Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lexi Ainsworth Confirms She's Axed from GH

She tweeted this last night: 

"Sorry it seems that I wasn't responding. I was asked by Jill [Farren Phelps] and again by Mitch [Messinger] the publicist not to say anything but since it appears to be officially out there I will confirm I shot my last episode at GH yesterday. It's been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and I wouldn't trade one second of it even the not so great parts for all that I've learned to prepare me for the next phase of my career. I want to THANK each one of you from the bottom of my heart! Soap fans are the best and I'm so glad to have been part of its legacy.... I love you all and I am still rooting for GH to beat the odds because you all deserve to see the talents of all those amazing people for years to come!"
 U will be missed...

Very nicely worded PR response that GH obviously helped her craft. I am heartbroken. I love Lexi--she's always been so gracious and such a great actor.  Why they couldn't continue writing for her, at her age, is beyond me. Recast  Megan Ward, get rid of Ingo and Tyler....Recast "Kristina" who has managed to grow on our sets for a few years. Where does that leave Molly? Management SUCKS in this decision-- big time.  The NuMichael doesn't seem old enough either, why don't they recast HIM again?? Idiots. 

I was at a 50th wedding anniversary party last night and I'm so glad I didn't open this all up when I got home.  I'm in a terrible mood!! This is just NOT RIGHT.


  1. We saved Becky, let's all chennel this and save Lexi!

  2. Let me get this straight. So we're stuck with awful nuKate, Abby, Michael, Delores, Jasam (only love the sam of that combo), boring scrubs, Lisa, sometimes coupling of Steve & Olivia (vs Jolivia that happened to be hotter than hell, Spin is back and just as awful as ever, no Diane, no romance from any couple (even one that just married!) I'm with carrie, I'm done. Lexi was one of the best actresses on daytime. The best in my opinion in her age group. I am so pissed off. This is a slice of our life they're cutting out by ruining this once lovely show.

  3. write to Lexi at GH:

    Lexi Ainsworth
    c/o General Hospital @ABC TV
    4151 Prospect Ave
    Hollywood, CA 90027

    Thank her for all her years.

  4. What Fucking crap! They could have given Johnny Carly, Or Olivia, or Maxie. I understand Brandon's feelings but Why bring in a new Kristina when this one had so much chemistry with everyone including Nathan as Ethan. The Davis girls can never be the same. Not ever. Lexi was one of the few precious gems left, IMO. No one is safe, NO ONE.

  5. there's no reason not to write for Kristina as a 19 year old struggling girl finding her way in life. NO they have to make it about Sex and Johnny vs Ethan and all that shit. It's stupid.

  6. I think it's too late. If she shot her last scenes yesterday, she is out. However...remember when the recast Robyn Richards with Danica Someone as Maxie and the fans went NUTS they put Robyn back.

    I think this Lexi axing is a big mistake, to say the least.

  7. I think it's too late too-- and the Maxie recast at LEAST had some merit and it wasn't done so the character could sex it up with older guys onscreen.
    This, on top of all the OTHER changes? too much. Plus, they basically TOLD Lexi it was because she 'looked too young" and didn't have the right "look"...

  8. by next september GH will be all replacements except the overdone big 4(sonny, carly, jason and sam). by then fans will not care if the show is cancelled.

  9. That just sucks.Lexie has talent. ANd all they want from a young woman is "boobs" ???
    What we need is someone with brains to rescue this soap, like Gloria Money did in 1978-1979-1980 ......
    I agree that all TPTB want is sleazy sex, and Sonny,Jason, Carly, the sleaziest of the sleaze bags.I am sick of them.
    CAN we bring her back? They brought Rebecca back....

  10. It's a shame to see that TPTB made this decision. Lexi was sweet and kind and deserved to ride out the show as Kristina. All this does is drive away more viewers and adds another nail into the coffin of GH.

    I think everyone should write her a nice note. I'm sure Nancy will get them to her. On that part of writing its not too late.

  11. I cannot believe how this show treats its cast! It says a lot about the environment was said, no one is safe, and that includes the show itself! I feel very badly for Lexi. She deserved far better and will hopefully find it in future acting projects.

    Friday was a snorebore; same repeated conversations from Jasam (they've discussed the stars, rainbows, etc.,'s getting old now), Dante and Lulu (I'm a good cop and you need to go apologize to Lucky, yadda yadda) Michael talking to adults like he's Mr. Important. (Just because you took a bullet in the head, it does not give you street cred, Junior! If I would have talked to my elders like he does, I'd be putting my teeth in a cup now.) characters lurking in the shadows (I doubt they are going to do anything earth shattering with Franco in the end; they haven't thus far. It is not James Franco's fault. Heaven knows he is capable of far more than they give him to do, which is basically being a sick freak with a Jason groupie complex.)

