Monday, October 17, 2011

The Top 10 Things Franco Can Glue to his Canvas

He's already glued a Hula Girl and an Alarm Clock on there... I've thought of a few more he could add to the collection: 

10.  Johnny's fugly flowers ...I hate those things in his apartment. 
 9.   All those empty coffee cups they use on set
 8.  Coffee Bag from the  warehouse, with Michael inside
 7.  The Stripper Pole
 6.  The bubble lamp
 5.  Spinelli's fedora
 4.  Dante's giant Necklace Badge, recently seen on Ronnie
 3.  Some of Sonny's smashed Barware
 2.  Since we never see her, Monica ---she'll get more airtime that way! 

and the Number One thing that Franco could glue to his Art Canvas?



  1. Barbara Darlin - He can glue Carly's nose along with her lips...the "permanent" airway (although she does talk out her ass alot).

  2. Hi! Trying to work on doing this correctly!

  3. Definitely agree with your number 1!

    And I can just imagine the money they had to pay him to stay there for an hour or so gluing things so that they could slot in a few seconds of him every day. What a useless plot!

  4. Which one is the bubble lamp? Is that the red lamp Lucky and Maxie fought over, which eventually ended up with Lucky? I like that lamp. :)

  5. Barbara Tssk,Tssk,Tssk

  6. SPOILERS from GHHappenings.....

    Maxie waits for Matt to remember her birthday, but it is Spinelli and Mac who are the first to acknowledge it. Maxie is thrilled to realize that Spin has arranged her birthday celebration at Metro Court.

    Diane breaks news of Brenda to Sonny.

    Johnny arranges for Anthony's infection to be treated.

    When Molly helps Kristina pack for Yale, a book of Russian poetry is left behind.

    Carly's green streak is apparent when she spots Shawn with another woman at Jakes's.

    Patrick and Robin create a heart-warming birthday present for Princess Emma.

    Jason awakens in an unlikely place.

    Matts sits by Liz's bedside at GH. Matt tries to revive Liz.

    Lisa arrives at GH in a clown costume and mask.
    Princess Emma fears the clown at GH.
    Pumpkinhead (Lisa) attacks Robin with a syringe in her home.

    What could Steve Webber be discussing with Johnny and Anthony?

    Dante, Lulu, Michael and Abby enjoy some lighter moments with Sonny as family and friends gathers together at his house (for a small going away party for Kristina).

    Ethan gives Kristina a gift before she leaves for Yale.

    Jason and Franco have a final showdown.

    Sam struggles with the aftermath of being at Franco's mercy.

    Did I hear the word DIANE???

  7. The bubble lamp is a lamp that's on almost every set-- lol it's clear with balls up the center.
    Franco I believe doesn't take pay for #GH--infact, I know his production company paid for the entire MOCA shoot last time.

  8. You forgot to put Sonny on that list. Glue him on good so he can't possibly blame everyone else or try for big sympathy when he can't get loose! Then paint him all black, the color he likes best. Doom him to hang there forever.

  9. What about gluing Ethan's wallet chain...I dislike that thing.

  10. 'What about gluing Ethan's wallet chain...I dislike that thing.'

    LMAO...I do too hate it.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...