Friday, October 29, 2010

General Hospital Horrific And Hilarious!

Edward and Courtney as Princess and Benny Franklin!! GH has had a long and fun history when it comes to Halloween. We all know Maxie came along on that day. There used to be parties and trick or treating galore.   Look at  Dr. Kelly Lee as The Birds and the Bees: 

Here is a really FUN video of Carly and Sonny taking Michael to Bobbie's on Halloween! Back in the day of family togetherness-- AND I love Sarah Brown at this stage of Carly.  

AH...loving the nostalgia!! Here's another great photo...Mac, Roy...Felicia. *SIGH*

If you feel like taking a "Scary Survey" hop over to and fill this Halloween Poll out....One BIG mistake however, they left off Helena in the first question! She has to be one of the spookiest ladies of the daytime soaps!! 

 One bone to pick...remember in 2009 when Helena wanted the St. Gregory portrait from Wyndemere? Why was that? WHO KNOWS!!! They've so wasted potential for Helena to be in town. You know I'd love for her to marry Eddie Q. Being Tracy's step-mama and Luke's Mama-in-law!
What about buying Crimson and being all "Devil Wears Prada" on Kate/Maxie/Lulu. She'd kill for fashion! Not to mention her reaction to Kristina...Mekko's granddaughter. Oh, I am just having dreams of a scarier GH! That's all.

SO....BOO! to you!! What's your scariest GH memory? Mine is Georgie dying. It was the turning point for me with the whole Guza-Era. 

Here's a  GH Halloween Feast For You:

Ruby's Creepy Chili

Lila's Phantom Pic-a-Lila
Cassadine Freaky Feta Filled Pie
Lucky's Gummy Worm-Farm Delights
Sonny's Monster Marinara
and Luscious LukeSon Ritas!


  1. OK, you have totally nailed what they need to do with Helena! That would absolutely keep my interest on GH!

  2. I <3 that group picture! I have that episode on vhs! I miss Bobbie, Felicia, Mac and the rest. Although I have to say it took a long time but I do like MS as Maxie

  3. I could write SO much for Helena Lianne!!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...