Monday, October 28, 2024

A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers. 

MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!! 

Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over. Laura says that Heather didn't EVEN want to be released. Alexis says it was all up to Ric. Laura is like: 'WHY didn't I as the mayor know about it"??  Heather tells Laura and Alexis she's going far -far away from "all this". I'm going to Arizona.  Laura thinks it's the best she's going. Laura is calling Kevin about Heather being released. She says that Heather requested to visit with Ace one more time. She has to stay at the hospital and Heather would have to go to the apartment without Laura. Kevin is going to let her visit. Heather goes to the apartment. Steven Lars goes with her. She talks to Ace. 

Alexis and Laura talk about Heather. Laura is like "I got this ball rolling".. I mean, come on Laura YOU DID. 

Elizabeth asks Steven Lars if it's a good idea to take Heather. He says he has to and Sedona would be a good place for her. The plane leaves in a few hours. Dante finds Steven Lars in the lobby. He wonders what the hell Heather is doing here. They tell him why she got out. Dante is glad she's leaving. 

Anna goes in to see Brennan about Charlotte Cassadine. She wants to know where she is. Jack says he has no idea. Anna says she knows he does.  They talk about Anna shooting Charlotte and that's why she let Valentin get away. She's sorry and crying. Jack asks if Lulu's family knows it was her that helped Val get away. She says no.  She says she's going to find out what's going on and it will be on him. 

Drew and Nina talking about the election.  She says blue collar voters see him out of touch. "You're from a billionaire family".  Nina wants to save him from this disaster.  She takes off his jacket and shirt. He has to put on Julian Jerome plaid. (LORD...that's his "Blue collar look" AHAHHAHA). OH! They are going to have 'some beers' too!! 

Holly and Sonny make a deal. BUT Sonny has a condition. Jason is there too. Sonny tells her she knows the diamonds are Sidwell's.  Holly decides to talk about the new deal. They talk unloading the diamonds before Sidwell gets to Port Charles. Sonny needs 35% cut and he holds on to the diamonds. She says ok and leaves the diamonds with Sonny. Jason takes them to 'keep them safe'.  HIDE THEM IN BADGER BOB'S BELLY! 

Anna goes to Pozzulo's to see Jason. She says she made a bad bad call with Valentin. He was right. She feels like she ruined her life. She wants Jason's help. Jason calls Spinelli. Anna wants "The Jackal's help" to track down Charlotte. He wonders if it's off the books. She says yes. He will help. 

Sasha is telling Cody about Holly. She's my mother and that Robert is her father. "We can never be together"... although yes, in NY you CAN be together. Marrying your first cousin is A-OK! I looked it up!! Cody is like: WHAT.  Cody says Holly has to be lying. Sasha said they can't be doctored and that Robert did it at the WSB. Sasha explains the entire backstory about her childhood. 
WHERE's COMET in a TIME LIKE THIS?  Sasha's crying...Cody's all upset. They are happy they had a lot of interruptions so they didn't "go all the way", they only kissed. Cody doesn't want to be JUST friends! 

Cody goes to drink at the Brown Dog Dive Bar. Drew goes there to drink with "the common man" as well.  He does shots. Nina and Drew walk in. Some Navy Seal comes in and says he's knows Drew from commercials. Oh he remembers that Sasha told him that She saw Drew and Willow kiss. Cody wants to talk to Drew RIGHT now. Cody decks Drew "You smug bastard! You're making out with your nephew's wife while you're banging her MOM"? 

Sonny goes to see Dante at GH. They talk about the surgeries. Sam should be finished soon. Her operation should be pretty 'straight forward".  

Sasha wanders around the Horse House and cries. Holly comes in and Sasha tells her 'you're dead to me" 

Sam is out of surgery and doing really well. 

Heather says goodbye to Ace but says "I'll be back" 


Sam is on..she's awake and Dante proposes to her. Thought those other scenes were her last! 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Goodbye To You

 NOTE: I JUST noticed I didn't post my Friday Blog!! SO that's up as well!! Sorry! 

So this week sure packed an emotional punch, didn't it? While I would have set the pace very differently (I'll get to that later), it still was a roller-coaster for me. This show can be both entertaining and infuriating at the same time!! 

Goodbyes this week: Marshall, Violet and Sam... (Goodbye to YOU sung by Patty Smyth)

Meanwhile, between the Holly revelation, Heather getting out and Kelly's last scenes  the comment boards were light up like the 4th of July. It was crazy. 

Let's get into it, shall we?? 



