Thursday, October 25, 2018

SURPRISE! I'm here!

Genie shared this on Twitter

Charlie's....Sonny, Margo-go and Krissy. Sonny tells her who Margot is...Krissy makes her go sit at the table.  Sonny and Krissy talk, he supports her. Reminds her he wants to give her a good birthday in a couple of weeks. 

Spin is back. He's so happy JaSam are "dating" or whatever the hell they are doing. He found out that Margo's mother didn't cash in the insurance policy when her husband went missing.  Sonny comes over eventually. Spinelli says that the insurance company is now opening up an investigation into Marino's death. 

Apparently, Nina can't meet Sasha anywhere but the Metro Cafe/Restaurant. She gives her an amethyest...her birthstone. Maxie sits down...and asks Sasha if SHE has any mental health issues. LOL Sasha says no...but I bet she ends up crazy. Sasha is a 'temp' and Nina convinces her to "temp' in PC. Sounds like Nelle's "teaching job". 

Anna's home, is in Finn's room. I guess it's a surprise. Very cute banter and then then they have sex.  She didn't find Dr. O and decided to come home because she missed Finn. 

Oscar signed up with at "roommate service" to find somewhere to live. Julian comes in. Oscar is like "DID MY MOM SEND YOU"!! Julian says to cool it, he still has a job-- and Oscar leaves. 
AND...Ok, I'm saying it. JULEXIS should be a couple. Damn it. STUPID writing and the whole murder thing but I'm just going to forget it-- yep..NLG and WDV are THAT good. Ugh. WHY doing this to me.  Get him outta that flannel shirt tho.  Alexis thinks that she can help Oscar get to the conclusion  himself. 

Oscar finds out that rent is SO expensive...the girl that passed out fliers for a band..
Daisy, that's her name-- she tells Krissy she has something that can 'take her mind off her problems" A bonfire on the beach.
She also says she can help Oscar find a place to live. She says it's a "place where a bunch of people come and live together, pay what they can and do chores." SUCH a CULT!! She's totally a cult or commune person.

Peter is shopping with Maxie for a costume for James. GROSS.  Just trade Spinelli for Peter. I won't care. 

OH! Britt will be on next week. I can't wait to see she and Sasha stand next to each other. 


  1. Britt's back for Halloween. Love it. Hope she and Spencer connect.

  2. Charlie's restaurant and bar:

    Sonny and Krissy: Krissy stop whining about your mother!!! Damn! I really can't wait until she has a child of her own!!!! If Alexis was Italian, then Krissy would be so angry all the time!!!! Besides all that, They had a great scene. :)

    Daisy and Krissy: I was thinking, Oh? You want to help her Daisy? How? Drugs? Cult? Oh a bonfire. Krissy really didn't like the concert when she went to it.

    Daisy and Oscar: Uh. This Daisy chick is wayyyyyyyyyyyy too nice.. Telling Oscar about a house to live in? Cult house?

    "Karen says She also says she can help Oscar find a place to live. She says it's a "place where a bunch of people come and live together, pay what they can and do chores." SUCH a CULT!! She's totally a cult or commune person."

    Hahaha. YUP! I don't trust this chick! She is way too skinny too!! Do they not eat at this cult house?

    Sam's home:

    Jasam and Spinny: SPINNY!!!!!!! :) Spinny if your daughter has a cold just say it! ROFL! At first I thought he meant his daughter has an earache. Jason how did you know it was a cold?! :) Spinny sounds like a doctor. He should be a doctor. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and Sasha: Ehhhhhhhhhhh. I mean. I am very suspicious of Sasha Baron Cohen.

    ValeNina and Sasha: You have to call your temp agency? Who are you really calling? Your mama who is really alive? A person paying you to pretend you are Nina's daughter? Your bestie who you are telling about Griffin's butt?

    ValeNina: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Dinner! YAY! :)

    Hiney and Maxie: UGH!!!! More eye sex. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Finchy's hotel room:

    Finchy and Anna: GAH! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. She couldn't find Dr. O? Then what a waste of time!

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Oscar: Oh goodie!! Oscar is so happy he found a place to live. Probably a cult house. Oscar are you really surprised that apartments are expensive?

    Alexis and Julian: YOU SEE?!!?!? Alexis just wants to help Oscar!!!!!! :) Julian can't persuade Alexis to do anything anymore! ROFL!

    "Karen says JULEXIS should be a couple. Damn it. STUPID writing and the whole murder thing but I'm just going to forget it-- yep..NLG and WDV are THAT good."

    ROFL! You are right. They ARE that good! I forgot all about it! Hasn't bothered me that they have been in scenes together.

    "Karen says OH! Britt will be on next week."

    She will!?!?!?! YAY!!!! I need scenes with her and Brad! She needs to meet the baybay!!!!

    "I can't wait to see she and Sasha stand next to each other."

    OHHHHHH! I can't wait either!!!!! :) EPIC! :)

  3. Sonya, remember, Jason went to med school.

    Sonya: What did you mean by this? "If Alexis was Italian, then Krissy would be so angry all the time!!!!"

  4. "AntJoan said...Sonya, remember, Jason went to med school."

    Oh! I forgot!!! :) Yeah but I can't believe he remembered things from med school! :)

    "Sonya: What did you mean by this? "If Alexis was Italian, then Krissy would be so angry all the time!!!!"

    OH! I'm Italian, and my parents are Italian. My mom didn't like most of the guys I dated. She didn't even get to know him to not like them. It was just one look and that was that. We had a lot of arguments. I had an Italian uncle who when I was a teenager, said kids should be seen and not heard. He used to say that a lot. Can you imagine Krissy with an uncle who said that?!?!! YIKES!

  5. So glad I'm not the only one who thinks Sasha looks so much like Britch. This is all way too easy for her to be Nina's daughter.

  6. Sonya, I guess I was confused because it seems like Krissy IS angry all of the time!

  7. "AntJoan said...Sonya, I guess I was confused because it seems like Krissy IS angry all of the time!"

    Hmmm. Now that I am thinking about it, Yeah you are right. :)


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...