Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sunday Surgery: My Mama is a Moll

BUT FIRST, Let Me Take a Selfie!

This week was especially tough for me because although I mostly had the time to watch, I'd usually turn off the show at it's midpoint. Something no one who's writing a blog and recapping should do. Alas, I did --because I simply had other things I would rather be doing. Having people take an hour out of their afternoons anymore requires a hell of a lot more than well, what I'm seeing lately. Thursday's show was a good one so I'll be happy with that. 

And, since I visited Niagara Falls Canada yesterday, we are all having Tim Horton's coffee and breakfast sammies. Enjoy! 

Oscar's story should be frenetic with a tension of time slipping slowly away.  It's not there. Not at all. Unfortunately, GH has centered on hiring newbies to be a part of larger stories that just bloom and ...never flower (gee look at me with the metaphors!). Oscar's story should be front and center, with way more hospital and way less walks in the park.  Because there aren't a lot of fringe characters, Cam, Oscar and Josslyn are just three kids with basically no one to talk to but themselves. School is a corner in the library. There are no 'bad influences' hanging in the park, ready to pounce on Oscar vulnerable state.  Spencer arrives from Paris and although I love NB, we all know he's not staying. There's just no 'meat' to this. Watching Drew mope around, talking to people in town is like watching Kim mope around talking to people in town. My favorite part was Monica's inclusion. Her reading Oscar's chart and then Jason walking in for a chat was great. 

Kevin/Ryan: For me, way too little Ryan. He needs to be giving therapy on the daily, skulking around town and doing weird experiments in the GH morgue. I also think this should have been written in a way that at the end, there never WAS a "Ryan"... Kevin had slowly taken over his persona after many years. Faison's death and his brain mapping triggered the dual split. We would have known until the very end though. These scenes could have been done, unfortunately, the aid interacted with "Kevin" and Carly heard the SOS. Beautiful Mind-Fight Club #GH Style

Curtis/Jordan Situation; Well, all I have to say for this is thank god TJ was on for 2 seconds. We all know he should be at GH, doing the intern thing and living with Molly in a duplex while Kiki, Nurse Amy and that other Nurse chick are next door. 

Nina's daughter: Yeah... I got nothin'.  Why did this happen? Seriously. It's just so...unnecessary. There, that's what I wanted to say. 

Well...the turned out.. rather badly for DA lady! Only... right at the end on Friday, a glimmer of hope. See, Sam found out that her dad had an affair with Scully-- which is good in itself--but also, so many people are wondering: is SHE SCULLY'S DAUGHTER? Oh you bet she probably is!!  
PS. This means Sonny killed a guy because Scully was JELLY of another man.  So noble. 

Elizabeth, why are you here? 
Well, I think I'm supposed to bitch at you about being with Jason..

Really? Seriously?
Apparently I  care about Drew's feelings...

Really? Seriously? 
Either that or the writers just wanted to remind people we sorta hate each other underneath
Well, that makes more sense! 

Damn it, did they see us? Can I throw you in the diaper bag and run?? 

Aiden Follow up: Ok, kudos for the school meeting.  Most of it rang true "Well, he never does that at home" is something that happens a lot.  It's also true that Franco is new in the house. Liz has three kids and works. Parents sometimes don't realize how hectic their schedules really are.  It's curious however that NO ONE brought up bullying?? Really?? Hmmmm, see they could have had an older teacher that "senses these things" or ... noticed him being picked on for something. But you had a young teacher who's advice was to 'watch him at home". Ok, thanks! Not even asking about the school counselor seeing him?  

DEJA WHO?? OF THE WEEK:  Welp, looks like Bobbie and Carly The Second! 
*via @SoapJenn on Twitter

DEJA WHO?? TWO OF THE WEEK:  Spencer and Joss-- and they did acknowledge their sudden differences!!  They are only 2 years apart in life--Eden's just tall and NB just..diminutive. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Just because I love RoHo..sorry a bit of self indulgence there

PROP OF THE WEEK: That apple on her desk. I have one!! Yep--it's huge and I got it at TJMaxx years ago. I take it in during Apple Week at preschools!! 

BIG-ASS NO OF THE WEEK:  Nope, Nope, Nope. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Stella and Michael. I just liked it. I like her character and he was very natural. 


