Here I am!! I have only watched the clips with Tracey--first with Jason and then with Carly from the last 2 days. That's all I could deal with. So, let's see how we go!
Lucas and Ava talk about Avery. He sees her all the time! Ava asks what she is up to. Why doesn't she see her? I'm confused...anyway, she calls Ric. She says it's no accident. Ric says it will have no bearing on the case. Which is stupid. "Avery is safe at Carly's with Donna". Then Sidwell comes in and wants to decorate Wyndemere. Ava is giddy. He says he bought Wyndemere. She's like OMG! I used to live there!
Brook and Lulu at Deception. Lulu wants a job there!!! ahahahaha. They argue. Maxie comes in. Maxie tells her if she takes the job, she'd be Brook's assistant.
Over at the PC Grille, Cody loses his bet and gets in Drew's face. Jordan stops him. Nothing really happens. Cody leaves. Jordan and Drew argue about what he did to Curtis.
Willow, Carly and Sonny at GH. She wants to find a way to "move forward". Carly says she wants the kids to see Willow and she had no clue Tracey would take over. Willow has come to a decision. She wants them to see Michael and isn't sure how things got so messy. Sonny is grateful. Portia comes along to talk about Michael's next treatment plan. She says a bed opened up at John's Hopkins. Willow is happy. Carly says she might have a better option. Wants Michael to go to Germany to be treated by a great doctor that Brennan knows. Sonny's like: Um, come over here! Why didn't you tell me all this? Carly says does it matter? I'll go with him!! The whole time.
OMG IF ONLY !! Carly gone FOR MONTHS??????????? yaaaaaaaaaaaas. They are going to wake Michael up
Chase and Tracey arguing over the kids. Chase says Tracey isn't being reasonable. She's like: yeah, sorry. They are STAYING HERE! They argue, he calls Brook Lyn for back up. Brook Lyn comes in.
Cody goes to GH to give Brad a check for 'part' of the gambling payment. Lucas sees them from afar. Brad takes the check. Cody leaves.
Carly goes in to question Michael who's awake. He's in agony and she asks him to 'make a choice"
They ARREST TRACY because the kids aren't on Q property and Drew has an order to take them? WHAT ?
just bad