Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Finola Hughes Back To General Hospital!

SOD tweeted that Finola will be back...and not just a "cameo"--she'll stick around. Will Tristan Rogers come with her?? Expect to see her during Feb Sweeps. I'm telling you!! Good things are coming with Frank and Ron!! 
This will be a part of Robin's exit story.


  1. Glad to see they're finally starting to do things right.

  2. While I am SO glad FH is returning I only wish KMc was not leaving. I really, really hope the new head honchos pull out all stops to get KMc to stay, especially now with Robin's mother returning.
    I truly hope the Anna that is returning is the ass-kicking wsb Anna and not the pathetich rockstar groupie Anna that Guza gave us.
    Hopefully Anna can take down Sonny once and for all. There are rumours of Shawn actually being an undercover agent. Let Shawn be collecting intel on Sonny and let Anna be Shawn's boss...'M' from James Bond!

  3. Wow! How cool is that? I may have to stop just reading about GH and start watching. I hate to hope too much since there have been so many disappointing returns over the years but with the new writers and Frons and JFP out maybe there is hope ahead. Thanks for posting this, Karen. It really made me feel better about things with GH and losing OLTL.

  4. And maybe even more Mac.

  5. GH2 has been rumoring that Robert is coming back in Feb as well.

  6. I so love FH/Anna. I am saddened, though that it means we are losing Robin. I've grown up with her on GH. So bummed...I hope there is no death scene and TPTB leave a door open for her return.

  7. That's great but it's going to break my heart. IDK if I could stand to watch

  8. Kristina, Robert/Anna, Jeff Webber.

    My only concern is are they bringing back our fav's like OLTL did for the end? Or is this all about new promises?

    Who on here knows how to do photoshop? I want a photo of me and JZ!

  9. This is wonderful news! It would be perfect if Tristan Rogers returns,also. But I will miss Kimberly....

  10. Now all we need is to get Robert, Felicia, Sean, Tiffany, Bobbie, Tony, Laura, Alan, Lucy, and Scotty back. If Robin does indeed die, Sean and Frisco BETTER show up. They're her godfathers, AND if Tony is really dead, then he should show up to escort her to heaven.
    Some how I've always hoped that Robin didn't really have HIV, and that it was some cruel plan of Faison's to continually change her blood tests to mess with her life.

  11. Oh yeah and Felicia can bring home Georgie, now that her top secret WSB mission is completed (in which they faked her death for). Spinelli can be revealed to be Lucy's son that she gave up for adoption at 16 with Jimmy Lee Holt or Stefan Cassadine. And Sean and Tiffany can bring a son back to Port Charles with them to mix it up with both Lulu and Maxie.

  12. Tony had kidnapped Robin at one point in time. If any "ghosts" deserve to escort her towards the light it would be Alan.
    Kev - you and I seem to share a lot of the same views on what would make good future storylines, I've posted many of the same ideas before ie., Georgie's death being faked and Lucy being Spinelli's mother. I always thought it would be fun to have Alan as Spinelli's father however from the days alan and Lucy were married...a bot of a stretch I know but imaging Spinelli moving into the Q mansion and/or his excitment and finding out Jason is his brother.
    If we are bringing back people from the past I'd also like to see Tom and Simone Hardy return - a core family with hospital roots.
    Jake could easily return to take on the job of DA...he was never killed just moved away right?

  13. I'm glad Finola is coming back but I hope they don't kill off Robin.

  14. Frisco......I agree about Tom and Simone. I was actually thinking about including them as addition to the big one....AUDREY!! And instead of bringing on useless characters like Shawn and this other soon to appear black kid with no roots. How about bringing little Tommy Hardy all grown up and a doctor. Him and Maxie were always so close as kids. It'd make sense to bring him back and do a chem test with them.
    Quick fix for the cheap deaths of Tony and Alan. Tony: Frisco came back off-screen with an antidote the WSB had, and helped Tony fake his death b/c the WSB needed an expert neurosurgeon. Alan: One day, just pan to some beach resort in the French Riviera to reveal Alan living it up with Lucy Coe. Make up some sort of scam, where he faked a fatal heart attack to pay Monica back for some random affair he found out about, and to manipulate Jason to get him closer to the Q's. Scotty and Laura can stumble upon them while on vacation, and they'll all have no choice but to return to Port Charles. It'd be a wink to the time Edward faked his death and was on an island. Monica and Tracy will have been talking to his "ghost" much like Lila had talked to Edward's.

    I really don't think they'll actually kill Robin. If anything they should leave it open ended....or have her die and then show Faison in town. That way there's always a way to reverse the death.

  15. I was going to give up watching GH after Robin left, but danged if I am going to stick with it now that Anna is back.
    Maybe they are going to go with my idea of Robert and/or Anna taking on Sonny in a "The Departed" type storyline?
    Old school gh fan

  16. Kev - we need to get you on the GH writing team!

  17. Great news - love FH! It's about time!

  18. kev--love it! you should take over as head writer

  19. UPDATE:

    For those who sent me their best wish's with my mom, I finally was able to speak to her today.
    She is starting to sound like herself again, and I am thrilled!
    Hopefully she will go back to rehab when she is released from hospital.

    Thank You again everyone! xoxo

  20. I want Robin to stay!!!! Love her Mom and Dad too!

  21. Not sure Robin dies. I can see her parents coming to her when she is sick, however they leave the country with her trying to find cures and treatments. jmo

  22. Kev & Frisco - You two read my mind. Love all your ideas (except I always found Simone and Tom pretty boring). Lucy was always one of my favorites - a pseudo-villain with a good heart and so funny.

    I too hope that Anna is not brought back the way she was the last time. It was a mockery. Just typical of that writing team that destroyed character after character. Anna could wipe Sonny out in a heartbeat.


Day Off For WUBS

  My Dad is up for the day and to be frank, I'm so crabby when it comes to the show this week, it's probably better if I skip an epi...