rant. She actually was scheduling nurses! Getting mad about the serial killer! She's much needed as the glue of the hospital. Nurse Amy is NO Epiphany.  I am also intrigued by the jaunty red everyone seems to wear lately for their uniforms. We've come a long way since Jessie "white" :) 

 really enjoy

Ok. Positive, I'm staying positive.  I do Maurice and Nancy together. They are very natural with each other and since Alexis doesn't get charmed by Sonny's dimples anymore, it's tolerable to watch. This was a very well written scene. Alexis had a lot of mea culpas to get through. I have said I would have preferred to have her say this to Diane and not Sonny the Savior, but you know that. I honestly don't understand why he has to be the hero every damn time. OH! Wait, I did like his suit. Very summerish. 

Still enjoying Hammy Finn. Thought his desperate look for stash was believable. Tracy and Hayden getting involved was fun.  Quite a bit wrong with this whole scenario, but looking at it on the surface it was ok. 

My positive tweet on this? Oh, Maura you can deliver the Diamond In Your Pants line like no one else I know! 

Well, I can manage to nap nicely through the Theo Scenes. All I can say is he'd better DELIVER as the evil nasty-ass'd Cassadine I've waited for. We've all waited a long time for Valentin to show up. If he scared the sheeze out of Helena enough to ask for Luke's help, well, like I said, BE THE EVIL! 

Mabby: they are such great role models for the Amish community, no? 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: I don't know ..I just like these two. Plus, it's Finola.  Enough said. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Liz looking so cute when she's thinking she might like Franco just a little bit. Awwwwwww. 

PROP OF THE WEEK: Diamond Bag, holding precious jewels against Nik's jewels. 

I apologize if this isn't the usual blog you've come to know and love. I just don't have the energy to recap it all.  Not a hell of a lot happened anyway. Lulu found out Nik was alive. I guess that was major--TJ made up with Mama.  "Theo" the "Fisherman' Came to Wyndemere. 
Oh, if I didn't mention something, I didn't care about it! 

I'm binging Bloodline now. It's not grabbing me as much as Peaky Blinders but it will do. I hear Winona Ryder's "Stanger Things" that just dropped on Netflix is pretty good. Have a good one! 

Thank you to @SourceJenn on twitter for all my photos. I appreciate it so much. 


  1. I haven't watched GH in months, so I can't comment on that. However, you need to stick with Bloodline. The payoff is worth it. As for Stranger Things, I binged almost the entire show yesterday. Think "ET on crack". That's Stranger Things. So, I guess this will circle back to GH, in that when there are SO many other, great shows to watch, I have no time to waste on GH.

  2. I was so hoping that the next Cassadine to appear would be played by Vincent Irizarry, but I know he's working elsewhere. Parker and Amy are both characters who should just disappear and not be mentioned again.

  3. Thanks for the Bloodline suggestion. :)
    You are right about TV ..I also want to see Mr. Robot. TOO Much to WATCH!!

  4. kd said....Curtis is getting more airtime. Did someone realize he's gorgeous and a good actor?

    Yes, I did. lol I was wondering why they didn't use him more.

    kd said...Epiphany was on!! She actually was scheduling nurses!

    I don't know why they use Nurse Amy instead of Pfiffy. We all love her. She's definitely the glue that holds the GH staff together.

    kd said...Mabby: they are such great role models for the Amish community, no?

    Yes. lol And every soap should have a little Amish to offset the "I'm h****. I'll just grab someone and bop set." PMSL

    kd said... I don't know ..I just like these two. Plus, it's Finola. Enough said.

    I'll definitely second that. I love her and I love them together. They'd better keep him.

    Face of the week: Perfect. the reason for it....*GAG*

    And usual blog or not, I always love your Sunday surgery. It's where I have my first coffee of the day. Thanks.

    I also hope Amy is the killer, Michelle, but given her speech with the mace last week I don't think so. It had better not be some extra we don't even know.

