Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Richard Simms Pens Book!

Just in time for your Christmas list and now available on Kindle. 

Richard has  written a book that will surely tickle your funny bone and have you thinking about all those nasty people devoid of manners. 
In his funny, fast-paced and most definitely furious first book, Simms  looks inside himself and, to be fair, at all of us in hopes of answering these questions. Better still, he offers common-sense solutions that just might make us think as well as laugh. Pick up “Crimes Against Civility” for the nipping-rather-than-biting social commentary and out-of-left-field pop-culture name-dropping, then stay for the subtext. A book may not be able to change the world, but if it’s very good (and this one is), it might at least change your mind. 

Richard is on howrudeareyou.com , hosts weekly podcasts and is active on twitter. @howrudeareyou Richard is also editor of Soaps In Depth.

To order just go through Amazon and hit the Kindle addition and you can read it on your Kindle or laptop/computer on the Cloud! The link will be on Wubs Net later today as well. Enjoy!


Poke The Bear

  I hope some of you watch Neighbours: A New Chapter on Amazon FreeVee it's grand. I don't get mad at it like GH lol.  Sonny goes t...