Thursday, November 24, 2011

Soap Schedule For Today/Tomorrow

There's a JaSam Wedding encore and today and no soap tomorrow due to games. Soap Net will have a Lucky Fest however...
A 5 hour General Hospital marathon all about Lucky Spencer! Airs Friday, November 25, from 7PM-12AM!


  1. If Frons thinks that we are going to rewatch a miserable episode like that was, he has had too much turkey to eat!

  2. so happy about the Lucky-thon tomorrow. i really hope they show episodes from the rape storyline and the fire, which was the 1st and only time i cried to a t.v. show.

  3. Hi Historyiseveryday. I cried like a baby when Lucky "died" in that fire. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I had to take a day off work I was so upset/glued to my TV. Oh it was awful. The actors knocked that one out of the park, for sure. I thought, "He can't really be dead, he just can't." But then he was. They ID'd the body and the showed a montage at the funeral! A montage!!! That really means he's dead!! ;-(

    But then he wasn't actually dead. ;-) they sure tricked me.

  4. I wish they'd show his 3 faces lol

  5. Tell me again why abc didn't form a partnership with soapnet again?!!


Day Off For WUBS

  My Dad is up for the day and to be frank, I'm so crabby when it comes to the show this week, it's probably better if I skip an epi...