Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BEHOLD the SIGHTS of General Hospital!!! BOOBS!

Olivia, showing off her talents while Dante is in the hospital!
Lulu, trying to find her Dad while dressed as a hooker!!
Ummmmm, no words for this
Sam's always in her skivvies
Abby..sorry, couldn't find a full boob shot.
BUTT I did find this! 

And let's not fault Mr. Wolf for getting the girls all gussied up, he learned from the master, after all!!!  Can't wait to see what they do with the new, improved "older" Kristina!! You see, the BOOBS aren't the Ladies, it's the term for the idiots that write this sheeze.


  1. I didn't have a problem with Olivia being sexy on the poll with Steve. :) And about Dante, he is fine now! :) Now I want Steve with no shirt on being sexy on the poll! :)

  2. BOOBIES!!! They're SO important to story lines and they make characters more age appropriate and so much smarter! They're important to the plot! LOL You know NuKristina is going to look like Dolly Parton, right? Or Jessica Rabbit...LOL

  3. Yes, we all took a poll and Steve is sexy. LOL You mean POLE, as in pole dancing. :-)

    You are right, Karen, the real boobs are in the writing department!

  4. Love4dogs says Yes, we all took a poll and Steve is sexy. LOL You mean POLE, as in pole dancing. :-)
    Oh crap! ROFL! OOOPS! :) Yes I meant pole!!! :) Steve should be pole dancing! :) With his shirt off and with music. :) Does anybody have any dollar bills? ROFL!

  5. Karen...I admire your fierce determination in trying to save this shipping sink...but perhaps it's best that like the Titanic, we let it sink.

  6. Don't forget Alexis in her blue "boobie" dress!!

    Also, besides boobs, this great show features serial killers, with Franco, Pappa Z and Lisa leading the way!! WHO thinks that this has anything to do with entertainment? Show of hands as to how many females, the mainstay of soaps (no offense to you guys out there), love watching boobs and serial killers!

  7. At least Kate didn't strip to do the photo shoot today!! LMAO

    And when the NuKrissy comes on with her double DDs I'm sure we'll get some more dance time!!

  8. I could be wrong here, but isn't it mostly women who watch soaps?
    It feels like they are writing for a bunch of sex deprived boys.

  9. Yes, women and gay men primarily watch soaps. Some straight guys do too...but not the majority.
    You'd never know it though. Not by GH

  10. I don't like it.
    How disgusting that the writers behind the scenes are laughing at the sex scenes like the perverts they are.
    Stupid perverts. Stupid because they don't have the brains to write a meaningful storyline.
    SHAME on those losers!!!!

    NO I am not an old prude.
    I watch these shows for entertainment. I am not entertained by pole dancing by chicks!!!

  11. My2Cents2 says I am not entertained by pole dancing by chicks!!!
    But if it were men pole dancing and/or no shirts on that would be a different story ROFL! Bring on the shirtless men!!! :) Shirtless men who are all wet! :)

  12. BOOBS! Ha! The funny part of that is that GH is normally last in the ratings for men 18+ viewers. So perhaps they should cover the boobs up and write a decent storyline. Seems the male audience is not interested in the boobs shown on GH.

  13. Sonya..NO!! All I want is some good writing from this show.
    The sex scene poles can be a bonus for afterwards.
    For now the show needs (new writers)a plot. Without holes.
    And without poles!!!!!! lol

  14. Hi everyone. I was away visiting in-laws and missed episodes this week. Reading spoilers on different sites, I that (GHH) said Johnny will have trouble walking. Has johnny been injured recently? I will try to catch some episode moments online.
    Liz will get to meet Ewan ( nudoc ) on an island . He will have his shirt off.
    JFP and Frons idea of what soaps should be ( eyeroll ).

  15. Commander Kenton L. ShephardOctober 11, 2011 at 10:50 PM

    I happen to be a 20 year old straight make who watches the show. I love the serial killer / murder mystery plots. I do not , however, care for the boobs . It is shameful. I would prefer some Cassadines and Quartermaines. How about Robert and Anna? We need some history back. Seriously Garin, we want General Hospital, not General Brothel!

  16. Commander Kenton L. ShephardOctober 11, 2011 at 10:52 PM

    Oops. 20 year old straight MALE!

  17. Glad to have a 20 year old straight MALE TELL us!! :) There are so many key people missing on GH it's shameful. Felicia, Lucy, Sean, Tiff, Bobbie... Monica was supposed to be on more.. not LESS. whatever.

    HEY that spoiler about Johnny? I saw it but didn't put it up yet until I have more info--not sure what it's about!!

