Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Wubbers!!

I am so thankful for all of your support --especially during my "Crabby GH" times (which are quite a few!). General Hospital is our passion and our pain. Just like the soap itself. I hope you are with family and friends today eating your fave goodies. I found this old clip of a vintage Q Thanksgiving 1995. Ned, Lois-- little Amber Tamblyn as Emily. *sigh*


  1. That was amazing....Thanks!

  2. That was priceless, The Duck Episode! Jason in a sweater vest! Those really were the good old days, thank you thank you thank you...

  3. Brings back memories, Lois, Emily, and lets not forget Lila.

  4. OMG this was GH at its best, family, laugh, good dialogue.

    I miss the real GH!

    Thanks so much for the memories!

  5. "I'm beginning to believe someone ducknapped him" lol

  6. Emily giving Alan a kiss actually made me tear up a little. Thanks for posting this!

  7. Those were the days my friend, Thanks for the clip of the way things used to be and I wish they were once again. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. One day I believe ABC/Disney will see the old clips and your website and finally let go of Guza and Fronz and hire you.

  8. These clips were wonderful. Thanksgiving episodes full of family, love, laughter, emotion and pizza!

    Today we get a Thanksgiving episode cenetered around people setting up a young teenage boy with a prostitute.

    Oh, how thngs have changed.

  9. I sure miss Reginald!!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...