Monday, November 14, 2011

Ingo's Episode of Hawaii 5-0 airs in 2 weeks!

That's right, you can see our own "Jasper Jacks" guesting on Hawaii 5-0 !! I hope he surfs...shirtless. He'll be on episode 211-so check to see if that's coming or interrupted by Thanksgiving. Remember there is also word he's coming back for a short stint on GH if they can work it out!


  1. Over at Wikipedia they have, Holly,Robert,Nickolas,and Audrey as returning only temporary. And Anna as returning longer. And Kim Richards as the 3rd Kate coming in 2012. Don't knpw how true these are.

  2. Also Kristina returning as temporary too.

  3. Get busy Karen with answers!!

    I just want my Jax back NOW!

  4. Kim Richards as Kate? That would mean they are truly giving fact, demented.

  5. Never take what is written on Wikipedia seriously...ever.

  6. Never mind the first comment. They took everything off. Didn't think was true.


Day Off For WUBS

  My Dad is up for the day and to be frank, I'm so crabby when it comes to the show this week, it's probably better if I skip an epi...