    1. That's true (mace). I hope they don't take forever or at least throw in some clues.

  5. Just have to say, I miss those days when you could identify with one character as you said...for me it was Lesley Webber, she could have read the phone book I would have loved it, The same for Sable on The Colby's/Dynasty. She was deliciuosly layered. Still love those two. For old times sake I still love Laura and I keep hoping she and Kevin will get a fair chance. Love Anna but they don't seem to know where to go with her. I do love Sabrina as well because she reminds me of a young Lesley, you know, truly good hearted, do the right thing kind of girl. At least that's until these writers have turned her into Miss Split Personality. Now Carlos or some version is coming back? I don't think I can keep going down this road.

  6. My girlfriend who passed away, who I mentioned on this blog, was a lawyer, and identified with Alexis. She LOVED her. I love her, too, but, of course, they kinda ruined the character. I met NLG when I was on the set of GH, when we went for lunch--and then saw her on the plane on my return flight. She stayed in the back the whole time, hanging out with the flight attendants. I still love her, but it is hard to identify with the character now. I guess she and Anna are my 2 faves (for females), as they are middle-age career women, but it is hard to identify with their penchant for mobsters (of course, I DO love Sonny, so maybe I can identify a little bit? . ..)

    My husband and I watched 2 eppies of Peaky Blinders, then he said he was done. We are desperate for stuff to watch together, but he says he can't understand the dialogue. And he worked for the Brits for years! . .. We just started "The Path," and so far are continuing to watch it. I'm fascinated with stuff about cults, and so far, he's tolerating it. I am sooo upset that they canceled Agent Carter (another kick-ass female); except for Major Crimes I think that none of my other summer shows are coming back.

    I continue to binge on Mr. Selfridge, but NO ONE here has said that they watch it.

  7. AntJoan said.... I am sooo upset that they canceled Agent Carter (another kick-ass female)

    Me too. I loved that show.

    Have you watched Rizzoli and Isles? I think you'd like that one too.

    I watch a lot of British mystery series as you can't tell whodunnit within the first 5 minutes.

  8. The character I have always identified with is Elizabeth! And if Becky/Liz weren't there, I wouldn't be watching. I haven't always watched for 1 character but currently, she is the tie that binds. Which is why I was appalled at how haphazardly GH treated this almost 20 year vet!

    I only watch on Liz days and, if they were more frequent, I could be engaged in other stories but the writing is too uneven & the cast too bloated for this too happen!

    I get excited when I see characters I have loved and who personify GH to me. As such, the Epiphany scenes were among my faves this week! One Mmmm-huh from her is more 20 rambles from newbie Amy.

    And I am falling hard for Friz but I'm worried that the writers will taint them by trying to make him a red herring for the hospital murders. Let the new feelings & character/history driven story take centre stage, please!

    1. You took the words outta my mouth. Laura and Liz are two favorites. I did almost tune out though until Michael Easton came back. Here's to a Friz and Laura/Kevin pairing. ❤

    2. You took the words outta my mouth. Laura and Liz are two favorites. I did almost tune out though until Michael Easton came back. Here's to a Friz and Laura/Kevin pairing. ❤

  9. Di, thanks for the suggestions!!

  10. Oh, I forgot to say before, I think that the actor playing Valentin C is much too young! He looks about 30 or so. . . Isn't the character supposed to be much older?

    Also, I can't find out anywhere if/when TC is coming back, anyone out there know?

  11. Ant Joan, sorry about the Peaky Blinders accents..I can understand it, but I have David to ask when I'm not sure! LOL I've seen some of Mr. Selfrigde but..? Didn't grab me. I am trying to make a big list of all I binge :) A Lot are British though.

  12. Karen, I would love to see your list!! I LOVED Mr. Selfridge from the first opening credits, I would think that any fan of Downton Abbey, who misses it as much as I do, would LOVE the show!!