**Nelle's going off to jail for a long time, still hasn't spilled about baby Jonah yet
**Jordan and Curtis will marry Nov 22nd (ish) on the Haunted Star. TJ wants Auntie there
**Maxie has much better chem with Michael than Peter, meaning we'll get Peter
**Oscar wants to divorce his parents and direct his own care via Alexis
**JaSam are still horny, yet taking cold showers
**Joss is faking a romance with Cam--Cam is all to happy to oblige
**Laura saw Charlotte. She's too young for dolls...but likes French books
**Kevin's still in Ferncliff.  Ryan's still not. 
**Nina's daughter talked to her after Valentin 'gushed" about Nina. :eyeroll:
**Something's wrong with notices it too, but... we have to wait. 
**Drew said no to his memories because he'd forget the last five years
**MarGO's mama had an affair with the guy that killed her daddy--or who she THOUGHT         was her daddy...we don't know yet.  Still doesn't absolve Sonny of murdering the guy though,     she IS law enforcement. They don't just say: well, That's FINE!! 

On a personal note, I went to Niagara Falls yesterday and ate in the Skylon revolving restaurant. So beautiful. I've been lucky because we love so close, I've probably been there over 20 times in all seasons. (Even saw it frozen and dry once when they dammed it up!). I forget it's a Wonder of the World!! Truly lucky. 


  1. Yes, Karen, growing up in Buffalo, we went to the Falls a lot, and also went back there when we visited after relocating to Brooklyn. Always LOVE it!

    Maxie's baby is SOOOO cute !

    I think they can't do the Kevin as Ryan story because they did that with Luke. Of course, endlessly repeating stories is what soaps do, so bringing Ryan back from the dead is what they chose another overused SL. It would be wonderful, as others have said here, if they use this opportunity to have much more of Mac, Felicia and Lucy. At least they have Laura back, SOOO happy for that!

  2. You know, the Fluke/Luke whatever was so.. ughh I TOTALLY FORGOT! LOL... I was just thinking that JL could pull it off and I really am finding it tedious.

    PS. I lived in the the Southern Tier--Wellsville. Our school field trips were: Corning Glass or Niagara Falls. LOL.

  3. Thanks once again, kd. I'm having a Timmie's coffee this morning too.

    I liked the Maxie/Michael talk. He is a natural. And he knows how to talk quietly and sincerely without mumbling or slowing his speech down to a snail's pace. (Yes, Sam...This comment was for you!!). Chad seems to have chemistry with everyone and always does a great job. I wish they'd show more of him and maxie. Even baby James wants nothing to do with Peter.

    I wish they'd go back to the "Sonny just buried the body" storyline. I think it would be perfect if Scully turned out to be margot's father and her own bio father killed the man she thought was her father.

  4. Karen, yes, our father took as to Corning Glass when we were children, still remember it. . . We could practically walk to Niagara Falls, just over the Peace Bridge. We also used to go to Watkins Glenn, did you ever to there?

  5. Where is Anna? Still chasing Olbrecht? What ever happened to the Cassandra story? Every story line is being dragged out. Michael and Maxie would be perfect together, give Michael back his baby and let he and Maxie raise James and Wiley together. Have no idea where the Sasha story is going. If there isn't a twist then what is the point. When are we going to find out what is up with Chase/Finn/and Dad? So sick of Drew and his memories. Like Stella but the entire Jordan/Curtis/Stella dilemma needs to come to a conclusion. Are Elizabeth and Franco ever going to get married? Just want them to tie up some of these story lines. You begin not caring about them.

  6. Has anyone / everyone seen the movie "UP"? It is so cute. I cried when the kid got his Ellie badge. Anyway, there is a scene in the movie with the cutest animated dog in the world who was concentrating really hard on what he was doing then looks away and yells "squirrel" and is distracted and forgets what he is doing.

    well. the writers of this show are that dog. they come up with a storyline, they present it to TPTB, they start the storyline and then...


    On a separate note, all of you know how much I LOVE easter eggs on tv shows. This week on Murphy Brown, Tyne Daly was behind the bar and was inquisitive to a customer and they said "What, are you a cop??" and she says "As a matter of fact, I spent 10 years on the NYPD". Brilliant.

  7. Oscar's cancer storyline is getting too cringeworthy to watch. While Oscar's actions are fair, everything else is Joss trying to make Oscar jealous, Cam getting dragged along as the poor schmuck, who wants to date Joss, but is friends with Oscar.Kim is being an idiot, and does not understand why it was wrong to keep the secret from Oscar. Drew doing NADA with the storyline...
    Storyline Prediction: Instead of Oscar trying to find a cure(CALL UP PATRICK!!!), it will be focused on Oscar getting control of his wellbeing and him wanting to die peacefully. Meanwhile, Joss and Cam hook up, and Joss gets pregnant. Oh, how Carly will react.