FRIDAY!! Crazy that it's here already. It will be Halloween before we know it. Then Thanksgiving then Holidays then... BOOM! 

BTW, I'm really surprised yesterday wasn't the Friday show-- it had all the emotions. I think we are caught up on days skipped and such?? 


Sasha and Robert open the paternity results.  She's his daughter. She says OMG Cody IS my first cousin! She cries. Robert says he's happy she's his daughter. She's conflicted because of the Cody Situation. Then, Sasha goes to Nina's office to tell her she's been lying for a long time. Tells her about Holly and growing up. 

Holly goes to meet Cody at the horse house. She tells him they have something in common. The Ice princess necklace. She says she stole it. He says there was a fire and the thief was burned yada yada. (Which she set up, remember?) Holly says that she can make Cody's dreams come true money wise. She offers him a gambling gig. He says no, he's not gambling again. She says his story can't end there. Cody says he's happy with his family and the girl he has. 

Anna and Laura chat in the GH waiting area. Anna tells her Lucky was very cool-headed in Africa. "He's a Spencer" says Laura.  Then CYRUS comes along and wants to pray for Lulu. Then he leaves. Laura and Anna talk about Charlotte. Laura wants her home. 

Alexis and Diane do work together so Alexis isn't thinking too much about the operation. Then Alexis tells Diane Heather is out of jail. Diane freaks out. They talk about Heather and Kristina's case and yada yada. 

Heather thinks Steven Lars came back for HER. Liz is like: Um.. I'm not so sure LOL. Steven and Liz hug. Then Steven and Heather go off to Bobbie's. She says they can buy a house together with her settlement. He tells her he lives in Arizona and is staying there. She's coming with him. She's like NOPE! I want to stay here.  Then he talks about how people won't give her another chance and how he had to move to rebuild. She asks if he'll stay with her. He says absolutely. She says yes and then says she has some things to do before they leave. They go to say good bye to Liz. Liz can't believe Steven Lars would take her. 

Sasha runs into the barn and throws Holly out. Tells Cody that was her mother. 

Heather is ready to say goodbye and then LAURA WALKS OFF THE ELEVATOR..damn it. You know she's going to screw this up

Diane finds out about Sasha from Robert

Anna goes to Alexis to get help finding Valentin

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rock N Roll


So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. I'm saying either recast or send her off because I don't want her to just fade like Audrey did! Rachel deserved better. 


Ric tells Heather she's getting out. She's like: Different prison? Nope. Parole? NOPE. Halfway house? NOPE--you're free! She goes crazy happy. She says she's going to get a BLT. Ric says she needs a job and a place to live. Any money from the hip company will take awhile. He says she can't stay with Laura or Alexis because they have family messes right now. 

Curtis' plan was to call Steven Lars to town. He wants him to take his mother out of Port Charles. Steven Lars is like: Um, what? NO. Curtis offers him his medical license back once his friend gets into office. Steven still says no. Curtis says: then it's ON YOU what happens to your mother next! 

Laura is talking to Lulu. Rocco and Dante walk in. Rocco has a moment with his mom at her bedside. He gives her his cross country medal. Rocco wants to stay and not go to school. Isaiah comes over and tells Laura it's a risky procedure and Lulu might not make it. 

Alexis is in the Surf shop having breakfast with Danny and Scout.  Alexis tells Danny what a great brother he is. 

Carly goes in to see Sam. Carly says "thank you" to Sam. They talk then Brennan barges in to talk to Carly. Carly is annoyed. Brennan and Carly go outside. Brennan tells her she has to get Jason to tell him about Sidwell and Africa because he's back in town. Carly's like Um, me? Why? Brennan--you owe me. Jason walks up and is mad Brennan is there. Carly says she needs a favor. 
Jason comes over...Carly says he owes Brennan for saving his life to tell everything about Africa. Jason stares. Jason tells him about Holly and the diamonds. Big mouth

Danny, Scout and Alexis go in to see Sam. They give her flowers. The kids are going to school. The operation will take all day anyway. Then Sonny comes in. Then Dante and Rocco. Everyone's crying. Sad scene. 

Sonny talks to Jason about Africa and the diamonds. Jason tells him the whole Sidwell story. Sonny figures out Holly is bad news. He figures the diamonds are worth 100 million. Jason says that's great but Sidewell is still alive and looking for them. Sonny says if they move fast they can get rid of Holly and the diamonds...but not today. 