    I just showed my husband your comments about Peaky Blinders, and he said the show should have English language subtitles LOL!!

  13. "Nathan and Claudette. Yes, she's new, and no I don't really care about her but I love Bree--she's so good."

    Yeah don't really care much about Claudette either but I love Bree too!!! Yes she is soooo good! :)

    "My positive tweet on this? Oh, Maura you can deliver the Diamond In Your Pants line like no one else I know! PROP OF THE WEEK: Diamond Bag, holding precious jewels against Nik's jewels."


    "Well, I can manage to nap nicely through the Theo Scenes. All I can say is he'd better DELIVER as the evil nasty-ass'd Cassadine I've waited for."

    James Patrick Stuart delivers evil really well! :)He was awesome on All my children! :)

  14. I will be really annoyed if they try to make Griffin the killer. Some times I feel they are heading that way... I really like him and would like to see he & Maxie together. Also like his relationship with Anna & Sonny (when they showed it). I hated the Liz/Franco romance to begin with, thought they were better as friends but it is growing on me. I love RH but wish he was his own character and they never threw in the Franco connection. He will always be Todd anyway and it gets messy trying to think of him doing some of the things the original Franco did. I loved him and Nina together. Their crazy meshed well together. Love MP as Nina! Wish the story lines were more consistent. I hate when things get dropped or take so long that you no longer care. I do not think that the Valentin character is going to be able to pull off Helena worthy evil.

    1. I wasn't a fan of Franco before because well JF the actor is just.....odd, so I guess that worked and was upset when we lost the OLers to new roles but I love RoHos Franco. Also I loved Nico because RoHo made MS Nina tolerable. I think Becky and RoHo just have great chemistry with all their pairings. As for Griffin, I can kinda see them leading that way as him being the killer, and it'd make sense for the first two but Bobbies attempt and Dr Grouchy? Those aren't'd better make sense and be worth it in the end.

  15. Ok I too admit if it were not for Liz/Becky I could not tolerate the show at all. I don't really like the Friz story but I do not totally hate it. ANYTHING to keep Liz on screen and Kiki Morgan Dillon Parker Aaron and any:all the newbies OFF the screen! I like that you tried write positive today BUT I love coming to read your Sunday Surgery to validate my feelings of "are you kidding me right now GH?!" I missed the comments that are maybe negative but hilarious.,. Like "paint and wall" did this or the fact that Kevin was the only one in rain gear, or that even Darby hated being in the whole Kiki storyline! So you were positive but next week please go back to your wonderful sarcasm and wit! You are our Simon Cowell of GH only much more fun and with a sweet twist! :) thanks for doing SS!

    1. Biggest thing about paint and Wall, shoved in our face and big books is always the victim. Dante and Lulu are there, Laura is there, use them as a "hostage". Sorry I'm just not a Kemo fan, never have been, ever since her days as Livvie. I'd like to see Kevin save everyone. 😊 I've always loved Jon.

    2. Dang auto correct....*big boobs...

  16. "AMC GH said... I missed the comments that are maybe negative but hilarious."

    Hahaha yeah you gotta be! Or you will be tearing your hair out all the time!!!!!

    "Like "paint and wall" did this"

    Paint and wall are catching on! ROFL!

    "or the fact that Kevin was the only one in rain gear,"

    Everyone else took their rain gear out? It messes with their hair? :)

    "or that even Darby hated being in the whole Kiki storyline!"

    DarDar HAAAAAAATES drama!!!! :)

    "You are our Simon Cowell of GH only much more fun and with a sweet twist! :)"

    I didn't even think about that!!!!! Yes she is!!!! :)

    1. Speaking of Simon, I actually love him on AGT. He's not as awful to contestants as he was on AI. I think becoming a father toned him down. Miss Howard though. Carry on Karen our Simon of GH....

  17. "Michelle Latta said...Dang auto correct....*big boobs..."

    Ohhhhh.. I was gonna ask.. Big books?:) ROFL!



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...