Saturday, October 29, 2011

Alberta Wubs at the Premiere of Pretty!!

Wubber Susanne was so kind to take Alberta with her to meet the cast of Pretty the series when they had their premiere for Season 3 at Warner Brothers last Thursday night in LA!! LOOK who she met up with!!!

That's RIGHT....GENIE Francis held Berta!! WOOT! That's Berta's best fancy pin on her claw btw!! Alberta also met cast members of Pretty as well:

Kirsten V
 "Annette's Daddy, Michael Champagne"!

With "Annette"!! (Stacy) 

This was one of Alberta's fave trips because two of the most famous GH people were there and the cast of her fave Web Series!!! If you haven't seen Pretty, you should!! It's a riot-- Follow Annette, the 6 year old beauty queen on her pageant journey. They can be found on You Tube.

Pretty The Series PREMIERS on NOVEMBER FIRST !! Visit their fun website for the details. And, remember---BE PRETTY!!


  1. I wish I was Alberta!!!!

  2. I wish I was Alberta!!!!

  3. Genie is my all time favorite daytime actress. love her!

  4. If by "HAPPY" you mean BOTOXED!

  5. Genie and Denise both look amazing!

  6. Genie looks awesome and so young! I hate to say it, but the age difference between her and Tony Geary seems so much more obvious now.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Alberta is the luckiest lobster...ever!!! :-)

  9. wow genie looks GREAT! i didnt even recognize her at first!



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