Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday Surgery: Just Another Manic Monday

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Holy Upon Holy. Even when I FF through most of Wed-Friday GH episodes I was aghast at the continued Saint Sonny Parade.  I put up a photo of one of the few sparkly spots for me...The Davis girls. Miracles DO happen people! 

I guess we should saddle up and talk about last week. Short and Sweet, like me. Ok, I'm not sweet but short--yep. That I am.
Let's have..shortcake!

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In what feels like week 47 of Sonny Shiva, Dante tells him the truth and sends Sonny into cardiac arrest. Seems not even coma-Sonny can take the fact that someone actually told him what a bad father he is and how selfish he can be. WILL HE LIVE through surgery?!! WILL HE? Welp--what do you think? He opens his eyes in the not too distant future to gave upon his adoring fans and impart some dimple wisdom. 

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Michael is basically taking over where Daddy left off--ordering around guards, taking care of family business. Trying to reign in Morgan. Oh we can all tell where this is headed! 

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Morgan: "I'm going into the OR (during the surgery) and finding out what's up with Dad"!!  Good Lord. Can they make this kid MORE of an idiot? Nope. Not possible. I understand he's going all "bipolar" but it's an insult in so many ways. I guess he was officially diagnosed off camera?  He needs to be hosed down and shoved in a hot factory making tires for  6 months.
He's now gone off half-cocked to kill Julian. That's going to end well, no? 

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Ric got bamboozled by Nina and Franco. This was one of the few scenes I enjoyed this week. Nico was on point and Ric was made to sign the annulment and give up all rights to Nina's money. He then went to Sam's where they talked on the couch. They've always had inappropriate chemistry and it shined through again this week! 

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Liz told Jake he was Jason..and..AHAHHAA. NOPE! GOT YA! Just like the writers 
"Got" us!! Well, not really. Anyone that sat through those 2 days of her trying to spit out the truth knew what was coming--nothing. 

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Poor God, trying to deal with the world's crisis and everyone and their brother is asking to save Sonny and, in Dante's case his marriage too!  They made us think for a second he may tell Lulu. Ok, not really--because..nope. That's not going to happen. Val will have to drop the baby-bomb on him first. Will it tear Lante apart? Yawn. Oh, by the way, Dante also apologized to God for actually telling Sonny the truth because,  well... Saint Sonny. 

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Ava's free. Free to be..Ava. Why? Because Scotty wants 5 million bucks all of a sudden instead of bringing down the crime family in PC.  Welp. someone broke into his room at the Metro and stole the tape. Who hides anything under the mattress anymore? My Mimi used to after the Depression but now? Well, you deserve to have it taken, mister! 

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Nathan read Val like a book. I FF through most of this. Don't care.  I also FF through Lucas talking to Julian. Unless it's about the story that seems to be in a black hole (the wedding) I just don't care. Don't care. Nope.

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One wrong righted--Lexi is back as Kristina. These two look like sisters!! Anyway, even though she's back to sit at Sonny's bedside to tell him how much she loves her Daddy, I still took it in stride. Highlight for me. I do like families and the Davis family hasn't been featured in forever. Lexi said she's on/off-- and is here for a short stay. Fix that, TPTB. We need her age on this show. She's well liked. Just do it. 

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Alexis is backing Jules and rented a lake house for September to "get away from it all". Well, okay then. I mention this because Morgan will skulk out Julian there later. 

AWWW...Paddy's surprise birthday!! How cute. He got a guitar from Sam. And then asked her to Marry Him! WHAT COULD POSSIBLY go WRONG?! This is basically the reverse of what happened to Sabrina. She was the one caught when Robin was alive. So..karma? 

SCENE AND PROP OF THE WEEK:  Yes, it's a combo. Give it UP for those scissors and that blonde hair dye! Ava is back and that WIG IS DEAD. Bye...see ya, hated ya. 

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AWKWARD MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  Morgan hugs Patrick within an inch of his life after the Sonny-Saving-Surgery. Carly's like ""!! Just think of what would have happened if Sonny didn't make it. LOL Hug of Death! 

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FACES OF THE WEEK: Sam and Alexis all happy the Davis Girlies are together. More please. 

On Facebook: 
It was just a moment on GH, but I'm partial to these moments on soaps. There is a place for everything, but I personally will forego guns, and facemasks for a simple, real snapshot of a family. I'm so looking forward to 2 experienced, mature, intelligent women bringing their capable characters to the table to embellish ours on General

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So, Sonny's getting shot is a catalyst for basically, the entire family and probably town forgiving Sonny his sins and 'reuniting' everyone. It's also being used to set Michael up as the heir apparent and Number 2 in charge, leaving Morgan the half-cocked brother out for revenge at anyone he thinks was at fault. Poor TJ--he, the CIA and President Obama were also on the list that Morgan is pissed off at. Ava's out and breathing heavily over the tape still being missing. Why couldn't that sheeze just be over? Who wants to spend the next how many months looking for that? Nope.  We have Samtrick engaged, Lake engaged--all getting ready for the "big reveal". THE JAYSUS reveal.  Dante's marriage will implode when the truth comes out. Who knows if anything is going to happen with ELQ,  Brad/Lucas or anything else. We are going to get all mob, all the time. Especially when the Sonny-shooter is known. I say Carlos is on the loose and he's working for or with Paul Hornsby. I can't think of another reason he'd be on the show, sitting around in the Q living room pretending to care about Dillon's movie. 

