Thursday, August 8, 2024



Although I was off yesterday, I did receive a flurry of messages telling me that Chris Van Etten has resumed co-head writer role along with Elizabeth Korte. This accounts for some of the bigger shifts we've seen in recent weeks, including the abrupt ending of the whole Pikeman story. I have no idea why Patrick was let go in the first place but I'll speculate that his vision for the show was so vastly different from Frank (EP) that it just didn't work out. There's also a curious "associate writer" addition to all this which I don't think I've seen before. Her name is Cathy LePard. 

SO! Take that as you will. I've been nothing but brutal on the show for weeks and now that the names have "changed" in the opening, let's see if it makes a bit of difference. With all the cast members coming back, things better improve like a LOT. 

I'm out again today but I heard GH time jumped a bit... like Sonny was getting a ride home, the baby had been autopsied and FINALLY TJ's family was on. OH! And Donna took Sonny's pills? Um... kay.  

The beat goes on. 


  1. -------I don't like Heather but I hate Portia more so I don't mind if something happens to Portia-------------and honestly Scott's 'schick' is getting old....totally don't understand the Heather and Trina convo...
    ------Jason's visit to Ava was everything - his facial expressions are sooo good!!
    -----Ava really must believe her lies - I had forgotten she had told JohnJag about the first set of pills and then telling JohnJag to get the pharmacist outta town made NO sense......doesn't she know the pharmacist could ID her????
    ------made no sense that JohnJag confidently said Sonny was still going down - WHAT is he talking about? yep he is gonna take the pharmacist outta so he can't be found.....maybe Witness Protection
    -----at least Carly told Anna about the pills - but then I wondered if Anna would think of Valentin??
    --------things that made no sense: no Dante questioning Kristina/no mention of Michael/no Sonny or Jason looking for the pharmacist..
    ------still not happy that JohnJag coulda been a great addition - but even today when he yelled at Anna about Sonny, the writing is on the wall for anyone who crosses Sonny.
    ------OOOOOOOOO I think Ava is gonna say JOHNJAG did the pills!!!!!!!!!!! Cause I thought of Cyrus or Selina but I don't think Ava would think of them?
    ---- kinda disappointing Jason believed her lies.....her 1/2 truth anyway....

    1. Dante would not be questioning Kristina. He's family.

  2. If John Jag knew what Valentin had done, then that WOULD be a good the way, I guess Anna never told Cates where Brennan is now???

  3. Ava wants the pharmacist gone because she doesn't want him to say she approached him about the pills

    1. Yep and she must not be aware that the pharmacist would tell JohnJag that she changed the 1/4 dose to like ZERO ----------- LOL

    2. True. I think she wants someone to off that pharmacist.

  4. Will they keep changing and/or moving the writers around in hopes of improvement? Like a human chess game kind of.
    We are in the grasp of what GH does most, not necessarily best. The old doom and gloom.
    It is good to have Jason back with Sonny. IMO Carly should be next.
    Looks like Ava and JohnJagger are heading into oblivion together. Darn, Ava is such an important crazy character. Hate what they have done to her.

  5. Anna's office:

    Anna and JohnJag: Anna wants to know what's going on with him and Ava. He says she is a friend, and what I do in my personal life is my business. GO JOHNJAG GO! :) She thinks he doesn't care that a baby died. Oy!

    The hospital:

    Sonny and Jason: Jason shows Sonny the pictures of Ava and Krissy. Oh oh. The pictures don't tell the whole story! I hope there is a witness!!!! And/or a video!

    Portia, Trina, and Heather: Oh here we go again. Heather is there for a check up and whiny Portia pounces. Just because Heather sees Trina and talks to her.

    Portia and Trina: Trina is trying to get her to calm down and get rid of all the hate. Portia can't do that. Portia don't like that Scotty is in Heather's room. Man this is tiring.

    Portia and Nurse: Portia wants Heather's check up quickly and wants her out of there. Felicia overhears.

    Portia and Felicia: Felicia is a patient advocate and says she doesn't mean to overstep but that Heather has a right for good patient care just like everyone else. Portia says you are overstepping and you weren't an advocate for Ryan when he was here! Stop it Portia! I'm tired!!!

    Heather's room:

    Heather and guard: Damn! The way Heather's head is on the pillow, is not good for her back! ROFL!

    Heather and Trina: Trina goes to see her because she wanted to hear what Heather has to say. Heather apologizes for what she did and Vampira (Esme) did. Trina won't forgive, but she doesn't have hate and wants peace. She wants Heather to have her day in court.

    Heather and Scotty: Scotty wants to be her lawyer, and to sue the company who made her hip replacement, then he will get her out of jail! Great scene! Yes Scotty help her! I want Heather out of jail! I don't want Diane to be involved because I want Scotty to win. Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Heather: We were all a little wild back in the day.

    Scotty: Those were different times and different standards.


    Krissy's room:

    Krissy and her dream: She dreams of a baby! ADORABLE BABY! Hate the dream. Hate it! It hurts. :(

    Krissy and Alexis: Krissy tells her about the dream she had. She kept saying my baby my baby! *Sigh* :(

    1. Damn! It said comments too long. Not again!!! UGH!


      Krissy and Sonny: Krissy is glad her dad is there. She says she wants Ava to pay for what she did to my baby! The look on Sonny's face! ROFL! He looked shocked. Must be because of her saying MY BABY!

