Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sunday... er Saturday Surgery: Bloody Mess

 SURGERY is ONE DAY early due to Easter tomorrow.  I figure you are all busy so what the heck. Here is it today:


That's me pulling on my gloves because I'm going to be elbow deep in a blood bath when I dish on the show this past week.
Between NotCreepsterLuke, Levi the GURU and Dr. O just waltzing out of jail, it's been a hellofaweek.

Let's get going...and here it is almost  EASTER SUNDAY! I wish I could be more cheery about the show!! Maybe having some Peeps and cramming a chocolate bunny in our mouths would help. 

Where to start. Well,  I'd like to say that it would really be nice to have Scott, Lucy, Kevin, Mac and Felicia on for just more than 1 day a month. Especially with Maxie back. SHE's stuck in hell with Levi and Nate in her apartment. Great come back, so exciting and heartwarming.  @@ How about getting her out of there, please?

Oh.. Bobbie. It would be interesting to see her interact with NotLuke. Maybe she'll show up for AJ's funeral. Look into his rheumy eyes and go: What the hell, bro? 
What about Lucas? Did we just drop the whole Brad thing? Felix is evaporated too. You guys brought way too many newbies on in such a short period of time, it's criminal.  and.....the biggest gaping hole? MONICA! She hasn't been on since March 31st. AJ's death.  Why not have her at the mansion when Ned/Tracy were there? Idon't think LC has a ton of acting gigs keeping her busy or anything. All this so we can have more time to watch stupid characters like Levi and Jordan? ugh

BTW, Jordan is a drug mover. Ok, whatever...NEXT! 

I sell you one embryo for one gets outta jail freeze

SO, I take it Dr. Obrect kidnapped Big Baby Ben JUST so Lante could find out she has another zygote of theirs? I mean why else have her do that if they are just going to get her out of jail 2 days later? She shot Liz--and kidnapped a kid. AND...they can just give her immunity? Ok then! Guess we are just supposed to be stupid about it. Anna saying she'd SUPPORT them on this? After trying to get O in jail forever?? What. The. HELL? 

Donna Mills reveal about Nathan. Yawn. I so don't care. LOL. Not a bit.  It may have been somewhat interesting if he would have run to Britt that next day to tell her they were siblings and the two of them try to figure out their whole messed up family connection. But..naw..why do that? Why connect the story? Take your time. We aren't doing anything. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Spencer. Wow. What a snot face. I so  love his sassy attitude.  He's a good little actor too. You can totally see how he could turn out that way  in that house, with Nik...and Spence being the little prince and all. I wish he'd mention Granny Hells now and again. I can't wait for CT to have a scene with him. They'd BETTER have one together!! 

Sabby and Paddy were back this week and having a boy. They've been off the show so long, I'd forgotten about them.  I wonder if it's really weird to be PG in real life and have scenes like this!? 

The BEST part of the week was Sonny and AJ.  SK and MB were good --and I loved watching Sonny being eaten alive from the inside out.  He yells at Olivia, yells at Spencer. And..calls Ava.
We all know where this is going! Bow chicka BOW BOW. Morgan, you're OUT!

I am praying that these two aren't being set up to be Maxie's Love Triangle. I just COULD NOT take that. UGHHHHHHHHH

 LOVE, LOVE LOVE...get rid of 10 characters and BRING THIS MAN BACK!  He is so good, so natural in the Ned role, I love it. He could save Alexis from Julian--and all could be right in the Q mansion. 

THIS happened. So that Franco could go find out info from Carlos in jail. Couldn't you have just say, exposed yourself in the lobby and saved all that work for the maintenance guys? Good reminder of Franco's olden days tho.  

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  All of these. This is everything AJ needed to say to Sonny when he was alive. Mo and Sean are playing it so well, imo. AND Barware got thrown!! woot!

PROP of the WEEK: Oh CARRRrrrrrrrrrlos you had to drink from that bottle!!  Don't you KNOW what police do to collect DNA? Huh?  This IS the one part of the whole show that made sense. I could see Carrrrrlos taking the fall for Ava/Sonny if he thought she'd kill Sabby and the baby. So, I'll give you that.

FACE OF THE WEEK:  I'm picking this NON-Face as face of the week, to contrast how REAL faces should look when they find out their mother is an evil villain of the woman you just almost slept with.  Yes, that was the moment he found out. And it didn't change much moment to moment, scene to scene.

There you have it!!  This week was mostly 2-3 characters and exposition. I know we need it now and again but let's move some things along, shall we? I really think we need to find out who NotLuke is like yesterday because zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  The whole Drug thing? Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.  AJ funeral is a least a week too late, imo. 


  1. Umm, some times I am a little slow on the uptake, as is Tracy, apparently. But wouldn't she KNOW that Fluke wasn't Luke when she KISSED him??? Everyone kisses differently, and you can't know how someone else kisses. Ok, ok, there are a lot of other huge huge problems with this story. And really, when all is said and done, it is a crashing bore. The entire show is a crashing bore.
    Thanks for doing Saturdaysurgery; and Happy Easter to you, Karen and to all the rest of the wubbers. I really enjoy reading the blog and comments each day. Lately, I enjoy them more than the show. : )

  2. I really wish the writers of GH would just read your blog and get some sense knocked into them! The show should be 2 hours long with the amount of characters it has. Oh well, Happy Easter Karen and to all the wubbers!

