Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Surgery: Rescheduled

Sorry everyone. I've been down and out snce Friday night with the flu--stomach and other wise and can't sit long enough to do the blog yet.

It's a bitch. I do get my flu shot but as we know, this year it doesn't really matter!! Here's a fun LULU Face for you:

20150116 0916(28)


  1. Karen, Hope you beat the flu quickly...

  2. Feel better soon. My sister just got over this, then had a colonoscopy -- on her birthday. :-(

  3. Feel better Karen. I will say that I did enjoy Emme's version of Lulu this week for the first time since she took the role over. Lulu happy and fun with Maxie and Johnny was so much better to watch than what we'd had previously. I do like Sonny and Julian as a team. The biggest blah this week is Shawn - I wish they'd just play dodo music when he is on to at least let us know they are in on how comical he is.I'm also not into this whole Rosalie/Michael/Helena thing even though I enjoy Rosalie - I wish she was a nurse she could be our new Nurse Amy Vining.

  4. Hope you are all better soon. Like by this evening.

  5. Christine said: I wish she was a nurse she could be our new Nurse Amy Vining.

    lol That would be good. Could you imagine her and Epiphany on that desk together? lol...

    Woops, silly me. Forgot myself there for a minute. Thought this was still General HOSPITAL. ( You do remember Epiphany though, don't you? )

    Poor Rosalie has to come in as a criminal of some kind with ties to the mob. Maybe if my Piffy killed someone we'd get her back.

  6. Awww poor Karen!! I hope you get better soon hon! Well here is my thoughts on GH today.

    Pier: Fluke won the line of the day!

    Fluke: Surely you are not going to be so foolish as to attempt to monitor my sex life?


    Sam's home: Oh look! Jake Doe is having a tour of the whole apartment! And then memory Robin shows up! Awww he wants to shoot Memory Robin but he can't! Meanwhile Patrick and Sam had weirdly choreographed sex. And then Sam was lying on her stomach. Her poor ta ta's can't breath!!

    Ta ta's: I can't breath! Help me! Help me!!

    Hmm they sound like the voice from the fly!

    Yes Sam who's better in bed? Real Patrick, or dream Patrick? ROFL!

    Pentonville: Sonny was close to Julian, I thought he was going to kiss Julian! Oh oh the guy who worked for Johnny, is after Sonny! Oh but now that guy is afraid of Sonny!

    Liz and Carly: Carly gushes over Jake Doe They both like him. Jake Jake here, Jake Jake there, Jake Jake everywhere!

    Nightmare on Elm Street: Oh Shaun was so close to getting Freddie Kruger! I mean Luke. Shaun just tell Michael was is going on! BAH!

    Haunted Star: Oh Lulu!!! Come on! You don't want to sell the Haunted Star because your dad bought it? Please! You just want to work with Johnny! OH FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! Lulu only blaming Dante for the fight at first BAHAHAHA!

  7. Sonya: Yes, I rememberThe Fly, and that voice. I'll probably have nightmares tonight. Thanks a lot. lol

  8. "Di said...Sonya: Yes, I rememberThe Fly, and that voice. I'll probably have nightmares tonight. Thanks a lot. lol"

    ROFL! Oh no! I hope not!

  9. So Di, did you have nightmares?

  10. bzzzzz....slept with my fly swatter. ROFL

  11. Sonya, you are too funny!!! There was something Fluke said yesterday, and I can't remember what it was, but I thought for a minute that this could be Luke. Nice surprise to see Robin!

  12. LindaV, YES there was something Fluke said that made me think, "The real Luke escaped and he has Fluke in the basement while he's trying to unravel the mystery!" I'm sure it's just Tony's stellar acting tho.

    Sonya-ITA about the weirdly choreographed sex scene.

    There was also a moment after Carly and Liz were talking where they looked at each other, and I swear one of them was about to say "Did we just have an entire civilized conversation without insulting one another??" That was weird to see!

    Karen, feel better soon!

  13. "Di said...bzzzzz....slept with my fly swatter. ROFL"

    Oh Di! Hahahaha!

    "CareyN said...YES there was something Fluke said that made me think, "The real Luke escaped and he has Fluke in the basement while he's trying to unravel the mystery!"

    What was it?!!?! :)

    "Sonya-ITA about the weirdly choreographed sex scene."

    Yeah it all started before the sex. When she was on the bed, and she put her foot on his stomach.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...