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I so enjoyed my 3 day break. I had a lot more time. FF is my friend and I was much less of a cynic watching.  Ratings ticked up again last week meaning there will be more of the same.  I get there are a lot of Sonny lovers out there but why people want to watch the same thing happening over and over again is beyond me.  Which is why I question why I keep up with this show at all.  

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THANK GOD I got a new job to go to....

BTW, this all feels so Guza that it's making me crazy. I know he's gone but that "black-hand" just lingers in the air like a stench. Even the lighting looks darker. 

So all in all:
 Good direction: Nico out from under threats, Ric running around looking dashing in his glasses, Davis Girl reunion being cute with Tracey. 
 Bad Direction: Well. Mob. Guns. Guns. Mob...Sonny worship...continuation of the dreary, drawn out Jake reveal, and The Dante Guilt (capital letters). St.Sonnyifcation. Gun, and an apparent bipolar diagnosis we didn't get to see. 



  1. I'm first-yay! You said it all Karen and very well, too. Since Patty is one of the few doctors in the hospital now I wish there was more story for him since JT is an exceptional actor being wasted. He and Brooklyn are the sweetest father and daughter on tv. I hope the Sonnython ends finally this week.

  2. I so agree with everything you have said. While I see Sonny's good points, I think there are 1 or 2, his portrail as a good guy really bothers me. I figure it will turn out to be Brad Cooper's family that is out to get him.

  3. "Just Another Manic Monday"

    Love that song! :)

    It's just another manic Monday
    I wish it was Sunday
    Cause that's my fun day
    I don't have to run day
    It's just another manic Monday

    "In what feels like week 47 of Sonny Shiva, Dante tells him the truth and sends Sonny into cardiac arrest. Seems not even coma-Sonny can take the fact that someone actually told him what a bad father he is and how selfish he can be. WILL HE LIVE through surgery?!! WILL HE? Welp--what do you think? He opens his eyes in the not too distant future to gave upon his adoring fans and impart some dimple wisdom."

    Ohhhhh all hail King Sonny! *bows bows bows* *Curtsy curtsy curtsy*

    "SCENE AND PROP OF THE WEEK: Yes, it's a combo. Give it UP for those scissors and that blonde hair dye!"

    YAY! I'll take it. :)

    "BTW, this all feels so Guza that it's making me crazy."

    ICK! GUZA!

  4. I don't see any of Sonny's good points. I've been wondering if somewhere in the basement they are hiding Guza while he furiously writes Sonny, Sonny, Mob, Mob

  5. For anyone wondering, what tptb are doing to the audience by cramming the most despised character in the show's history down our throats AGAIN, well, this is called a Golden Shower.

    That's all.

  6. I understand all the disdain and dislike of Sonny; however, I do not understand the love for Julian. He is just as bad as Sonny, although he hasn't been on the scene as long. But I cannot stand him, either, and it makes me sick that Alexis is so madly in love with him.
    (Yes, I know that Sonny has been getting away with virtually every crime and every evil known to mankind for years and years. He gets away unscathed. And just about everyone who comments in this section hates him. But I find Julian just as distasteful, because he will be the same if the show keeps going, and the character stays on. Yeah, he gets arrested, but so did Sonny. And they both get off. I am also aware that Julian is apparently not behind what is happening to Sonny now. But I still dislike him completely. And I seem to be alone in this. Ah, well. Life is life!)

  7. There's a fundamental diff between Julian and Sonny, and that is JUlian owns his evil. He doesn't blame his abusive father, he admits he uses cowardice to stay alive, he doesn't deny he likes the violence. Sonny lies about all this and is a coward.

    That's the diff.

  8. I would take Julian any day over Sonny mainly because he doesn't bully people like Sonny does, and he really does something when he feels his loved ones are in danger. Sonny's "business" will always come first.

  9. Golden Shower (blush)

    and Julian hasn't been on constantly since 1993 doing the EXACT same thing over and over. Ergo, i've earned my selective hate :)

  10. "Karen says Ergo, i've earned my selective hate :)"


  11. "Cosmoetica said...There's a fundamental diff between Julian and Sonny, and that is JUlian owns his evil. He doesn't blame his abusive father, he admits he uses cowardice to stay alive, he doesn't deny he likes the violence. Sonny lies about all this and is a coward."

    I agree with this and it's mostly the writers' fault for writing Sonny the way he is. Julian doesn't try to balance out his mobster business by playing at being a family man. Whereas Sonny KNOWS his business is dangerous yet continues to expose his love ones to violence and sets them up as collateral damage.

    Plus Julexis has been written with much more dimension (even though all they do is have sex now) than CarSon 5.0. Julian and Alexis have struggled with his lifestyle and they have made sacrifices/compromises to be with each other. Whereas all Carly and Sonny do is enable each other's worst habits and hold back their children from growing up into responsible adults.

  12. I think Julian is a weasel who whines and hides behind others. I wish GH would stop making criminals out of their leading men. Maybe petty crime if you want a conflicted "baddie," but don't make leading men out of cold-blooded killers.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...