Thursday, November 11, 2010

Holy Krap! Kourtney Kardashian Goes to OLTL!!!'s breaking news on E! that miss K will be gracing our screens on One Life to Live...and NOT as herself. Okay....She's having scenes with Blair and Christian. I hope I can get over her voice long enough to appreciate her onscreen performance. Kassie DePaiva is even excited and says she'll let everyone know how the taping goes. Think the taping will make it on to the "Keeping Up" show?? Hmmm. that would be interesting. OLTL is really getting PR this week between this news and Ted King!!


  1. I'm not too fond of that family, so I'm not impressed that OLTL snagged her up. If it helps their ratings though...

  2. I know Andrea, I just hope the novelty factor will do it. ;) She's only on for like a day or so

  3. too bad its not khloe going on oltl she has a personality kourtney is boring.


Tuesday: The Docks

  Greetings from The Frozen Tundra!! 12 degrees and lake effect snow! Whoo Hoo!! That time of year but it sure is nasty when it's here. ...