Monday, October 24, 2011

Anthony Bourdain HATES the Chew TOO!

Oh, Anthony, I knew you were a closet LaLucci fan! Go to  New Times and see full exchange including video. 
Needs to drink watching The Chew! 

In an interview with Mercury News, Anthony Bourdain was asked what he thought about The Chew, the ABC foodcentric daytime talk show.

Bourdain said, "(Heavy sigh) I'm really shaken. Honestly, I don't know what to believe anymore. Mario Batali is a better chef than I am, a better businessman. And Michael Symon! I can't tell you how much I like and respect those guys. They're the smartest, funniest, best since Julia Child. They had to know what they were getting into. I'm not trying to be funny or snarky -- I'm really shaken. I feel like I've left the mountains, and found all my comrades had joined the Interior Ministry. The whole world has tilted in a way I don't understand. I feel like I'm a million years old and very naive. I just don't know who the fool is. I suspect it's me.


  1. BBOOOOORRING!!! The network deserves what it gets for giving the boot to the soaps!!!!!! Can't wait to see The Chew CANCELED!

  2. I'll second that, but I want Sweeney, and Frons following them out the door.

  3. It is hard to know who at ABC is the big dufus who seems set on making ABC daytime the absolute worst. And the network the most hated as well. One terrible decision after another, decisions someone there decided were not all that important to viewers or to the health of ABC.
    Taking off soaps after nearly 50 years, taking them away from loyal viewers who tuned in every day, guaranteed viewers, regardless how off track the soaps got. Then throwing the last one in the toilet, where it is now.

    Removing Genie Francis, Stuart Damon, then Jackie Zeman, Lesley Charleston, Becky Herbst, then Ingo, Tyler, now Lexie...that's like draining the show of its life's blood. It's almost like thumbing their noses at us. To add insult to injury, they replace our shows with a makeshift bore that NObody wants to watch. Like they feel that is all we deserve.

    Worst PR ever. Worst moves by a big-time conglomerate. How can they possibly justify it even to themselves???

  4. Fire Frons,Garin Wolfe, Sweeney, & Jill Faren Phelps.
    Clean house. You know it stinks at ABC cause Frons doesn't like any SOAP.

  5. Do you think maybe Disney wants to get rid of/sell off ABC. A good half of the network's programing is tanking. It does seem that the Mouse House does not know how to run a basic cable network. Maybe it's time for a movie studio to get out of the TV business and sell this network to someone who knows what they're doing - before it's so far into the toilet that no one wants it!



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...