Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Birthday To Lexi Ainsworth!

Our "Krissy" is having a birthday today and I want to give a shout out and good wishes to her!! As you saw in my previous blog post, she's working on a movie in her home state of Oklahoma right now.  "So This Is Christmas" will have a 2012 release date.

Kim and Lexi Red Carpet It!
As we all know, Lexi was recently let go from GH amid controversy as to the reasons why they want a recast. Kim McCollough responded to the whole thing by saying she too was pressured to look 'more mature" in her role as Robin. Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise for Lexi because she's already gotten a  new gig and will no doubt land more when finished. 

 Goodbye flowers from Nathan Parsons

"Kristina's" scenes going off to Yale are coming soon on GH. These will be Lexi's last  on the show. She did tell me that she will be visiting the set over the holidays so please think about sending her a birthday card there!! Address: General Hospital at ABC TV, 4151 Prospect Ave, Hollywood CA 90027.

SO HAPPY DAY and lots of WUBS to Lexi... here's hoping for a really wonderful year!!
Follow Lexi on twitter : @_LexiAinsworth and see her official FB Page.


  1. Kimberly says that she has hired Lexi for her short film that she is directing. I keep forgetting that KMc does direct and had gone to school to study and learn more about directing. Wonderful! We need more female directors! I hope she continues this well after GH is done.

  2. Yes, she was in it... it's listed on IMDB

  3. That's sweet Nathan Parsons sent her flowers. That's better treatment than she got from the execs at GH, obviously. At least he gives a damn about her. Loved their onscreen chem and will miss it. It's just a travesty this has been done. Took GH off my DVR when I heard the news and haven't missed it at all.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...