Lucas gets a pastry in his locker from Brad. Brad asks him if he's hungry for anything else. LOL Lucas is like: Don't get the wrong idea. Then his towel falls. Brad says he's seen it all before. BUT 'get that mole checked" ahahhaha. They have another nice scene later when Brad is going to the baseball game. They remember a date they had going to see them. awww

Brad then goes and tells Portia he's leaving early to go to see a Woodchucks game. She's like: HAVE FUN! Liz is suspicious. 

HEATHER CALLS ELIZABETH FOR A RIDE from Prison "For Franco's sake". Ric steps off the elevator. Liz confronts Ric. He says he has to be in court and can't pick her up. Liz says she's not putting Heather up at her house. He says Naw, not a good idea UNLESS I MOVE IN TOO! 

OUTSIDE SHOT OF THE PRISON Gates. Real Prison. Liz is going to get Heather, Heather walks up but Steven Lars comes from the other way. She's like: STEVEN LARS! He says: MOTHER!!??
Curtis and Portia are so happy Heather is leaving (but is she??)

Send off for Sam/Kelly. Everyone is in the hallway, all say good luck. Jason says it will be fine. She says a "piece of cake". People say thank you. She goes into the elevator and puts "I love you" hand sign up . SAD SAD SAD. Also: No Kristina or Molly. I guess Sam had enough of them. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Uncut Filler


Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curtis is angry and wonders how much of a payout Ric is going to get for this. Then Molly tries to step in and say it's not Ric's fault. TJ screams at her that HE TOOK THE CASE! She says it's the LAW! "HE TOOK THE CASE" ..TJ Leaves. Curtis asks Ric if he's going to chase the civil suit and get a big pay out. 
When Portia and Curtis are alone she wonders if the judge would let Heather go if her obsession was with a young white woman and not a young black one. She cries and says Trina's not valued as much as a white woman. She also says they need to send Trina away because Heather will be in PC for Ace. 

Ric and Molly go to her apartment. They talk. She says it's not too late to drop Ava's case. He says he's not going to because he's going to prove it was an accident.  VERY GOOD SCENE!! Great acting. 

Joss and Dex talk about Heather. He wishes he would have killed her when he had the chance. I think they are going to end p in bed. 

Trina goes home. Gets a knock at the door. IT's Gio. They talk about Heather. He makes stupid remarks about art and music. 

Lucas and Isaiah talk about "tomorrow's surgery". Lucas says his mom was Bobbie. Isaiah says he's heard of her and she's a legend at GH. They talk about the thrombosis and Lucas operating on his own sister. Yada yada.  Isaiah leaves, TJ comes in and meets Lucas. He doesn't want to go home. 

Anna goes in to see Robert. He says: You know. She says: You have 2 daughters. She thinks he's going to forgive Holly. He says he knew Sasha was his daughter because she has his mother's eyes. He tells Anna he wants to tell Robin about Sasha. 

Holly's trying to sell the diamonds to Sonny. Diane walks in. She's like: WHOOPS..and leaves. Then Holly dumps out all of the giant uncut diamonds on Sonny's desk, There's a shit-load LOL. She says they can't be traced. He wonders who's after them now. She says she has to leave town. He's going to make some phone calls but wants a good payout if it happens. She leaves. Sonny calls Jason for advice. 

Diane runs over to Robert's office to tell him that Holly went to see Sonny

Anna asks Holly what she took from Sidwell. Holly says nothing

Curtis tells Portia that Heather Webber will be leaving Port Charles, one way or...

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

She's OUT!


It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? Maybe those of you that don't usually comment can chime in a YES watching or NOPE or I watch HULU! 


Marshall's goodbye party at the Savoy. Joss and Dex make out at a table. TJ and Molly sit at another table talking about Sam's operation. Trina brings in Gio to meet Marshall. "You are both musicians"! Portia is concerned about the upcoming Heather ruling and Stella tells her to just enjoy her time. TJ and Molly aren't happy when Marshall mentions having another child. Molly goes to the bar. She says she's waiting for Ric. Stella then tells Molly that her and TJ need to talk and listen to each other. 

Ava and Ric at some restaurant. She's confident she can take the stand. He's not so sure. HE does say she can be compelling. Banter going on. He takes a call and she puts on more lipstick LOL!! He comes back, all harried and says he has to go. (maybe Heather?) Then NINA comes in to talk to Ava. They talk about Ric. Nina's like you like him?? NOoooooooo. 

Ric runs into GH and finds Elizabeth. He's freaking out because Heather is getting out of jail. Like NOW. He thought that she might get better living conditions or a transfer but she's being let out!! Liz is like WAHHHHHHT. He says he's nervous to tell people. He's due at the Ashford's party and he could tell everyone then. Please come with him?? Liz is like: HELL NO!! 

