Monday, October 18, 2010

Did YOU stay awake during GH today?

Look for a winter wedding coming up on GH. "It's before Christmas, and let's just say the people who you think are going to get married aren't the ones who are going to get married," teases Guza. 

I asked this question in the blog this Sunday: Who do YOU want to get hitched? I would love Luke and Tracy to have a big old wedding. Some people voted for Max/Diane.  I think that Lucky and Siobhan will do it to keep her in the United States? I hope it's a WEDDING wedding and not the usual Guza-BOOM-sham wedding. 

Did you see the new Banner on  the Wubs Net? I so enjoyed making that.  Pookisama had the idea and I ran with it. Can you name all the baddies?! 

TODAY'S SHOW: Mayor Floyd was dusted off and let out of the closet. Out of left-field. Idiots. Why should we even BOTHER with this character when he's never around? We had the whole "crazy wife" thing..Alexis thing, then nothing. Now he's trying to get Ronnie to turn on Dante?? What.

There's a tam not glued to Siobhan's head. That's a good sign. Loved the maid "talking" Italian!! alaaahhahahaha. How did they keep the fake things straight? 

Brenda. Geesh,  freak out much? Her scenes are WASTED  on fighting with Jason... staring into space.. ugh.

Lisa's eye makeup is in direct proportion to her crazy. 

Boy, if people thought Dante got a lot of airtime he's right in the middle of the whole Dante sheezebang with the Balkan.

Sister Wives Season Finale last night was a hoot.  Good Lord, Kody needs a big old fryin' pan on his head. Just sayin'. Is it the hair that attracts the ladies? The Lexus? The teeth? What!? I'd love for one of them to have an affair next season and want to get married to someone else too.  Heh. 

My Mad Men recap will be up on Pop Confidential Soon. Squeee!!! Great ending. 

I saw the DVD of "Babies" this weekend. My parents and I just DIED laughing. What a cool documentary. They follow 4 babies in their first year of life from around the globe.  I was glad the Japanese looked as commercial as we do! 

Today is WUBBY HUBBY's birthday! By sheer weirdness, it's also Gedstern's hubby's bday too! How wild is that??


  1. I barely stayed awake. Its bad.

    I think the actress who is playing Sloibhan looks a lot like Lea Thompson from Back to the Future.

    Luke is homeless and has to stay with Caroline? Um... Doesnt Bobbie still have a brownstone? And if she does, why havent we met any of the inhabitants? Aren't there staterooms on the Haunted Star for him to sleep at?

  2. Just popping in to say I love the new banner.
    My favorite baddie on there is Bobby G himself!
    Good job!
    Oh and I did see the last few minutes again- hahahaha those "thugs" have such thuggish mugs! And the accents, oy. Poor JJ having to talk like that all the time. Do you suppose he does it at home yet?

  3. Ok, the wedding (nightmare) before Christmas has to be one that we're all going to hate, and will upset someone not involved in the main two nominees: Siobhan and Lucky, for protection purposes of course (love will come later) and it will make all sorts of angst for Liz who of course thinks she will just twitch her nose and get Lucky back (I laugh wickedly).Numberf 2 guess is Dante and Brenda (just the thought makes my toes curl), but that way they can't testify against each other for whatever they did (I'm thinking a child they've put into adoption, fathered bye Sonny or Jax...and Lulu will say adios to Dante, hopefully...I'm bored with the couple....

  4. Ok, the wedding (nightmare) before Christmas has to be one that we're all going to hate, and will upset someone not involved in the main two nominees: Siobhan and Lucky, for protection purposes of course (love will come later) and it will make all sorts of angst for Liz who of course thinks she will just twitch her nose and get Lucky back (I laugh wickedly).Numberf 2 guess is Dante and Brenda (just the thought makes my toes curl), but that way they can't testify against each other for whatever they did (I'm thinking a child they've put into adoption, fathered bye Sonny or Jax...and Lulu will say adios to Dante, hopefully...I'm bored with the couple....

  5. Was it just me or was Sonny being overly forceful with Brenda today during there scene in her room? I wanted Kristina to witness it and call Sonny out on it.

  6. From the bottom: Helena 1, Helena 2, Mikos, Starvos, then the Luza, Frank Smith (the recast when L&L came back), Faison, then some graphic I don't recognize, then Ryan, and on top is Franco's spray paint graphic, then Manny, Franco, and Grant Putnam. Although Grant Putnam had that weird slicked back hairstyle, so maybe that is Grant Andrews. GREAT GRAPHIC!

    Maybe Faith Roscoe would be a good addition, and Heather Webber. Oh, and the first Alkazar, the one who got killed, whatever his name was.

    I hope the Murder One actor will be the Balkin. He would give it weight, probably more than it deserves.

  7. Best part of today's show for me was Luke and Carly then Luke and Jason. I like how they reminded the world that Carly is Luke's niece and then brought back up Luke's mob ties by having him talk to Jason.

    Glad I could be an inspiration to you Karen ;) The banner looks magnificent xoxox Lori aka @pookisama

  8. It was a bit hard to make out the graphic in the 2nd row...but with a little help (thanks, Lori, lol) I discovered it was a pic of the famous ICE PRINCESS! The world almost was made into a popcicle because of I guess it does make it into the villian the little puzzles, Karen, way to go!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...