    Since the writers cannot seem to write effective soap stories, perhaps they can write a novel about how to destroy a soap, since that's where their talents seem to lie these days! With Frons and some of his pals still in charge, that's their exact intention.

    As a long time viewer, I am beyond perturbed!

  12. Very sad to hear this, but I know Lexi has a good career ahead of her. She will find even if she is no longer on GH, the GH fans will continue to support her and cheer her accomplishments. TPTB might think she is no longer part of GH, but we know better.

    The sad part is, if they do SORAS the Corinthos kids, the next step will be to age another set (Emma, Joss, Aidan etc.) just to have some teens next summer.

  13. SICKENED by this.

  14. This says loud and clear that TPTB are wanting to kill GH so they can clear daytime of all soaps and bring on those cookie-cutter boring talk thingies that are so cheap and worth so little.

    SO thankful PP has OLTL now. Frons didn't seem to bother messing with it so it is a healthy show. PP is lucky to have it!

  15. Wow - they really ARE trying to get GH canceled on purpose! I didn't want to believe it, but I do now. I'm not saying it's because of this, but this on stop of many other things. GH is off my DVR now, I do know that. I've had enough.

  16. I agree Mrs B...though I didn't save Becky.
    Only the viewers can save actors.

  17. How HORRIBLE!!!!!

    However, let's remember, she is young. She has her whole future ahead of herself.
    How many of these actors on this show will have a job next year when GH ends?? Not many.

  18. I understand where the producers are coming from. Lexi looks like she is dressing up in her mothers clothes. If they're looking for a sexy actress they have the wrong one and recasting is the right thing to do. However must say Lexi is a wonderful young actress, just not for romantic rolls.

  19. Instead of trying to pair her with Ethan (It didn't matter to me if they were together or not)Why didn't they just have a college scene and have her go to Port Charles University. OLTL has done it and had a small group of young actors around the same age interact with one another. It's ashame instaed of writting for an actor you choose to get rid of her....good luck Lexi!


  20. Hopefully they will write her off getting into a great college.
    And hopefully, another movie or soap or series will see the talent GH tossed away.

  21. Email this person. Let them know how you feel about this show.

  22. That's right, keep insulting Lexi and how she looks...she could have done an "adult" role if they had WRITTEN one for her. The pearl clutching is ridiculous. She was an ADULT. JFP, etc. should be ashamed of what they've done. This on top of firing other great actors from GH is why this show is done for, but then we know it's going away soon, anyway.

  23. That just sucks!! What the hell?? I say go with Mrs. B's suggestion - i wouldn't hurt!! And, I know the rumor of Kristen Alderson coming to GH - I really like her as Starr on OLTL, she has done a great job, but she is NOT Kristina and no one could be. The PTB are huge asses

  24. I myself find her irreplaceable.

  25. As sad as it is, this is the nature of the business. As an actor, your looks are a very, very important part of your job. I think Lexi is very talented and they should have written her for her age, like everyone has said, plenty of stories for a 19-year old.

    However, this is a soap and like with all kids on soaps, they soras them all the time. Lexi came to GH because of that. She has a bright future ahead of her, and will do just fine.

  26. Horrible. This show has treated anyone older like crap, especially women, for years. Remember what they said when they canned Kristina Wagner? Guza said she was "too matronly"! What the hell? They've done this time again with cast members who were deemed by Guza and the other idiots at GH to be too old to draw the "right" demographic. Now Lexi who is so talented and pretty is too young looking to be sexy? First of all, isn't her character a senior in high school? Why does she have to be sexy? The story lines that could be written for her are endless; clearly, it's the lack of imagination of the writing staff and production team that is the problem here. I wish Lexi nothing but good luck and great roles in her future. The statement she issued shows so much grace and class. She gave better than she got. Hate. This. Show.

  27. I refuse to believe a rumor that Star would be going to GH, when OLTL has been her home forever.
    Hopefully, should she continue in the soap business,PP will take her.
    If they are looking to replace this Krissy with an 'older, sexier version, it wouldn't be Starr.
    I like Starr, but she too, is very young. Would make no sense.

    I think we can all say we HATE this show.
    I am watching it only out of habit.
    When the show leaves abc, and I believe it will in 9/12, I can say I stuck with it until the very end.

  28. Seriously, I have no doubt now that this regime is doing whatever it takes to drive this show into the crapper. The writers on this show only know how to write for Son/Car/Jas/Sam/Michael. The lack of creativity amongst this writing team is stunning. They have done their dead-level best to f*** up popular couples and get rid of well-loved actors/actresses to bring on newbies that are worthless to the stories and have no ties to the canvas. Newbies that then just disappear with no explanation whatsoever (Terrell anyone?).

