Monday, November 14, 2011

Garin Wolf: Am I Afraid of the Great White Shark?

Translation: Katie Couric?! 
In Part two of his interview with GH Headwriter Garin Wolf, Terry Morrow of explores the notion that GH may not make it into it's 50th year on the air. Go to Tele-buddy's Tinseltown Tales for ALL the dish!!


  1. I wonder how much they (ABC) paid him to tank it?

  2. Karen when I click l link it goes to the Pretty website is that right???

  3. OH NO that's not right! LOL Thanks

  4. I don't believe in "Miracles'.
    (Especially lately)However it would take a MIRACLE to keep this show on the air.

    Not sure Mr & Mrs Wolfie Guza has it in them to pull it off.

    I thought Wolfie was OUT??

  5. What they want is for fans to consistently watch a bad show with poor storylines. The fans have told you what they want to see and they are not producing it.The characters he mentioned are not my favorites at all. How can we watch this?

  6. Of course Sonny, Jason, Carly & Luke are sticking around until the 'fat lady sings'.

    NO MENTION of NLG. That really isn't surprising though.
    They have no clue how talented and how wanted she is on this show.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...