Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ANOTHER New Doc Coming to GH!!


Kodi Kitchen joins the cast of GENERAL HOSPITAL in the contract role of Maggie, a pediatrician who has ties to another GH staffer. The actress begins taping today, and her first airdate is Thursday, November 10. To learn more about her, check out the actress's Official Web site at

She was around awhile ago and specs didn't know what she was playing. Hmmm, looks like NuKate, Abby and RentAMaxie, don't ya think!?
Poor Terrell. Guess he's out as baby doc! LOL


  1. Yes, looks like another sister of that group...NuKate, Abby, Rentamaxie.

    Keep letting the regulars go and fill up with these. bleh

  2. You'd think they'd buy a clue. ugh.. it's just stupid, imo. She also looks like Lisa.

  3. Maybe Lisa's "sister?

  4. Pretty girl.
    Poor Terrell. They put him on a closet shelf months ago and forgot about him. I hope he is keeping Nurse Bobbie company.

    Sounds like GW is making a brand new GH show. A new cast.
    New blood I think they call it.

    My thing, is get rid of Sonny before you get rid of anyone else.
    He brings the show down.
    (And I like him!!) But his character is the same ol same ol.

    Memo to me: Alexis is never getting a lead storyline. I guess she is too hold for the 'strip pole'.

  5. Does casting director Mark Teschner really like all these Lisa/NuKate/Abby look-alikes? I'm thinking he has a piece of paper with a description on it and no one else need apply!

  6. Asher must be in the closet too.

  7. This sounds terrible so I want to start by saying my GP is a woman. But if I were sitting on an icy stainless steel table in a paper gown and a woman who looked like this came in the room and said she was my
    Garrin Wolf or however you spell his name is a major disappointment, isn't he? I keep waiting to read something that will encourage me to come back to GH which I watched since 1968 and used to look forward to every single episode. Big, big, heavy sigh.

  8. I am guessing that by GP cyndib meant General Practitioner.

    I am actually not rejecting this woman as quickly as some others - perhaps because I REALLY detested Terrell. I'd much rather have this woman around my children than him; his reason for being in the hospital did not make me want to see him playing nice with children.

    There is no denying that we are accumulating a sizable pack of women that look like family though, and I also thought of Lisa the first second I read Dr under her name. Was someone in the casting department replaced? They used to have SUCH good casting on this show! There is no balance anymore and far more importantly, NO TALENT! What happened?!

    As a side note, I have seen this woman's pictures before. She was rumored to be joining the staff several months ago, wasn't she? I can't remember if she had tweeted that she had signed on (for a contract role?) or if I am confusing her with the slew of of new actresses we're being bombarded with right now. Her name and website are hard to forget though, so I know she's been floating around for awhile.

  9. Thanks Adora......

    I think the new Dr is attractive.
    Well YEA, she has to be, doesn't she?? She has to be hitting the 'pole' in time. lol
    As far as Terrell goes, I agree...he did nothing for the show.
    However, explain to us where he is!!
    Or mention him!!
    We don't deserve 'holes' in these stories. These are suppose to be professional writers. Right??

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  12. NuKate, this new doc and RentAMaxie, sure do look alike!!! All look like sisters! And sure Abby too!

  13. triplets or quad's??? lol

  14. Adora, I actually have her on the blog awhile back as being casted. She made a note on Facebook, I think. People jumped on it. I forgot about her.

  15. Is casted a word? LOL "Cast" I mean Cast.

  16. I am glad I wasn't just making things up! I remembered your blog and for whatever reason she stuck in my head.

    Considering the level of writing on the show lately I think you can write "casted" as many times as you want~ *^^;*

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