Friday, July 26, 2019

Don't Drive

PS WHY didn't we see this photo shoot?? 

Ava's ISSUE IS OUT!! WHOO HOO!! Val and Nina look at it ...(it's pretty thick) and she tells him Jax and Hayden are coming to dinner. He's like WHA? She said she's afraid they know she drugged Casssssssandra. yada yada.
Ava pops in, tells NIna she's going to sue her for "Everything she has" because of the piece.  Nina says she didn't use anything Ava didn't say herself. Valentin says "you're lucky she didn't bring up Nikolas Cassadine"..and Ava says "Oh, the man you murdered"??!  They snipe. Val leaves. Nina tells Ava that her issue 'blew up' and has TWO MILLION COMMENTS in the first day. Oh. Ava likes that lol  She reads some comments that are flattering to her. Then one says she's glamorizing her daughter's death. She gets angry all over again. Storms out. 

Dr. O in the hospital , scared to go home because someone is trying to kill her. Chase comes in and says they blew up the photo but can't tell who it is. BECAUSE IT'S A FOOT. LOL. You know that, I know that. Chase asks if Lesil got into any fights with anyone on the boat. She says NOPE. 
Later, Valentin comes in and says Hello Lesil..she shows him the photo. He says she's coming home with him to Wyndemere. 

Michael takes Nelles' call..she looks like she's been crying. not sure if it's real-- or fake. She wants Michael to go to Pentonville and be with her. He finally agrees. Carly is like, what are you doing?? He says Nelle held Jonah and he feels like he needs to see her. He leaves. 

Jax and Hayden at the Metro restaurant ( Where else?) .. they talk about going to Wyndemere. He tells her not to get too attached because his "heart lies elsewhere" .. She says "your exwife?" and leaves. 
Carly comes by (after being with Michael) she says she's upset he's seeing Hayden. Jax asks her to sit. She goes on and on about Michael. Jax is flirting a bit I think. Ava comes by later and asks Jax if his revenge is complete. 

Nelle and Harmony. Harmony says how weird her grandson and Nelle's baby were born on the same day last year.  Harmony tells Nelle about DOD and Shiloh and the baby. She goes on and on and explains that the baby, "Wiley" is in danger from Shiloh. And Nelle says "Um, did you say Wiley"??!! She realizes that Wiley is Jonah..and that Shiloh could take him. Nelle says people will do anything for their kids. Then Michael comes to visit. 


Franco is in the hallway of GH and sees the new psychic. She has a message from Kiki for him "Congratulations for getting out of your own way to be happy". He says Sibley told him he won't feel like himself soon.  She says she doesn't know about that but then stares ahead and says "Don't take that drive". Then Leaves! Franco's going WHAT? WHERE/ DRIVE WHERE?? 
That's Nancy Donahue from The Middle, btw--I expected her to have a casserole with her LOL She's GREAT. She sits with Ava and is her new psychic. Great little scene. 

Chase and Hayden make up

Liz asks Hayden to live with she and Franco until she finds a place. 
Nina asks Carly to tell her about Jax. Carly says he's wonderful, great. Trustworthy. 
Nelle tells Michael she has to talk about their son (show ends) 


  1. Does anyone think Hayden's diamonds are still at Windermere?

  2. WHY is Dr. O still in the hospital, there was nothing wrong with her, she should have been treated and released. . . And WHAT was Hayden wearing?

    1. She's being released today, but yes, I wondered that days ago. Don't understand why she was was even hospitalized.

  3. Sad to say but Nelle won't tell Michael anything

    1. You're probably right, cause Nelle...and the writers 🙄

  4. Carson home:

    Michael and Nelle: So good to see Nelle again! :) Oh damn Michael. You should have said no to Nelle's call again!!! She is manipulating you!!! Jonah is still alive!!!!

    Michael and Carly: Awwww great scene!!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Liz and RayRay: RayRay I don't believe you were looking for Liz to help you house hunt! What you were REALLY doing was looking for Finchy!!!! Stop your games!!!

    Psychic and BobTodd: Okay at first, I really wasn't interested in the new psychic, cus I love Sibley, but when this new psychic was looking at something and then told him don't take that drive, I changed my mind. I like this woman!

    Friz: BobTodd is afraid to go anywhere now hahahhahahahaaa.

    Dr O's room:

    Friz, Chase and Dr. O: That leg!!!! Follow that leg!!!!! :)

    V.C. and Dr. O: V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: You look, dry.



    Queen Ava, Nina, and Jax: Queen Ava wants to sue! :) Ava it's all TRUE!!! So you can't really sue them hahahhahaha.

    Carly and Nina: Mmmmmm Nina wants to know all about Jax. :) Nina you find him attractive! ADMIT IT! :)

    Valenina: UGH! YUCK! When is the truth coming out?! I thought it was going to come out during the nurses ball.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Jax: JAX! Stop blaming yourself! It's not your fault!!!! Oh my my my they are having a moment after talking about Joss and how she was conceived. :) I love my CarJax. :)


    Lorraine McFly and Nelle: OH MY! OH MY! Nelle is putting the pieces together. Will she admit all to Michael? Hmmmm. Oh my Michael is here. Oh he isn't going to talk to her there? I thought he was.

    Jail waiting area:

    Michael and Nelle: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What is she going to say to him? :) Probably all LIES!


    Leslie Charleson had another accident.

  6. There was a bit about Ava's photo shoot on FB a while back. Just once. Saw her in the white dress.
    AntJoan...I love what Hayden is wearing but it is a Fall ensemble for sure.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...