Thursday, September 24, 2015

Yes, JT Wrote That Song on GH

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Is there NOTHING he can't do? Here are the lyrics to the song Patrick played on his guitar on GH yesterday. He tweeted these lyrics in his own handwriting to prove it. Awwe, the feels.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great song JT! :) Hmmm did you watch the show today Karen? Well I'll put my thoughts here.

    Today's show was so boring!!!!!

    Theme today: Saint Jason.....

    Julian's home: Julian and Sam scene. Saint Jason, saint Jason saint Jason saint Jason saint Jason! Oh look! She has got her Phoenix and dragon in her tiny purse!

    Sam: If Patrick and I are going to work things out, I've got to figure out a way to let Jason go.

    Well duh! It's about time you realized that!

    Q home: Saint Jason saint Jason, oh wait there was no talk about Jason! :) Alexis's cupcakes was happy to meet Paul Hornsy. Er Horny, er Hornsby. Sorry about that. His last name is so close to Horny. :)

    The hospital:

    Jake and Michael: Saint Jason saint Jason saint Jason saint Jason. Oh Michael is invited to Jake and Liz's wedding!

    Carly and Ava:

    Ava: I think Avery would be much happier to see her mommy.

    Awww Avery didn't say mama this time. They must have used the other twin actress. This was a great scene! Carly vs Ava! Come on Carly give little AJ to Ava! She is her mother!!!!!! Oh oh loophole! Damn loophole!!!! Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: I'm sure as she gets older you're going to feel entitled to have sex with her boyfriend, just like you slept with Kiki's.

    ROFL! Ava is gonna be like 70/80 years old by that time! ROFL!

    Sonny's room: Oh!!! Love what Patrick said to Sonny! BRAVA! :)Little baby actress wanted to kiss Maurice awwwww! :)

    Noodle Buta: REALLY?!!?!! A scene with Sam just sitting there missing Jason? Come on!!!! Oh look Jake walks on by! UGH!

    Phoenix and Dragon: We can't breath in the purse! Let us out!!!!

    *Sam takes the Phoenix and Dragon out of her purse and puts it on the table*

    Phoenix and Dragon: Ahhhhh thank you!!!

    Hmmm I wonder what day Sam and Patrick are going to pick to get married.. November 6th?! Hell why can't there be a double wedding!?

  3. Sonya, I'm not watching so can you tell me what Patrick said to Sonny?
    "Sonny's room: Oh!!! Love what Patrick said to Sonny! BRAVA! :)Little baby actress wanted to kiss Maurice awwwww! :)"

  4. "CareyN said...Sonya, I'm not watching so can you tell me what Patrick said to Sonny?"

    Sure here it is!

    Sonny: You hate this don't you? The violence. The business.

    Patrick: I don't understand it Sonny. It's baffling to me. I mean look at you, you have a woman who love you, you got kids, you got enough money. You got your health when you aren't getting shot at. And yet you risk it. Not once but over and over.

    Sonny: Once you are in you can't get out.

    Patrick: Is that Jason's excuse too? Because I got a front row seat to the aftermath of that. Yeah I know he is your best friend, but his work was to kill people. And when it catches up to him all the people that are left behind are the ones that grieve. You and Carly and the boys. And Sam. Every step she takes to try to move on is a step away from him. Intellectually she knows he's gone but he is still with her and it hurts.

    Sonny: Jason would want Sam to be happy and move on.

    Patrick: I would like that too. It's not up to me. It's a lot easier said than done. She's in love with someone she is never going to see again.

    And the look in Sonny's eyes! He had tears in his eyes. He wasn't even looking at Patrick! You gotta watch it yourself! It's on Dailymotion.

  5. Thanks Sonya! All complaints aside, the actors on this show are incredible!

  6. "CareyN said...Thanks Sonya! All complaints aside, the actors on this show are incredible!"

    Oh you watched that scene?! You're welcome! Yes they are!



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