Monday, October 4, 2010

New Carly Promo: Sex Pot calling Kettle...

THIS is the metro court?  HOW Gouache!!

Come on...Carly yelling at Brenda for "sleeping with every man in town" is hysterical. Coming from LW it makes no sense. If  Sarah BROWN would have said it, I could see it working!!! I am going to love those two hating each other though. Carly #1 could make crazy sound sane...Laura Wright is just too nice in her delivery sometimes. Heh

OLTL: Kim Zimmer was great!! LOVED the flashbacks!! If GH used THEIR vets, that could be Monica and Leslie, damn it!! OLTL is SO good, I really encourage you to watch it. Using vets, the ENTIRE canvas and twisting up the stories so it doesn't feel like you are watching 3 different shows. I was yelling the entire time for OLTL  to hurry up and it was a MONDAY! woot!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Lisa...Lisa!! I guess they need her around a bit more, eh??
JaSam...all lovey/dovey, and I think it's good not to have her move in with him.

S&B--talk  about boring crap. zzzzzzzz. At least Brenda married Edward!! Thank goodness  Diane came in to gush over Brenda's fashion choices for a bit.

Lulu's got a giant arm full of water  in her arms..LOL. In the cabin..which is so boring I could die.  Glad that old guy woke up so we could get some movement. Loved how they were trying to tell the Interpol guy what to do. God, shut up!!

Brianna  Brown did a bang up job today..heh. I kinda felt for her a bit-- she did love/want Paddy and he did sleep with her. I just don't like how they never make it the guy that's obsessive and after a married woman. Someone on twitter actually asked when would a MAN be taken to Shadybrook??!! That's a LAUGH and a half. Guza would probably chop his own fingers off first!!

Alexis was tweeting on her phone?!! hahahaha. Claire is so a dead man walking. Wait until she gets dumped. The only reason to watch today? Diane/Alexis.!!

Alli is that girl with Michael--I think she looks a bit like a younger Sarah Brown.



  2. Didn't Helena have Nicholas looked up in Shadybrook for a while?
    Also, didn't Sonny got there during his bipolar?
    And what about Tony? Ryan?

  3. I just want Lucky to find out Aiden is his baby!! When do you think we will get that?


    Reason I will NEVER be on board for Jasam. GO BRAZEN!

  5. Sonny & Brenda = boring. Mainly because I can't stand Sonny. Looking forward to the Brenda/Carly stuff though!

  6. I di watch 2 minutes of GH today and was when Diane came in she was good but when Sonny started to tell Brenda how much they meant to each other that was the worse acting from Maurice.OLTL was great today love OLTL hope yall watch it it is a great soap like GH use to be.

  7. Well, those men never got locked up as a result of being crazy-assed over a woman!! But no, I don't think Tony or Ryan went there. Not sure about Sonny, don't think so.

  8. ROFLMAO! That voiceover guy saying "BFFs" -- kills me! I've watched 10 times just for that And think of all the takes he had to do. You can almost hear him shouting back to the sound booth, "What the heck is a BFF?"

  9. Patrick said "I will never understand why I had to sleep with Lisa" well honey let me fill you in... because Guza is in charge lol

    Kudos to Dr Cra Cra, she was AMAZING! And Robin's scream when the gun went off was great.

    And if anyone cares, Luke will be back on this coming Thursday's GH :) (Oct 7)

  10. Many powerful scenes today. A lot of tears. A lot of vulnerability. Was very impressed with today's show. Don't want to jinx it, but could there be a glimpse of hope?
    A light at the end of the tunnel?

    Lisa unraveling the way she did, there are no words.

    Michael talking to Jason about his inexperience with girls, you could hear the vulnerability in his voice and see it in his face.

    Sonny pointing out how scared Brenda was about the possibility of starting their relationship again had a nice touch to it.

    Only complaint today, was about Lulu. Can you say hypocrite? Here she is ready and encouraging Dante to leave a fellow law enforcement officer after she clocked him. So not to get into trouble with interpol, she wanted to run. And, when Michael was reluctant to come forward, or when Carly, Jason and Sonny wanted to protect him from facing the consequences, she looked her nose down at them.
    Cannot stand her hypocrisy.

  11. I do still see the S&B connection but I would rather see her with Jax (always felt this way). But now, would love to see it just to completely break Carly and shut her stupid mouth.

    Jasam is a bore. Sam used to be fun loving and kind and now she's dark and unfeeling like Jason.

    I have to agree that I am very much looking forward to Lucky finding out Aidens paternity. I don't want to see Liz be jealous of Brooke lynn. This is the perfect time for them to realize everything they did together was a mistake.

  12. I also was going to say that only the WOMEN go to Shadybrook. Lisa is evil, but not crazy, and she tried to kill Robin. I think she can be prosecuted for attempted murder, she is not insane from a psychiatric standpoint, just personality disordered, so she knew full well what she was doing, and that it was wrong. I can't believe they're going to let her out, and back to GH, after causing Robin to have a car crash (where she might have died), and leaving her in a well (where she likely would have perished). This makes NO sense.

    I think the girl that likes Michael has a very different, AMAZING look, and would be a great addition to the cast

  13. did the announcer guy really just say BFF?


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...