WOW..ok, so... I knew David was probably alive, but had NO IDEA he was walking into the courtroom like that. NONE. None of the mags even spoiled VI was coming back to the show!! Even his Facebook was full of goodbyes. AWESOME keeping that under wraps!! I twirled!! (and squealed a little hee hee) I'm spoiler free on AMC and OLTL but everyone was spoiler free on that one. The promo gave a hint but I though, nah, no way they'd keep him coming back under wraps But they did!! Both AMC and OLTL had pretty good sweeps (OLTL the best). Can't say that for snoozefest GH.
OLTL confused the HELL out of me... LOL. We had such fun on twitter trying to figure out who's was who's!! Clint had someone's switched...did he switch Nat's or Jessica's?? Oh, it's delicious!!
There are SO MANY RUMORS out there about GH right now, it's rather comical. Johnny gets a brain tumor. Johnny is killed by Balkan... WTD for Maxie...WTD for another Brenda kid. Sam is held hostage, meets Brenda's kid-- Sonny's restaurant burns down. Whatever.
Here's a photo from EW of "Theo Hoffman" (Daniel Benzali) who plays a hypochondriac patient that befriends Robin. Of course, speculation has him as THE Balkan. (he's got the black gloves for it!) Maybe Suzanne will be his "ex". I'd like that.
So, why do they only have Carly and Luke together like once a year!!?? WHY? They even look related!! Carly had better be in his WEDDING, DAMN IT!!
Lulu has peppers!! Who remembers Robin's "peppers" speech to Jason? LOL. I do. Cause I wrote a WUB about it. And today Jason visited They remembered!! I just watched a bunch of their stuff on You Tube and they were so cute.
Lisa and Johnny. What you thinkin' about that? I'm going to hurl I believe. Just sayin' Lisa is kind of the new Bobbie on GH. Bobbie was quite nasty in her time, btw. She drugged Scotty. Pretended she was PG too.
Sonny and Brenda banner day for those fans. Rain, old memories...a kiss. *sigh* and think about it, only FOUR MONTHS after she got her butt on the show. LOL
WHY is Johnny even covering for Lisa? That makes a lot of sense. And he had to look at it 50 times. LOL. His lurking on the docks when she was talking to Nikolas? Stupid.
Well..that's that!
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Yesterday's Show: So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll: So, Jason can ...
Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch...
Johnny is covering for Lisa because there is a IDIOT named Bob Guza who is writing for the show and is TOO STUPID to know how to write a good story. Like for instance,if they want REAL angst for Lulu & Dante TIIC SHOULD have Johnny & Lulu in scenes together with them both struggling with their unresolved feelings for each other and trying to move on from each other with Dante & Olivia ( who just happen to be mother & son). I mean how much more interesting would it be to watch then the Brenda/Dante CRAP!? Hello Bob Guza,You do remember Johnny loved Lulu so much that he was willing to go to prison for her right?I mean I remember it!
ReplyDeleteI was blubbering like a baby today with Kendall sooo sad I didn't know they were killing Zach off.I know hes married to OLTL's Marty and I wondered how he was going to do a show in California and his wife is in New York.They really know how to switch paternity tests on OLTL but I was shocked on David Haywood and the evil Marty.Guza knows nada on writing needs to go to OLTL and take lessons
ReplyDeleteJohnny covers for Lisa so he can have something on her, I believe. He wants her to do something, and with Johnny having the syringe, she cannot say no. Surprised? nah, he's the son of the Godfather after all.
ReplyDeleteAs for OLTL, it is convoluted, but here's the rundown of what we've seen so far...Clint didn't change Nat or Jess's paternity tests, he changed his own! He doesn't want Rex for a son, so this way Charlie is happy, and Clint's off the hook.Something has to happen to change that though...It was Marty who changed Jess and Nat's results. She is slowly going off the deep end (which she does sooooo very well) and this is part of her revenge. Now they are all happy, but once the truth comes out....Katie bar the door!
Side note...the wonderful Thorsten Kaye is available guys! Patrick and Marty are magic...bring him back and let them have a love story for the ages. sigh......
Leezy, I think that this happened:
ReplyDeleteClint sent his guy to change the tests. He changed Clint's and Rex's and then Jessica's so she thinks it's Brody's, Marty changed Nat's and Nat is lying saying it's John's when it's really Brody's (on the paper) but it's REALLY John's. LOL SO
Jess's baby is Ford's
Nat's baby is John's
Rex is Clint's.
I loved the show today! LOL
remember Johnny went to Lisa while she was a juror on Sonys trial for killing Claudia. Maybe he feels like he owes her for that. Still it's a pretty obscure situation.
