Monday, April 6, 2015

The Ring! The Pills!

Michael's Allergy PILLS are on the table at the Metro Court? WTF!! ahahahaha. Captain Obvious.  Kiki and Morgan taunt him so he orders a scotch. And let me guess, he'll take an allergy PILL next. 

Spencer as Phantom. Why don't they fire Chandler!?  Could he BE any more of a bad driver? 

Sam is obsessed with the RING--- like you know who in LOTR.  AND...Spencer is trying to give Emma Alan's ring (Jason's)  he stole from Nik's safe.  He throws it when Emma won't take it. And it's laying under the couch for Sam to find. Welp. 

Jake wants to ride the motorcycle with SAM....LMAO. OMG..
She's all tingly. So familiar. Oooooooooo. She gets to Pat's and stands next to Jason's ring which is under the couch. 

Nik is thinking that Helena paid off Hayden. Which makes sense. He goes to Hayden's rooom. 

Greens had on  skirt I wore in 1978. She wants Ric to go to bed with her because she's horny. LOL Ric says NO WAY. 
Nik shows up at the end, demanding to know who she is, 


  1. This all sounds so incredibly boring.

  2. I've given up on GH. This whole Morgan/Kiki/Michael story is just horrible. You know what's going to happen 'Michael will be in an accident which will cause serious injury or both him and Avery. Somehow it will come out that Michael drugged and Morgan/Kiki will ruin any chance Sonny will have in regaining custody of Avery.

  3. They're writing Nik like an idiot. Any parent with a brain would have told the drivers that they are not to take Spencer anywhere without checking with him first. And they would have done it after the first incident months ago.

    Was anyone else completely grossed out by Michael sneezing and spraying the whole restaurant? Or using his hands to wipe his nose? ewww You think he could afford some tissues or a hankie.

  4. I love how all of a sudden Michael has grade A allergies, sneezes all over and takes PILLS with him. ahahhahhaaaa

  5. Wyndemere: Mini Phantom of the opera Spencer got the ring!!! The back of the mask, it looks like a yamaka!

    The garage: Wife's ring blah blah blah. Sam's ring blah blah blah. Canister blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Patrick's home: Boy! Emma is jumping out of her skin she is so excited about Sam moving in! She is looking out the window! :)Phantom of the opera and Emma scene!!! One true wuv!!! Emma has the right idea. Geez Phantom calm down! Patrick is right what he said to Emma. They are wayyyyyyyyyyy to young to be each other's one true wuv! Spencer just wait until you are 18! Then you can be each other's true wuv!

    Liz and Nik: Oh they are talking about Jakey Poo!! Oh good they are talking about Spencer! Oh oh back to Jakey Poo. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Greenhaydens room: Wow! Poor Greenlee is horny! I mean Hayden! I mean GreenHayden! Oh GreenHayen! Ric is just not that into you! So basically it's,

    GreenHayden: Please I need my itch scratched so badly! Please Ric! I need you!

    Ric: Not a chance! Hell no!!! I am not that into you! Go be with your fake husband! I don't want you!

    Hahaha. Great scene. :) Oh and Ric won the line of the day!

    Ric: Do you bed every single guy that you meet?


    Metrocourt: Stupid Kiwi and Morgan plan! Blah blah blah Mikey. Blah blah blah plan. Zzzzzzzzz.

    Metrocourt restaurant: Poor sneezy bunny Michael! Sneezing all over the place! And it's not even summer yet!!! I wonder what will happen during the summer with his allergies! Michael are you jealous seeing Kiwi and Morgan all snuggy at the next table?!

    "Karen says Nik shows up at the end, demanding to know who she is,"

    Did you all see the promo that had Nik and GreenHayden?!!?! Hot hot HOTTTTTTTTTTTT! DAMN!

  6. I was thinking it looked like a yamaka too, Sonya.

    I think I'm going to call GreenHayden, Haydeho. lol

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. A Skye mention! Hope renewed!
    It's funny to see Jason emote.
    Also this love septagon is crazy. Three love interests for Liz holy cow.

  9. "Di said...I was thinking it looked like a yamaka too, Sonya."

    A yamaka phantom of the opera mask ROFL!

    "I think I'm going to call GreenHayden, Haydeho. lol"

    Hahahahaha! I wonder how long it's been for her! :)

    "Kg said...My source says Finola is out."

    What is your source? I hope that it isn't true!

    "kdmask said...I love how all of a sudden Michael has grade A allergies, sneezes all over and takes PILLS with him. ahahhahhaaaa"

    Hahahaha. Yeah no kidding! The allergies came out of no where! And the pills is the new greatest prop! :)

  10. If they let Finola go, that may signal the end of GH for me after--what, 45 years? That would be pure stupidity and I never imagined Frank and Ron being that stupid, ever. Finola is THE leading lady of this show. The best actress and the most interesting (if they would just give her more story).

  11. I second soaplover - if Finola is out so am I. She is an outstanding actress, great character and should have been a lead. She is a hell of a lot better than LW, who is just rammed down our throats. Morgan and Kiki are such idiots. They never even consider that AJ could get hurt. I wasn't a big fan of Kristen A., but I can't imagine her playing this dumb, smirky Kiki. Spencer is getting really annoying. Nik looks great!!

  12. If FH is out it must be to free up resources so Cartini can adopt another soap orphan. I am thinking he did not have many friends as a child and is now collecting out of work soap actors like most kids collect Barbie dolls.

    I love the character of Skye. I hope she does not return as the current writers would simply ruin the character.

    I watched yesterday. Is it just me or is this romance between the children (Spencer - Emma - Cam) just beyond a dumb storyline but actually creepy. If Cartini's definition of romance involves obsessed 10 year olds he is troublingly demented and should seek therapy. I'd like to see the parents of this child actors refuse to let their kids take part in these storylines.

  13. Finola better not be leaving, I will be heartbroken, anyone else heard that.?

  14. Finola better not be leaving, I will be heartbroken, anyone else heard that.?

  15. I, too find the kiddie romance to be really creepy. I really hope Finola isn't leaving. With the exception of Maura West who is fabulous, I haven't liked anybody they've hired in the last two years. So I can only assume that if Finola leaves they will replace her with someone unbearable.

    GH rating in the female demo are sinking - why would they drop Finola. It would only make the ratings worse.

  16. >>>> My source says Finola is out."

    What is your source? I hope that it isn't true! <<<<<

    Oh Sonya, it's not a what it's a who . A who that volunteered the info over the weekend.

  17. "Kg said...Oh Sonya, it's not a what it's a who . A who that volunteered the info over the weekend."

    Well, I just hope it's not true!! :(

  18. WHERE DID THE FINOLA info come from...??????
    I have to run and ask around!



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