Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lexi Ainsworth GH Memories Album!

Brother/Sister Corinthos! 
Lexi has a Facebook Page --go and Like it! You can view her "GH Memories" Album which is full of great candid set photos. Even her "Graduation portrait"!!  Can you tell I'm still not accepting this??


  1. I think these two had such chemistry. And a little love blossoming would have been great especially if they were trying to keep it a secret from everyone because of the brother/sister thing ( even though they weren't related.) I think it would have made a super storyline and let them both be teenagers!

    I get really tired of the networks feeling they always have to have actresses in their mid to upper 20's playing teenagers. Just look at Glee! No wonder young teenage girls ( and even boys) have such a poor sense of body image.

  2. This hurts so badly. I just can't believe they let her go. And I wanted Ethan and Kristina together SO BADLY, and now, nothing - at least with Lexi as Kristina. And they killed the Davis Girls. And they killed the father/daughter thing between Lexi and Mo. I feel like I had the rug pulled out from under me. I'm just sick. I can't express the depth of my anger, but I can take GH off my DVR in protest. Done.

  3. LOVE?? They are brother & sister on the show!!!!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...