Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Idiots on a Plane...

You're not seeing things, Carly takes JOSS on a plane to go to Hawaii to warn Jason about Franco

Geeeee, didn't that kid just have an organ-transplant!!?? LOL wouldn't Franco be following you? Stupidity in motion. Whatever. New Spoilers are up WUBS NET 


  1. Wait did the spoilers say Micheal kisses Kate......WTH!!!


  2. I think it's like a peck on the cheek..or something. Not a KISS KISS.

  3. Oh Carly! ROFL! You want to warn Jason and Sam about Franco cus Franco is dangerous, but yet you take Joss with you! ROFL! I love you Carly, but you are crazy! :)

  4. O...ok I was just gonna say that I know that he likes older women (Abby) but this is getting ridiculous! lol


  5. It's been almost 6 months since I watched the show and Carly STILL has that sneer on her face...

  6. Watched dirty soap this morning and really can't help but to think Farah is fake. Miss Tough girl until she gets in front of kirsten oh and that little thing called the camera)and than BAM. Tears come. I do love kelly & Kirstens friendship. SO nice to see.

  7. I agree about Fara Fath. She seems bitchy and pushy. I wonder if when she was little people said Fara Fath needs a bath! Couldn't resist.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...