ReplyDeleteRaising hand, I remember the pepper conversation...and the bike shop..........
ReplyDeleteThough it was nice to see Jason finally visit Robin, suprised she didn't share what's been going on with the whole Lisa situation???
ReplyDeleteWhenever Robin has had any trouble or unable to deal with something, she's always found comfort and a calming effect with Jason. So why the sudden change? Why, not have her talk it out with him?
Ofcourse, it's far more important for them to rhapsodize about Sonny and Brenda. ROLLING MY EYES INTO THE BACK OF MY HEAD SO I DON'T HAVE TO WATCH THIS ANYMORE!!!
There are other characters on this show and they don't always have to talk about Sonny and/or Brenda. Give it a rest. PLEASE!! Allow us to see the history between these characters that has nothing to do with your 2 favourite shiny toys.
Sonny and Brenda were hot BACK IN THE DAY because they were both diminutive, dark haired, he had dimples and she had a smile to melt bricks. They are not hot today. He is an aging lothario with too many women popping in and out of his bed, and she is still a romantic, charming yet spoiled teeny-bopped with apple sauce for brains. If Brenda is not going to grow up she needs to be with Jason who at least can take care of her.
ReplyDeleteAt least 2 paternity tests were changed on OLTL based on what was said on today's show... Clint is Rex's daddy, not Charlie, and the guy changed at least 1 of the DNA tests to say "Brody is the daddy". I was distracted during the show so I am not 100% sure that Natalump's test results say Brody isn't the daddy, thus my confusion.
ReplyDeleteMajor eye makeup on Lisa today = uber crazy. I love the direct correlation of her crazy and her eye makeup!
I love Maxie, she is always the brightest spot on any GH episode. However KS needs to find a new hair dresser! Past time to fix up those roots and make that cut cute again! (Speaking of hair... Nikolas's hair looks more and more like a toupee as the days past, ack!)
I had no idea that was supposed to be Sonny's old apartment in Luke's old club, maybe I shouldn't fast forward so much? lmao
Clint had the test changed to say Charlie is Rex's father. He told his guy to change his "daughter's" test to make Brody the father. Clint only thought Jess was having a paternity test. He had no reason to think Natalie was having one. When they showed the computer, Natalie Banks came before Jessica Brennan. The guys said he looked in the "b's" and found Clint's daughter. He said "the other guy" was the dad so he changed it to Brody. It looks like John was listed as dad, but the guy changed it to Brody (thinking that's what Clint wants). I think Jessica's test is accurate and was not touched.
ReplyDeletedang, you guys are observant! Clint's dude definitely changed Rex's paternity test to read that Charlie was the daddy...did you notice the shock on Echo's face? I believe Clint wanted him to also change Jessica's test so his baby would have a happy ending to all her misery of late. The little dude (in the midst of a migraine yet) sees Natalie's name and presumes she's the daughter Clint wants changed , and he does the deed. (the test now reads Brody is the father, so of course the baby is really John's). Now, in comes Marty, she wants to change Natalie's test to read Brody's name, but it is already there. Would she be vicious enough to just swap the 2 tests? so each girl's test says Brody? And in reality he isn't the father of either child! ARGH! it boggles the mind, and I will retire to my chair to write "I will not post until I've seen the ending at least twice!" hahaha...oh the beautiful writing of it all!
ReplyDeleteLeesy said...
ReplyDeleteThe little dude (in the midst of a migraine yet)
Hahaha that was really funny! :) And he kept going on and on about it ROFL! He is handsome. :)
ReplyDeleteMrs.. Goose couldn't post so here's her reply:
ReplyDeletemindymoe, That is exactly what I saw too. We don't know for sure which daughter's results were switched, but it suggested Natlie's was. I did not see Marty switch any results at all. She just got a copy of Nat's results. Clint was only making sure that Ford was out of the picture for Jessica. He had know idea that Natalie had a paternity test done. The minion switching the results may have confused Nat and Jess.
Mrs. Goose
I agree with Mrs. Goose...Marty saw that Brody is the dad and made a copy. That is what i thought from the beginning. Love that most of us would rather talk about OLTL
ReplyDeleteYou guys are amazing ! I agree with your ideas about the baby test too! Now a point for the future...we didn't actually SEE what Marty did, but we know she was out for revenge and to make trouble. And down the line plots: the writers have left holes that could be plugged in a variety of ways. What if one of the babies needs a transfusion and daddy doesn't match? Or heaven forbid, Brody is found to be sterile??? I for one, cannot wait to see how it works and learn Guza! Your viewers are intelligent, and want to like their shows...give us a break!