Ric walks into the party to talk to Curtis and Portia...he's nervous. 

Sam is in her hospital room. Liz cares for her. Then Felicia comes in and says she's there to advocate for her. Sam says Lucas is going to talk to her about the complications. Maxie and Spin come in with Balloons and hug her. Maxie thanks her. Lucas comes in and asks if she has any questions. She's upset to hear he's not doing her surgery. Lucas says I can't, I'm your brother. She says she'll sign whatever waiver she has to. Oh nooooooooooo is he going to .. ohhh no. Will he be operating and she doesn't make it? 

Dante goes to see Sonny, tells him that Sam is a donor. They talk about how great Dante's family is and how together they are. He's afraid Lulu won't make it. WELP!! IRONY! 

Holly is in Anna's office and tells her she and Robert have a daughter. She tells Anna she can't say anything because she hid Robin. Anna says Robin was FIVE. Then Holly tells her it's Sasha Corbin. Anna's shocked. She says she's horrible for Robert and breaks his heart every time she's in town. Then figures out Sasha is dating Cody. Anna tells her the best thing to do is leave town. Just go. They don't need her and she's chaos. 

Rando Jordan and Isaiah scene in Bobbie's. He's eating before surgery. He says Lulu's odds aren't great. 


Portia makes Ric tell the entire party that Heather is getting out of jail tomorrow

Sam and Dante kiss on her bed. She says Lucas will do the surgery 

Sidwell is spotted in Miami 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Monday


WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  The colors this year are wonderful too. 


Lucas, Liz and Isaiah are still suspicious about why Lulu's ventilator stopped working. Later, Liz and Lucas talk. He says that even though Lulu will get a new liver, it doesn't mean she'll wake up. Her quality of life won't change. He thinks he should talk to Lucky and Laura about this. Liz isn't so sure. 

Terry tells Lucky and Laura that Lulu has some portal vein thrombosis and it's going to be a dangerous operation.  It's a blood clot to the liver. Her odds just went way down for survival. Laura says she doesn't want to cancel. Terry says they have to tell Sam about this and she can decide to go ahead with the operation. She also says their surgical team hasn't done one of these more complex operations. Lucky says he might be able to help with that. 

Lucky talks to Isaiah and asks if he's ever done an operation like the one he's describing. He says yes and the person survived. BUT another surgery is why he went to Africa. That patient died and he can't have that happen again. Lucky says is it HOPELESS? Isaiah says he can't say that then Lucky is like: WELP you're just scared. 

Cody and Dante have a beer in the horse barn. Cody is ecstatic about Sam being the donor. Dante feels guilty about spending so much time with Lulu and not Sam.  Dante says Lulu is his past and Sam is his future. 

Sam has Jason and Drew come to the Qs so she can tell them she's donating.  The kid will stay at the Qs and she wants them to spend a lot of time with them when she's gone for a week. They agree. Sam goes to say goodbye to the kids. 

Maxie and Sasha talk about Robert. Maxie says: what if she's not lying? Sasha says she's just running a con and wants her to go to Europe and cut ties with Port Charles. Sasha also says the only reason Holly rescued all the people in Africa was because she was probably getting something out of it. 

Tracey comes home to say goodbye to Violet. They are going to have one last tea party. Violet's sad. Tracey's sad. Tracey says she'll visit. They have a tea party with Lila's china. Brook is like: HEY! I could never touch this! Tracey says life is too short and she's giving the set to Violet. Violet says to keep out  a cup so they can have tea party video chats. Then Violet tells Chase and Brook she wants to visit her grandfather's bench. She'll miss them and hopes they have a baby girl. 

Robert and Holly talk and he wants answers about not knowing about Sasha this whole time. He asks why she didn't say anything when he was upset about Ethan being Luke's and not his. She said she didn't want to hurt him and she loved him. She also says if it wasn't for the Cody/Sasha relationship she never would have told him. Holly then says that when the DNA tests come back, Sasha will hate her even more and need to lean on Robert. 


Chase is going to Seattle to take Violet to Finn's 

Holly calls Sonny about the diamonds 

Isaiah agrees to do the surgery. 

Lucas decides to be a Spencer and fight for Lulu and not tell Lucky and Laura about her odds and not ever waking up


Marshall's going away party at The Savoy

Anna finds out about Sasha being Robert's 

Nina's back and talking to Ava about Ric and does Ava have a crush on him? 

A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...