Friday, October 29, 2010

Soap Opera Ratings: GH How Low Can U Go??

Ok, someone SOMEWHERE has to want someone's head over this. One of the most popular actresses in daytime returns and her "comeback" was so bungled, the ratings are looking HORRIFIC. What should have been a shot in the arm for GH looks more like a shot in the foot.

Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.5/10 (-.1/-.2) <- ties low rating (Last time: October 4-8, 2010)
2. GH 1.1/7 (-.2/-.2) <- ties low rating (Last time: June 28 – July 2, 2010)
3. DAYS 1.0/7 (same/-.3)
3. B&B 1.0/6 (same/-.1)
5. OLTL 0.9/6 (-.1/-.2) <- ties low rating (Last time: July 12-16, 2010)
6. AMC 0.8/6 (-.1/-.3) <- ties low rating (Last time: June 21-25, 2010)
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,862,000 (-169,000/-192,000)
2. B&B 3,187,000 (-28,000/-54,000)
3. DAYS 2,531,000 (+118,000/-471,000)
4. GH 2,380,000 (-144,000/-185,000)
5. OLTL 2,354,000 (-97,000/-138,000)
6. AMC 2,309,000 (-101,000/-361,000)

What has to happen for the direction to change on this show??  Most days I feel like I'm watching some hyperactive storytelling: holes, block taping, edited scenes...then other days it's  like people are asleep at the wheel! We can sit here and go over and  over all the things that have  been just dropped the last two years. All the 'guest stars' and 'comebacks'...only to fizzle. I'd love to use the example of Robin Christopher coming back. Why did they bother!? Shameful. Characters have been shoved so far into the background, we don't even care. Showing Ethan and Maya every other week for 5 months  (with nothing to say) is pathetic. So was Brenda's bazillion week stint NOT in Port Charles. The Balkan and Brenda/Dante's connection  is going to  be dragged out FOREVER.  Lucky's big "undercover role"?? zzzzzzz. 
I'm sorry. There's talent and ideas out there. USE them. Maybe daytime needs some new 20something writers. I'm sick of the revolving door of the pool of 30 they pull from and hop from show to show.  
On a good note, the wonderfully written OLTL is beating The Talk in it's time slot, which is pretty dang good given the PR of that new show and the stars that appear on it. OLTL gets NO love from ABC and it still  draws in viewers.  It's budget is lower than AMC and  GH and yet it's exciting, dynamic and I can't wait to see it everyday.  Today's show was no exception. LOVED it. CARRIE type fun!!

Speaking of bungles, it's FINOLA Hughes Birthday today! How nice would it be if she were around for Robin? Or even if we saw Robin visit her in NY? The Scorpios, Webbers...Q's...all dissolved into nothing BOO.

I still say GH needs a "Brownstone". Ronnie and Max and Milo all living in the same building! LOL....  I also want Diane and Claire to be related. Tie people into each other. Heck, have Brenda visit her friends the Q's ON AIR. Supposedly she does that Nov. 4th, but come on... too little too late. There's just no joy on this show. They have tiny glimpses, then it goes back to dark, disjointed crap. 

Now there's Candy, just another newbie on the show.  yawn. Good actress, but I don't know there's just too much other stuff going on for me to care. 

Brenda did kill someone...shocker. :) At least you all knew about it. HOW Didn't anyone but Spin hear her screaming  her head  off?
Nikolas has on an old daddy sweater. 
OMG....Sam  has a mole drawn on to look like Brenda!! ahahahhahahaaaaaaa!! And her boobs are all covered  up.  Oh, that made my day. That little mole. Heh. Brenda working Spinelli makes me gag.
Sonny and Claire...on again after being off again, and zzzzzzzzzzzzz. 
I am hoping  Siobhan's secret is she's really an AMERICAN so I don't have to listen to her sheeze accent anymore. 
I did like Sexis. For about 2 seconds. 
Dante tells Brenda he dumped  "Alexander"in  some swamp "years ago but it was found 6 months ago"...who I am assuming is Balkan's kid/brother/dog?! hahahhaa. AND Dante covered it up. GUZA honestly doesn't even know what he writes in the past.  Dante was so high and mighty about the Michael cover up and now this? And HE covered up for some chick he just met and couldn't understand it for someone's KID? freekin' idiot writing. Pisses me off to NO END when they don't respect anything on this show.
I'm done.