  3. I've said before that I keep repeating to myself: "It's better than Guza." The problem is I am not that convinced anymore. There's little interaction. Most of the scenes are two, at most three characters. Sonny is on almost every day, there's more mobsters than ever. The dialogue is the highpoint but the stories are not interesting. The one positive during the Guza years, the acting, is being sabotaged by this endless parade of models who are horrible actors. Who the hell is hiring these people?

    Current stories are dragging on and on and I don't care. The notLuke mess is just disgusting as well as totally unbelievable. Is this another excuse to bring back a bunch of people who don't work anymore and will show up for a few days for little pay? Bill Eckert had relatives. Maybe Jenny will show up. I don't know if she is even still acting. Ditto Julia. I think she was involved with Bill.

    We need some catastrophe to wipe out half the cast. Just get rid of them. Stop hiring people who look good but are hopeless actors. Nathan is no better now than when he started. I've mentioned before that I tried to get into OLTL but was put off by all the terrible actors. The same thing is happening on GH. Let the casting director do his job and find unknowns who will work cheap but have potential. Every time Nathan comes on I cringe. Replace five bad actors who portray pointless characters with an actor with an interesting story I can care about.

    I hate that so many of the female characters are acting as if they have had lobotomies. This is not our Tracy. I never liked Carly but this is not Carly. Kiki has never been the smartest person but why didn't she call the police? Do they think the audience enjoys seeing women abused? Stop it. Please just stop it.

    I hate that the show keeps getting worse instead of better.

  4. GH is flaming out. Someone needs to settle it down really soon! I am NOT watching more often than watching these days. Hate most of the new characters too.

  5. Somehow, I think the faults are connected to the budget. It must be cheaper to film, say, six scenes with two people talking and then intersperse them thru the hour, than to actually film story. If you are moving story along, then that requires some movement and action, change of sets most likely. So we get this static stuff.

    And using vets every 3 weeks or so lets them juggle them around so they don't all get paid at once.

    Frank is well known for staying under budget and still delivering good show--and he did it for a long time at OLTL, but that was managable there, and with the ambitious ideas and overpopulation here on GH, it is not.

    dar, it IS better than Guza. At least somewhat. Not quite so dark. But the influx of mob, of tedious Sonny scenes, and most of all, the ruination of Luke--it is beginning to feel more Guza-like these days. And I'm having the same problems--I like the actor who plays Julian, but he is a criminal so I cannot really invest in him. Alexis needs romance, and they are hot together, but I don't want her saddled to a killer. No thanks. That's a major problem with handsome, appealing CRIMINALS! I can only think, Lock 'em up! I don't want the females to be stupid enough to fall for them.

  6. I didn't think anyone on GH could be worse than Richard Simmons. I was wrong. I would rather watch a "Best of Richard Simmons GH Marathon" than another scene with Levi. That pinhead is unbearable. Trapping Maxie in the horribly-wallpapered apartment with Levi and Nathan is incredibly cruel.

  7. Good writing is NOT $ related, but RC related.

    The Sonny-AJ stuff was HORRENDOUS, predictable, and a rehash of other ghostly haunting scenes.

    Go to Youtube and watch MB scenes in the 90s. He was terrific then. His acting is HORRID now. He cannot act convincingly nor show an ounce of subtlety.

    And why does AJ have a porno stache?

  8. I thought that the dried blood on AJ's shirt made sense, as he has been dead for weeks now.

    Jews have to bury our dead within 24 hours, I know that Christians take longer, and view the body, etc., but do they ever wait for weeks?

    Happy Passover to my Jewish friends, and Happy Easter to those of the Christian faith.

  9. AntJoan,
    I have heard of funerals being delayed as much as 10 days but it seems as though AJ has been dead for more than a month. I think part of the problem is that a "day" on GH now lasts for several shows. So in GH time maybe it's only been a week? Who knows!

  10. My wish for NonLuke is that with the change happening about the time that Victor showed up, that it's a Cassadine thing. He's in a mental hospital, mind control has been happening again, they are working on Stavros and Hells to return. They've done it before with Lucky. That and watching his face when they rolled Luke into the hospital. That wasn't the face of someone that had been switched that was the face of a very confused Luke with very strange eyes. So there's my wish,that the Cassadines and the Spencers meet again. I have always loved Luke and Hells together. I think it would be much more interesting. And yes, Ned needs to stick around! I can think of several characters that could leave to budget him back in starting with that unbearable Levi!

  11. My wish for NonLuke is that with the change happening about the time that Victor showed up, that it's a Cassadine thing. He's in a mental hospital, mind control has been happening again, they are working on Stavros and Hells to return. They've done it before with Lucky. That and watching his face when they rolled Luke into the hospital. That wasn't the face of someone that had been switched that was the face of a very confused Luke with very strange eyes. So there's my wish,that the Cassadines and the Spencers meet again. I have always loved Luke and Hells together. I think it would be much more interesting. And yes, Ned needs to stick around! I can think of several characters that could leave to budget him back in starting with that unbearable Levi!

  12. I'm late to comment- was so hoping the prop of the week were Ava's feathers slippers



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...