So as some of you remember, I'm watching The Australian Soap: Neighbours. I started with this year's reboot on FreeVee and then have gone back to 2019 to binge. That year was WILD. I can't tell you how amazing it is-- so fun to see the big differences in USA soaps. I just saw the Christmas show from that year and they had a pscyho on the loose, someone dying that needed a kidney and a baby being born all in about 2-3 days. Only 22 min long too!
Just saying if you want to try something different, give it a go!
Kristina is being taken down to lock up by Dex. Alexis comes in "Where is she going"!!?? Jagger says holding cell, then state prison. Alexis yells and then Anna comes in: WTH is going on? Anna says a storm is coming and they can't hold Kristina with her medical issues. Jagger wants to get going to get Sonny so he agrees to let her go home tonight.
At Alexis: She takes a call and Krissy sneaks out with the car. She goes to Sonny's to get a gun that's in his safe.
Ava is in a car with the FBI lady and going to another safe house. The lady is actually taking her to the Pine Barrens tho.
Drew and Willow still in the office. They talk about how time is fleeting. Talk about Alan Q. He wants him to be proud of him. Willow is SO PROUD of him. He INSPIRES HER. HE SAVED HER. He's great. OMG He thinks SHE'S GREAT!!
Michael and Sasha are at the Qs he wonders where Willow is... guess she didn't text. He tries calling. Nothing. Nina comes out and he says she was with Drew at the event and never came back. Nina's like: DUN DUN DUN
Carly apologizes to Brook for paying her so long ago to sleep with Dante. Then Dante and Brook share a moment and it seems like they have a secret?? Then Sonny comes in to talk to Dante. Says he's sad about Lulu. Then Dante leaves and Lois comes in and Sonny talks to her about keeping an eye out for Michael, Ameila and Wiley.
Sonny apologizes to Michael. Everything is ok. Carly is happy.
Maxie and Felicia are sitting at Lulu's bed. Filler. PSA on organ donation.
Lucky's dumb story-- he's now being yelled at by an English Bad Guy and the doctor escaped. Lucky's still trying to get the baldy to hire him. They play cards. GOD I WISH they had just had Lucky COME HOME to get tested. UGH
Doctor guy is IN PORT CHARLES hahahaaha. I mean.. ok, he landed at the airport. They don't even TRY.
Jagger meets Sonny at the BOATHOUSE ALONE. It's pouring rain. Sonny pulls a gun "it's over" . Sonny shoots him in the chest, then a kill shot in the head! WELP! Jagger is dead
Ava and FBI Linda hit Doctor Isaiah who's walking across the highway.
Oh, yeah, Drew and Willow are going to make ze wub. UGH