Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh Vera Wang, Don't Piss Off Daytime!!

If you caught "Dirty Soap" you saw wardrobe coming in and showing Kelly Monaco wedding dresses. She settled on a Monique Lhuiller which was of course, gorgeous on her. But get this,  NLG let it be known that Wang wouldn't entertain the idea of "costuming for Daytime TV"! 
Interesting  because she sure did shill for the Kardashians!!! 
BTW, she also "lowers herself" to design for Kohl's, boycott that line too!! 

Nancy's Tweets:

As topper 2 2nites tweets. Vera Wang dissed GH wardorobe head by saying "we dont do television & definitely not DAYTIME television....

That was after GH Wardrobe Head inquired about entering store & buying wedding dress. Vera F me Wang wouldnt let her into store. Take note.

Vera Wang can kiss my 26 yr 3 million average a day ASS! Suck it Vera!
If you buy Vera Wang you are not a friend of this soaper. Boycott


  1. definitely needs to get over herself...
    next time I get married, shes not on the list....

  2. Soap fans look like wing nuts when we ask fans to boycott someone who may OR MAY NOT have distain for daytime soaps. We need the facts 1st.

    I'm not defending Vera Wang but I doubt she was the one in the store personally. She might just need better employees.

    I can't hold someone responsible for what someone who "knows" them said.

  3. considering I own a Vera Wang mattress I can't boycott her. If it's true though and it was her that said no then she sucks. You shouldn't refuse any clients or any chance of getting some publicity.

  4. If that is true.. What a witch with a b.

  5. well, I hope it makes mainstream press Barb, then we'll know AND get PR!!

  6. LOVE it!

    Bad publicity is the best REVENGE!

    I do own alot of Vera things. Thank You for sharing this with us.
    It isn't so much what she said about GH, but to snob her nose is tasteless. Who would want her as a designer?

    If she thinks the Kardashians are soo much better, then I definately will be changing future purchase of VW. I don't play that game.

  7. vera wang's kohl's collection is some of the ugliest clothing i've ever seen!!! i boycotted that line since its inception!

  8. "Soap fans look like wing nuts when we ask fans to boycott someone who may OR MAY NOT have distain for daytime soaps. We need the facts 1st. "

    Really....y'all bitch about what a shitty show GH is then defend its honor when someone doesn't want to participate...seriously, some of you may need to gain some perspective.



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