  8. I just read that Tyler Christopher is out at DOOL

  9. "I also think this should have been written in a way that at the end, there never WAS a "Ryan"... Kevin had slowly taken over his persona after many years. Faison's death and his brain mapping triggered the dual split."

    Ohhhh sounds intriguing!!!! :)

    "We would have known until the very end though."

    Hmmm you mean we wouldn't have known until the very end? :)

    "Nina's daughter: Yeah... I got nothin'. Why did this happen? Seriously. It's just so...unnecessary. There, that's what I wanted to say."

    Yeah I know.. It's so meh! So anticlimactic.. So bland. No big emotional scenes. Well Nina's emotional side was great! :)"

    "DEJA WHO?? OF THE WEEK: Welp, looks like Bobbie and Carly The Second!"

    Hahaha. I didn't even register that! Yes yes yes!!! It was Bobbie and Carly! :)

    "DEJA WHO?? TWO OF THE WEEK: Spencer and Joss-- and they did acknowledge their sudden differences!! They are only 2 years apart in life--Eden's just tall and NB just..diminutive."

    ROFL! I wonder who is short in Nicolas Bechtel's family? His mom or dad.. Or maybe they are tall, and he is going to be tall as he gets older. :)

    Maxie has much better chem with Michael than Peter, meaning we'll get Peter

    UGH! Yup she will be with Hiney! UGH! Maxie should be with Michael, since Francesca is nowhere to be found, and Hiney and Lulu should be together.

    "JaSam are still horny, yet taking cold showers"


    Sam: Aren't you frustrated?

    Jason: Yes I've been taking cold showers.. Come on let's just go upstairs, NOW!

    Sam: Okay! I can't wait either.

  10. "lindie said...I just read that Tyler Christopher is out at DOOL"

    :0 Come back to GH!!!! :) You are wanted and needed!!!! And so that Laura will stop whining about her son being dead.. It wouldn't bother me so much, but her whole family thought was dead and was really alive. Soooooo.

  11. ANT JOAN!! LOL We went for about 5 years on a row to The Glen for the Grand Prix!! My Dad loved Formula One. I met Andretti, James Hunt and a bunch more. We'd stay in a tiny camper for the weekend.. it was always freezing. LOVED it

  12. Di said "I liked the Maxie/Michael talk. He is a natural. And he knows how to talk quietly and sincerely without mumbling or slowing his speech down to a snail's pace. (Yes, Sam...This comment was for you!!). Chad seems to have chemistry with everyone and always does a great job. I wish they'd show more of him and maxie. Even baby James wants nothing to do with Peter." A million up votes for this Di!

    DelcoDave, loved, loved Tyne Daly's remark in Murphy Brown last week! I was a huge Cagney and Lacey fan and that made me chuckle out loud.

    I totally agree with many of you saying the show needs to follow up and tie up some story lines. I too am not starting to care and have forgotten about a lot of them, which is kind of pitiful. Oh, and Magoo and Hiney need to go. I'm calling Doc and asking if he can off them first. LOL!

  13. Julie, OK, I made that suggestion first, for Margaux to be first in line for Ryan. I also asked if anyone knew whether he only targets blondes, as I think I didn't watch the show consistently back then.

    It did look like he was thinking about offing Lucy when she planned to come over, so maybe it's not just blondes?

  14. Maxie and Michael would make a great pair. I hate that they are forcing Peter on us because of Laura W. He and Maxie have no chemistry - even the baby did't like him. I agree with everyone that the storylines are so scattered and basically dull. I do hope they get Tyler back and redeem Valentin.

  15. AntJoan, can't answer your question about the blondes. I watched back then, but don't remember, sorry! :) Maybe if we both call Doc he'll take it under advisement! LOL!

  16. Julie, LOL! Linda, sorry, but Tyler coming back (and I hope that he does) does not redeem Valentin. Don't other remembers how he heartlessly came into the house and took everyone hostage? And he did shoot to kill, whether or not Nik died.


Tanned and Teeth

 Well, I'll be out tomorrow subbing AGAIN for the UPK kids so enjoy me while you can!!  OMG the Bach guy is on today and he's CREEPY...