  1. Thats why I quit watching GH all togethor you nailed it Karen.OLTL was so great today hope everyone watches.Why if the ratings are that low why are they contuning having GH still on????

  2. mama, I don't know. I'm honestly thinking about hanging up my soap hat. I've wanted to quit about 3 times before in 13 years, once due to storyline, and twice due to frustration. LOL

  3. Watched ATWT until it went off the the meantime about a month before I started to watch Y&R just so I could figure out who belonged with who....I starting watching OLTL a few weeks ago because Iam getting sick and tired and totally bored with GH. Why pray tell they brought back VM is beyond me...the storyline is dreadful and everything surrounding the storyline is a waste of airtime...the only thing Iam interested in is when Lucky finds out about Aiden being his son...until that time the FF button on my control will get a workout

  4. Will Lucky ever find that out though ANON? They will probably keep dropping that story to bring in another one that has to do with the big 3 (Sonny, Carly, Jason).
    I still DVR GH, but I don't know why either. I FF through 99.3% of it...
    It is always good to have other soaps to fall on though. OLTL and DOOL have been great!

  5. GUZA is a bad writer, he needs to take lessons for OLTL.

    I think Siobhan's is a Cassidine..Did she not say her Dad's name was Micos or something very close mto that.

  6. The ONLY thing interesting about the Brenda/Dante S/L is if they slept together.If they did not then it is just STUPID.It is a BAD rewrite of the Logan/Lulu/Johnny s/l. At least Johnny was in love with & having sex with Lulu when he covered up what she did.My only hope for the Dante/Brenda s/l is that it leads to him finding out about Lulu killing Logan,Logan's body being found,Lulu going on trial for his murder & Dante doing REAL detective work and uncovering what Logan did in Iraq and being the one to get Lulu cleared of those murder charges for good.Also Scott coming back & being the new D.A would be good.

  7. I wonder if Guza's got something on Frons and that's why he still has a job...

  8. I don't know if it is true, but it has been stated elsewhere that Guza and Phelps helped Frons get his job, and that's why Frons has always stuck by them.

    Don't quit, Karen! I only comment once or twice a month, but I come here every day. To borrow from Andrea, 99.3% of the time your site is more entertaining than anything on GH!

  9. I have watched GH since the late 70's!! I am just bewildered as to why ABC doesn't do anything! It is obvious that people need to be fired-Frons, Guza, and Phelps!!
    Could it be that fans are complaining on message boards, but not to the people that count like Anne Sweeney? If everyone would write Sweeney just one time this weekend maybe just maybe it might get through!

  10. Karen, you are awesome!

    It's not the actors that need to be switched out, it's the writers that need to take a walk. Gosh, there is so much talent out there with the fanfic writers--- They know and honor the history. GH needs that type of storytelling, like OLTL. Tie the stories together, weave the cast together and use the talent that's there.

    As much as I have wanted VM back, this is not how it should have been penned at all. She should have come back strong, confident and with a happy attitude-- Possibly taking over Crimson for Barrett Enterprises. Guza sure knows how to screw up a sure thing and it's sad. He wastes talent constantly.

    -SonnyandBrenda :)

  11. Karen, you got it so right - there is NO joy on this show and all the lead characters are difficult to like, let alone care about. I keep tuning in, hoping things will change and it never does. It is sad.

  12. I was watching AMC then it got stuck on the Greenlee crap.So I went back to watching Days I had quit watching OLTL until GH was making me sick with all the Sonny,Carly,Jason crap its the same crap for Sonny how can Maurice play the same lines and the same scenes over and over again.

  13. You still left us hanging on the Gedtsern thingie magigie

  14. Gh's #'s went down but so did the other 2 ABC soaps. This is not good.

    I have to comment though, try as you may, Sam you will never be Brender! Even though you slept with the same people. lol

  15. Anyone else notice is the Jasam repeat that jason said he didn;t want to make a baby with Sam since it would be unfair to the child not to have his father around? Well jackass you're alive and your son is across town.

  16. Yes GH is a mess. But every week out of all the characters you post negative comments about Maya. What's up with that. Robin Christopher only signed on for a short gig. Her lack of storyline and leaving the show had nothing to do with Maya.

