Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ah, My Helena, Helena..

Just popped in to say what a GREAT story--I so love it. I know Tony has vacation but the Helena twist part is just great.
Bravo. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Helena!! 


  1. That's all I get? I need a little more detail Karen :O

  2. Oh good. Something to look forward to when I get home from work. 99% of the time, if Karen likes it, I like it!

  3. Wow. Shocking.Luke might have killed Helena, but she is getting the last laugh, because she is killing him too...I wonder if Luke will outsmart Helena and find the cure to save his life..

  4. Of course he'll find the cure- in about 3 months. lol When his holiday's up.

    I loved seeing Helena again today. I thought that was a clever twist, and it's definitely something I can see her doing.

  5. Haunted Star: Luke wins the line of the day!!

    Luke: You want a tip? Never rub another man's Rhubarb. Unless of course you are planning to make cobbler.

    ROFL! What?!!? :) What are you trying to say Luke? Don't rub another man's Johnson? Unless of course you are gay? :) HELENA DVD!!!! Love the scene!! Poison in the earring!!! :) Brilliant!!!! :)

    Q home: I love Ava's hair. Ava and New Todd scene! Awesome. Nice kiss! Man they got chemistry! :)

    Metrocourt: Carly a slut!!! ROFL! Oh Liz! :) Come on AJ! What the hell are you waiting for? Tell Liz you didn't cheat on her! Geez finally! What took you so long? Come on Liz! You were kissing Nik that night! So don't be all high and mighty! Liz asking what hate sex is ROFL!

    Alexis and Nik: Love their scene!

    Connie and Olivia: Oh geez! The scene was all about you love Sonny! No you love Sonny! Come on ladies! Are we in high school? Get out of denial Olivia!! You wuv Sonny! ADMIT IT!!

  6. Loved seeing Helena and I hope she is still alive. Thought the three day conversation between Tranco and Ava would never end - too much screen time and boring. So glad Nik and Alexis are having scenes together. Shame on the PCPD for not finding the bullet.

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  10. I just read online the OWN network is going to air the first 40 episodes of amc & oltl. I guess Oprah is eating her words, she was so sure they wouldn't make it!


My Sister My Sister

  DAYTIME CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS THAT ALEXA HAVENS FROM AMC  (BABE) Has been cast as LULU!!!!!!  TODAY's SHOW:  Lucky still playing cards ...