Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Michael Wants a Hookah! Sam's Happy to Get One!

Dante staring at THE FACE!!  Sonny's Son...and the FACE!!

Um... I think I might tell Michael that prostitution is illegal..frought with STDs and how about DATING for awhile?? I don't know. It was so weird. Michael's on major double probation! What if that was Krissy? Think Guza would GO THERE? Of course not. This is GH!! The women get Shadybrook, the men? A nice roll in the hay. JaSam is cracking me up. Sam: I know a girl named Candy..she's in college, trying to do the right thing. So--er..you're going to offer up a job for her? heh. The whole conversation just made me laugh my head off. THEN, the discussion between Sam and Michael??????? wahahahaahaa!!  You have to see it to believe it. It's somewhere between silly, uncomfortable and just down right shameful.

Brenda and Sonny. At least Sonny's the one begging Brenda for another chance.  BTW, many of you have asked me about VMG's face...what I think. All I'm saying is that I think NLG, LW and CH look much more natural and way more gorgeous. That's all I have to say about that.
AND CLAIRE GETS dumped in RECORD time! LOL..geesh.

Scrubs had a very real discussion--like it that Robin's telling it like it is to Patrick. I  love Patrick's real emotion and desperation. I do wish Anna would walk in, holding her grandbaby though. Would be good timing.

Max and Milo are on!! Suzanne walks in and tells Milo to find Jason "Find him or you'll be wearing your balls for earrings"!! hee hee.  OMG, I think this might be the crush she develops!! Max?? That would be great. She and Diane going at it! At least her chest wasn't hanging out. I love how Max called Jason.

NOTE: FF but watch  Scrubs... if you want to really look at bad writing, shoddy story, then watch Sam/Michael. Should be a study at some college writing class somewhere. Hookah with a therapy license? Candy vs Abbey? OMG. I can't watch. :hides eyes:


  1. VM's face is that way because of her thyroid disorder. She's lost over 15 lbs and has awful allergies right now. She hasn't had any work done.
    The second link talks about her allergies which have left her swollen in the face and hands.

  2. Sam: I know a girl named Candy..she's in college, trying to do the right thing.
    ROFL! And don't forget Sam also said that Candy is a good girl. She kept saying that! What the hell? ROFL! Why was Sam dumb today?

  3. OK, I knew that you would mention the b-lls for earrings! I didn't think they could say that word on TV!

  4. Pretty sad when the best part of GH today was the commercial for OLTL..they see more action in a 10 second promo than GH does in a month!!

  5. Frankly I'm surprised Sam didn't just offer to sleep with Michael herself. Seriously. She has slept with all 33 of his dads (Step dad Jax, dad sonny, plus stand in dad Jason). As has Carly I know but Carly isn't offering to get a whore for him. SERIOUSLY GH? I guess it's fitting that Sam is offering it, but this is disgusting.


  7. I was making dinner and watching GH and once the talk of Lisa going batty and the prostitute, I immediately thought, "ok, this show glorifies domestic violence against women, institutionalizing every woman as a bat-crazy lunatic and now, promotes prostitution"

    what about the men?

    There is this really big pedestal they walk around on and the women shine it every day using the dress that Sonny bought for them.


    but i did think of something and I had to share it.

    picture this scenario:

    Jason has no idea how to help Michael anymore. He goes to Carly and tells her what is going on. Carly says (wait for it..............)

    "My stepbrother Lucas is now a psychiatrist in Portland. Even though he concentrated on gay studies, he should be able to talk to Michael and help. I will see if he can come to town to visit me and mom and talk to him."

    (of course Bobbie will NOT be shown on screen for this entire story arc)


    I NEVER liked Claire. I mean, NEVER. Not even one scene in her entire existence. Until today. She got me. I'm sorry if it took longer than most, be she finally got me today and I liked her.


    I agree the Robin and Patrick dialogue was very very "real" and well acted. I guess we know who did NOT write that scene.

  8. Sam really needs to stop listening in on other peoples' private conversation, since they are of no concern to her.
    Why is sex the solution to every problem in Sam's eyes? This character is such a dimwit. And, she sounded so excited about having Michael get laid by an escort.
    Here's an idea, have Michael talk to a psychiatrist. Bring back Kevin Collins.

    He's clearly got an issue with being in close proximity to people, especially strangers. He doesn't like being touched and has a bad reaction every time. So getting him an escort is a good idea? In what world?

    Where is Dante, in all this? Oh that's right, he's off playing hero with his "up in everyone's business" girlfriend, Lulu.
    If you said you would look after him and help guide him, then you should be there right now. He's in need of guidance. You are so worried about him being around Sonny and Jason because they are a bad influence, maybe you should be concerned that he's around "Sex Is My Solution To Everything" Sam.

    Right now Dante, isn't even an influence at all on Michael. He's never there, and when he is, he sends Michael away so him and Lulu can have a romp in the sack.

    No wonder this kid is messed about sex and everything else.

    Also, no kid should ever be allowed near Sam. She's got the parenting skills of a gnat. And, that's an insult to gnats. Don't let her and Jason have a child together. Please, spare us!!!

  9. Rita Pita I think you were right the first time lol 33 sounds more like Sam.I actually watched the whole show today and I knew they would say balls too.That was so sick trying to fix him up wit a stripper.Hate that Robin and Patrick are going to split but shes awfully calm with what Patrick did to her.

  10. I think Vanessa Marcil is way more gorgeous than NLG, LW and CH. I don't think they even compare. She's a beautiful woman.