  17. I think Anonymous is right. If we want to see a difference in ABC daytime, we should write to Anne Sweeney. I found contact information for her. Her physical address is 500 S. Buena Vista St. Burbank, CA 91521 and the e-mail address is

  18. I definitely believe that Guza has some incriminating photos/video on both Brian Frons and Jill Farren Phelps. It's the only reasonable explanation as to why Guza still has a job :D

    Karen - you are allowed to go no where, even if it means I have to duct tape you to the chair xoxox

  19. Karen - you can't go - I count on your posts!!
    OLTL was just awesome today - as always. It is by far the best of the 3 ABC soaps.
    Hated that Brena tok advantage of Spinelli today - never was a Brenda fan - still am not, and I think this whole Balkan s/l is dumb.

  20. Thanks dreamings86 I just sent a nice email to the address you gave us I advised they come and read wubs too fully understand GH fans and what Guza was doing and also Frons.I feel better now that I got that off my chest

  21. I've given up on GH. I had grown tired of the endless mob stories back in 2005. News of the returns of Robert and Holly Scorpio had me tuning back into a show i'd given up on. My all-time favorite couple were coming back! I'll never understand why GH would spit on the people/characters that made it so popular. Needless to say, I was greatly upset at what played out on my screen. Every return has been a disaster. Each one affirming my decision to abandoned a show i grew up with.

    I really don't understand why GH wants to drive away viewers. Maybe they want to be cancelled.

  22. ANON: With all due respect, the actress portraying Maya is dull. May be a little harsh, but true. She is absolutely beautiful. But Candy showed more personality in the first scene with Michael than Maya has in 6 months. Maybe the vegas S/L will change that. Until than, I find myself ff thru her scenes which is sad since i like Ethan so much.

    I was always a Brenda fan but this is not the girl we grew to root for on our screen today. For pete's sake she's been out of Sonny's life for years and she did just fine. Do we have to bring her back FOR HIM? If it happened by accident, great. But the pining is so old and so unbelievable. I too can not recognize the show I have watched for almost 30 years.

  23. On the MAYA front...I am not negative on Maya per se..I am VERY negative on their writing for her. She is a Q FOR GODSAKES!! She's done nothing WITH the Q's!! I bring Robin Christopher in because they didn't really go into the whole Alkazar money/treasure thing at all. She's a great actress and I feel like Stephen Nichols was asked back, reduced to nothing
    They aren't doing anything with "Zoe" either. Maya has no girlfriends per se-- it's just stuck in there when they want Ethan on.

  24. no problem Mamaspat Ole. I tried sending an e-mail too, but it bounced back to me, so I'm going to send a hard copy of my e-mail. I also said to check out this site.

  25. You are right about no joy on GH. No amount of comic relief seem to be able to alleviate the dark, menacing pall of mob sh*t which has been the show for too long. Personally it would thrill me if Sonny went to jail, and Miss Christina, drama queen brat can learn to deal with it. MB needs a nice long vacation and we need a respite from Sonny and his corrupting mob sh*t.

  26. Today I sat down and wrote Ms.Sweeney maybe it will do some good but we have put up with Guza every since Sonny came on the scene.I told her there is no history anymore due to Guza and how I have watched this show since the 70's but how I have quit and started watching Days and OLTL only.I advised her to come and read wubs to see how true GH fans feel.

  27. I love Maya and the character is great and I love the actress. And I adore her with Ethan they do have chemistry Annie and Nathan are the only reason I watch also. I am fed up with all the negative Maya comments she's barely on and the writing for her had been a letdown I have never seen a character who is attacked for what? I adore her she's beautiful, funny and sparkels with the Spencer. I think half of the hate is racial why can't we have at least one beautiful sexy black heroine?

  28. I love Maya! She's beautiful and can act! The posts on soapnet and abc com are racist garbage! I only watch for her not Brenda, Sam, Lulu, Kristina only Maya and Mayan! Go Annie you're beautiful and talented soapfan authoritys on acting what a joke!

  29. Oh, cute! The gremlins came out for Halloween!

  30. Uh Anon, you don't even know what you're talking about. I'm also half black, so NO this is not about race. To suggest that is just ignorant. The actress is gorgeous, just not that talented. Sorry. plain and simple. Maybe it's nerves, maybe it's the fast pace of daytime and all the lines she needs to learn, but there is no spark. You must be dreamin.

  31. Oh, please..racial against Maya? Fans of GH have pushed for diversity FOREVER..and we're NOT SAYING THE ACTRESS is bad--we are saying the CHARACTER IS WRITTEN BADLY. We want better for Maya, geesh, read the comments.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...