  18. As long as Johnny isn't killed, injured is fine with me. means he'll get some airtime and maybe Olivia will take care of him ; )

  19. Bobbie has boobs, where is she?

  20. Bobbie has boobs, where is she?

    Behind a mask hiding.

  21. watched dirty soaps last night, kirsten and kelly are bitchy. was surprised. and look totally different without makeup.

  22. My2Cents2 said...Sonya..NO!For now the show needs (new writers)a plot. Without holes.And without poles!!!!!! lol
    ROFL! Oh hon you are so funny. :)

  23. Dirty soap preview for next week will show kelly and steve burton. Steve burton tells her that this is the skinniest I have seen you. Kelly does look like she has lost too much weight especially when she wears skinny jeans. Kisten's illness will be explored. Kelly meets her ex and tells him hedestroyed her soul.
    I caught the 3rd epsisode online and it was o.k.
    Thanks karen, I wasn't sure that I didn't just recently miss johnny in some gun battle.

  24. Karen, speaking of poles/polls, I was wondering yesterday (after not watching GH at all) how many people actually WATCH this show?? Many of your regular commenters don't watch but still come to your site for the recaps. Since you get more than a thousand votes on your polls, would you consider running this one??

    How often do you watch GH?
    1) I watch every day because I love it!
    2) I watch every day out of habit.
    3) I tune in when I have time or an hour of laundry to fold.
    4) I only watch the story lines/characters I'm interested in and FF through the rest.
    5) I don't ever watch, but I still keep up with the show on WUBS.net!

  25. CareyN, I don't watch regularly but I catch parts of episodes online. I think lots of fans do too. I like your poll suggestion.

  26. I've been away for a week and did not access a computer at all - so when I came back to the news of Lexi Ainsworth I was so disappointed! I'm a huge fan of Ethan & Kristina and thought they were gonna be the next big couple on GH. They had great chemistry & I was not put off at all by the age difference....good grief the actors are like 5 years apart. I kept waiting for them to age Kristina properly....putting her in silly strapless dresses was ridiculous - just dress her like Elizabeth or Sam - blue jeans, cute tops.... come on, it's not that hard to figure out how to properly dress a 19 year old. If they felt they failed at trying to make her look older - they certainly went about it the wrong way. I guess the writing should have been on the wall when the scenes of Ethan going to Kristina & Molly after the storm and then any scenes involving Ethan & Kristina dancing at Sam & Jason's wedding were not there. Apparently she stood out of the wheelchair and we saw the backs of them dancing...but never got any screentime. Not a great sign when you're trying to sell an up & coming couple. Too bad - I'd like to see the fans rise up like when Becky Herbst was fired & then re-hired. GH really missed the boat on this one. Getting rid of a beaufiful girl who can actually act - to give us another.....what??? Delores??? Ugh - Big mistake Mr. Wolf. If I wanted to see bad actresses with big fake boobs I'd start watching porn & I'm thinking that's not the demographic GH is trying to reach. Respectfully only my opinion.

  27. Carey, that's good... I wonder though it people GO to the wubs net that don't watch the show since that is all news/scoops?

  28. Thanks Lisa! I was watching every day out of habit, but OLTL took over that chunk of my time, so now I just watch the story lines and characters I like and FF through the rest. And yeah, I watch online too, either YouTube or Hulu if I'm a day or two behind.

    I was just curious about people's viewing habits since a lot of posters here openly admit to not watching GH.

  29. I watched DS too, and find Kelly to be a rather foulmouthed, conceited show off. Kirsten isn't all that nice either. In fact, all of them are showing a side quite unlike their characters, which of course is to be expected. Rather disappointed. JMHO.

  30. Hey Karen, I came to your site for years even though I wasn't watching the show, because I was curious what all my "friends" in Port Charles were doing. It was sort of like facebook stalking your ex or your high-school classmates! LOL. I tuned back into GH because you posted that JJ came back and I wanted to see him again. There are probably a few more like me out there.

  31. Of course kelly & kirsten look difference without make up. who doesn't? I didn't think they were nearly as bitchy & pushy as Farrah.

  32. Sonya...thank you for appreciating my humor. NOT many people do! lol

    YIKES I had a bad day today, do I even want to watch GH tonight??

    As far as the Poll goes..great idea.
    I can tell you I watch GH for 1 1/2
    reasons. One..out of complete habit. 35 years is a long time.
    The other 1/2 reason is I love blogging!!


  33. My2Cents2 said... Sonya...thank you for appreciating my humor. NOT many people do! lol
    I do! I do! :)



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