  11. Claire should have total whiplash because Sonny broke the land speed record with that break up :D I hope we get a really great scene of Alexis being able to say "I told you soooooo"

    Sam/Jason/Michael/hooker - stupid, ridiculous, distasteful, dysfunctional, and down right insulting that Guza would think this crap up or that this would be acceptable tv

  12. You know I LOVE Vanessa. I think she's gorgous.

    The Michael storyline has been awful since he was born and has gotten worse. This is awful and I think Guza is sick for writing it.

    I feel bad for both Robin and Patrick.

    I don't feel for Claire. What did she think would happen in the long run anyway?

    I LOVED all the Sonny and Brenda scenes, they were amazing and I can't wait for that passionate kiss that lasts for days and days...

    ~SonnyandBrenda :)

  13. There is a very old joke that somehow seems to fit.

    An actor sits down on a park bench next to a prostitute. He said, "Madam, I as a mmber of the world's oldest profession, would like to buy you, a member of the world's second oldest profession, a drink. Both of which are being ruined by amatuers."

  14. I find myself fast fowarding through more of the show than I'm watching now. I feel bad - I tried to like the Brenda story but it's really stupid. They need more Patrick/Robin and ...... well I can't think of anything else I like right now. Thank goodness for DVRs.

  15. Wow! Vanessa is beautiful, as are the rest. IMO it is pretty cruel to criticize someone's face, especially if that person has an illness!

  16. Man, everytime I come on here you are bashing VM. Good grief.

  17. i think Vanessa ia beautiful woman and she can act too after her show Vegas went bye bye I had not heard anymore from her.I hate she has to come back to this lame storyline.Guza screwd up Robin and Patrick he does that to everyone that shows love.Jax and Carly,Lucky and Elizaeth even Sam and Jason

  18. Guza's woman-hating tendencies are in full bloom these days. He has turned Robin into an unforgiving, uncompromising, 'it has to be perfect or not at all' bitch. Claire, of course, has lost all her integrity and self-respect as well as any hope of making a case against PC's #1 sleaze-bag. Brenda is acting like a lovesick 13 year old and Sonny, puke filled sleaze bag that he is, is coming across like an aging lothario, greasy hair and lecherous grin. Meanwhile, Jason is a font of wisdom. Don't get me started on the idiocy that is Dante and Lulu.

  19. My problem with Brenda/VM is TIIC are acting like no other woman on the show can be compared to her.That is a insult to the other actresses on the show.Plus if you put her in a room full of guys with Adrianna Leon and asked them to choose one i bet you 1 million dollars that every guy in that room would not even notice VM.They would pick A.L.

  20. I detest Guza, don't get me wrong, but I can see how Sam would think that a prostitute is a solution--she's not educated, not very bright, and was a con woman raised by a con man. But, to show this as a GOOD solution, that is the problem. Why can't another character offer the sane solution that Michael receive counseling?

  21. "My problem with Brenda/VM is TIIC are acting like no other woman on the show can be compared to her."
    Well, that's the writer's fault not VM's.

  22. ANON: ARE YOU FLIPPING SERIOUS? Do you think Scrubs should reunite just because Patrick shows some remorse? Look I love my scrubs, and I want that reunion but it wouldn't be good tv if they got right back together. It takes months to get past an affair if not longer. Robin is not at all wanting perfection. Side note: KUDOS to KM & JP for their wonderful performances once again!

    As for VM, I say let's put up photos of all of us from 20+ years ago compared to today. Bet none of us look that great! Seriously. We are women, stop bashing other women. I do agree that NLG & LW look like real women. They have real bodies and aren't a size 1 Like Robin, Sam, Brenda, etc. But these women are petite and can't choose how they were born. They do have child like bodies but we still shouldn't judge.

    I really respected Claire prior to getting involved with Sonny. It makes me sick what they have made her in to.

  23. Love the actress playing Abby/Candy. HATE THE STORY they put her in. Sam, you're an idiot. I can't wait for Carly to hear about this. In this day and age do they really want to push prostitution?

  24. Robin and Patrick = great acting again...They have great chemistry and I think Robin's reaction is believable.

    VM, look I am a GUY and I think she is still a pretty woman. Yeah, she looks different than she did in 1996, but she is still cute and is a good daytimea actress to boot (EMMY WINNER). Looking forward to seeing her interact with KM

  25. Now I feel bad for VM, but I love her as an actress and she is a beautiful woman. We've all noticed a change in her face, but it's slight. I think her weight loss probably has a lot more to do with it, because she lost all her boobs.

    Nonetheless, who cares! We have Brenda back and for long time GH fans this history rich character is a real treat. I'm sure if she puts a few pounds back on, she'll be lovely as ever. If not, again who cares, she's great!

  26. I also don't like the storyline where Sam offers to get Michael a hookah. How about some therapy like your sis Kristina. I do like how Jason is trying to be there for Michael (of course I haven't seen all of today's episodes).
    I also agree that it is horrible that the writers are writing VM as the women above all women. Don't get me wrong I like Brenda and all but don't put her on such a pedestal. Oh and knock off the dark eye make up. I cannot stand that. She would look much better with way less eye makeup.
    As for Scrubs, I wasn't even a fan until this Lisa storyline. It isn't unrealistic that it would take Robin a while to forgive Patrick.

  27. Somebody please tell me how Guza still has a job!!! GH loses 360,000 viewers in just 2 weeks and he is still there!!!!
    Nothing is going to get better at GH until Guza and Phelps are gone!

  28. They hate men on here more than the women. They killed 2 men in Ireland, the lopez men when they were after sam and jason at the cabin. They killed off Cooper,Logan,Jesse,AJ,Lorenzo his brother, Diego,etc. So they hate men more then women One Life To Live is doing the same thing with men, Greg,Ross, I'm sure Eli will be next. And David on All My Children. I could go on and on.

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House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...