      Outside Krissy's room:

      Scotty and Alexis: Scotty wants Alexis to be his 2nd chair for Heather in the courtroom. Yeah Scotty this isn't the best time. Alexis says are you insane?! ROFL! Great scene. :)

      Alexis and Sonny: Sonny tells Alexis that Ava pushed Krissy. Alexis wants some air, but we all know where she is going! ROFL!

      Donna's room:

      Sexis and Donna: Donna is feeling better yay! :) She wants a popsicle!

      At the elevators:

      Donna, Sonny, Carly, and Jason: Donna is telling Jason she is going to have 2 popsicles! Awwww. :)

      Donna: Bye Jason!

      Adorable! :) I'm surprised she didn't say uncle Jason.

      Carly's kitchen: Carly is calling Anna about a crime and wants her over.

      Carly and Tribbles:

      Tribbles: Is Donna okay?

      Carly: She is fine now.

      Tribbles: Whew.

      Tribbles goes on group chat and tells everyone that Donna is okay! Everyone cheers

      Carly and Anna: Carly is telling Anna that Ava switched his meds! That Ava was controlling Sonny! Anna says it's going to be hard to prove!

      Ava's jail cell:

      Ava and JohnJag: They talk about what happened. She explains. Ava talks about the pharmacist and Sonny! Yes get that pharmacist! He better spill about V.C.!

      Ava and Jason: She talks to him and all Jason does is stare! ROFL! It's been a long time for that. She says the photos can be manipulated. She says she didn't switch Sonny's meds, but she did find out who did by accident. He says give me a name! She says I know how this works! I'm alive because I know who did it. Oh boy! Yes Ava tell him!

      The hospital:

      JohnJag and Pharmacist:

      JohnJag: I'm going to need you to come with me.


      Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1997* Leslie calls Monica a name. ROFL!

  6. Oops the first half is gone! Oh no! Oh forget it. :(

    1. Anyway, Scotty wins the line of the day.

      Scotty: Those were different times and different standards.


    2. OH! Here is the first half! It was in my email. I'm glad I hit the notify me on here. Whew.

      First half.

      Anna's office:

      Anna and JohnJag: Anna wants to know what's going on with him and Ava. He says she is a friend, and what I do in my personal life is my business. GO JOHNJAG GO! :) She thinks he doesn't care that a baby died. Oy!

      The hospital:

      Sonny and Jason: Jason shows Sonny the pictures of Ava and Krissy. Oh oh. The pictures don't tell the whole story! I hope there is a witness!!!! And/or a video!

      Portia, Trina, and Heather: Oh here we go again. Heather is there for a check up and whiny Portia pounces. Just because Heather sees Trina and talks to her.

      Portia and Trina: Trina is trying to get her to calm down and get rid of all the hate. Portia can't do that. Portia don't like that Scotty is in Heather's room. Man this is tiring.

      Portia and Nurse: Portia wants Heather's check up quickly and wants her out of there. Felicia overhears.

      Portia and Felicia: Felicia is a patient advocate and says she doesn't mean to overstep but that Heather has a right for good patient care just like everyone else. Portia says you are overstepping and you weren't an advocate for Ryan when he was here! Stop it Portia! I'm tired!!!

      Heather's room:

      Heather and guard: Damn! The way Heather's head is on the pillow, is not good for her back! ROFL!

      Heather and Trina: Trina goes to see her because she wanted to hear what Heather has to say. Heather apologizes for what she did and Vampira (Esme) did. Trina won't forgive, but she doesn't have hate and wants peace. She wants Heather to have her day in court.

      Heather and Scotty: Scotty wants to be her lawyer, and to sue the company who made her hip replacement, then he will get her out of jail! Great scene! Yes Scotty help her! I want Heather out of jail! I don't want Diane to be involved because I want Scotty to win.

      Krissy's room:

      Krissy and her dream: She dreams of a baby! ADORABLE BABY! Hate the dream. Hate it! It hurts. :(

      Krissy and Alexis: Krissy tells her about the dream she had. She kept saying my baby my baby! *Sigh* :(

    3. I'm hoping there's a video too. Pictures can be picked out of a video and not show the whole story.

      We're all tired of Portia. I loved that Trina called her out on her behavior at work.

    4. "Di says, I'm hoping there's a video too. Pictures can be picked out of a video and not show the whole story."

      YES!! Exactly!

      "We're all tired of Portia."


      "I loved that Trina called her out on her behavior at work."

      Me too! Great scene!

  7. It is a sign of mismanagement and confusion to fire a head writer, then hire him back. It just makes me think even more that EP Frank Valentini needs to go.

    I like Scott plotting with Heather. It makes much more sense for an ambulance chaser to try to get Heather acquitted than a Mayor.

    I am beyond fed up with Sonny and Carly being so self-righteous. How many lives has Sonny toyed with over the years? He is far worse than Ava.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...