    Yeah. By the time this show is cancelled there won't be but a handful of viewers left that give a rat's-ass.

    They suck.

  29. think they know how to write any better for Sonny or Carly??
    I don't. Carly has no storyline right now. And Sonny is being written the same ol same ol.
    Who cares anymore about Sonny and his past??
    Sam is the love of Jason's life. So they married. The viewers are finding them boring. At least I do. Now its time to change them.
    Michael? How has he grown since his jail days? He hasn't. He is being written right into the ground.

    I am convince this show is done.
    What I don't understand, is why they aren't giving the viewers 'the best' like AMC & OLTL did.

    Pitiful. Just plain pitiful, shameful, and mostly ignorantly blind these people who are comingup with such crap for material!!

  30. Actually as far as every comment ive read so far you guys are ridiculous, thats what they do... They change ppl, i bet they always knew when they hired Lexi that she will be changed by the time she should be a real adult... For instance when they changed to this carly i was pissed for 5minutes til i realized i liked her the best and still do... i have difficulty with change too but at least i am not ignorant of that... if Kristina REALLY makes the show for all you commentaters than your REALLY young go back to school an stop watchin soaps... she is a waste they are growing her up to increase sonnys legacy thats its. Thats why she is there and thats why she will probly have a baby with ethan and johnny by the end of this i bet you

  31. Anon....seriously....go play with the other children on the playground.

  32. Am I the only person who found her extremely annoying? I'm super happy they're recasting her!

  33. I found her annoying as well.

    The point is, they are recasting her so she can dance on a stip pole.

  34. I can not believe this, say it ain't so!! I loved Lexi's scenes with Ethan. If GH recasts Molly then I will be really pissed!! I think GH being axed is more than a possibility with all this happening.

  35. I can't deal with it anymore. GH is responsible for losing some of the greatest actors around. They make lousy decisions and the audience suffers the consequences. This viewer will no longer stand for that. Lets see how long GH lasts on air now!!

    It truly bites how we have such a great character and actress and yet they can't manage to write a story for her. I would say either there is something wrong with the writing staff or she was fired for other reasons. And while I know that there is something wrong with the writing staff I am also gonna throw this out there cuz I am positive that she was fired mainly for her looks and that to me is disgusting. GH's production staff are pompous assholes that wouldn't know true beauty if it slapped them in the face. True beauty is more than looks and I agree with you wubs on saying that LA really was graceful and so sweet with everyone.

    So to sum it up GH not only lost a great actress but a viewer. Great job GH...NOT!!

  36. To everyone commenting on "fans" acceptance of change it is beyond ridiculous not to accept change but change in your life does not come in the form of changing yourself as a person and inserting someone else to take your place! There have been plenty of characters that have grown up on the show KMc, JJ, BH and many more. I dont think their fans would take it lightly that the actresses/actors they have supported would be changed so why should the fans of LA have to deal with it.

    Also, I personally have been a long time viewer of GH and have stayed with them through the many recasts of Lucky and Carly's character (who to me personally was played best by SB) and I am sick of seeing them recasted with someone who in my opinion does not do as good a job as the person who originated the character. LA has made Kristina her own character and if I am going by the love of her fans and coworkers has done an amazing job not only on screen but off screen which is very hard to come by in this industry.

    Lastly, I am a 28 year old woman that is a registered nurse and a mother; just because you support something you believe in does not make you young or seem childish. Perhaps those with that train of thought should apply it to themselves...regardless of age.

  37. Haydee-
    Where did anyone here refer to anyone as young and foolish??
    I missed that post.

    To bring Star on to replace Krissy would make no sense. They both are the same age. I just don't see that happening. GH is in LA. OLTL is in NY.
    That is where Kristin calls home.

    We like who we like. However all we can do as a viewer is stop watching when it makes us mad enough with the choices the show makes.

    Personally, I don't think the show cares anymore. It is doomed. All they are looking for is someone new who can climb a strip pole.
    Krissy didn't fit that image.
    Either does Star.

  38. GH goes from bad to worse. This firing is 100% unnecessary, and is the last disservice I'll take from them. Lexi's undisputed talent and charisma kept me hanging in there. The Kristina I love is HER creation.

    What a waste of an opportunity to go against the stereotypes that perpetuate image issues among young women. The old GH would have had the foresight to push forward a storyline that reaffirms women. Instead, the current GH chooses to uphold trite, detrimental stereotypes.

    The people in charge of this show are the ones who deserve to be out of a job in television.

  39. It cannot really have success, I suppose so.



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