Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Muscles of Glory

 too bad it's so damn dark in there!

Well, this week we got to see Steve Burton's giant 22-pack abs. Good Lord..worth the wait??! If he was on OLTL, he'd be shirtless 60% of the time, just like those Ford Boys are??!!....(I'll let that sink in)...
OK! SO this week was JaSam lovin'-- SKate reboot-- assorted fillers, Lante proposal. Maxie was temp recasted, Helena appeared and Franco skulked around.  Of course, we had to have our Shooting to make it complete. Can't go long without the mob breaking out with some sheeze.

I said it before, and I'll say it again--this bait and switch of Garin Wolf is getting hysterically funny. We know Guza's a producer still-- and boy, does it show. The ELQ offices? So promising to go in another direction. Then, it's all of a sudden gone. Michael decides in a nano-second he has to get into "Daddy's Biz" and is off to the coffee warehouse where he sits and I the coffee??  
Drugs are planted-- Shawn the McGuyver of Port Chuck finds them ALL and  manages to get the police out of the building with a bomb he made in 3 minutes behind the stacks. PHEW! :wipesforehead: Then Carly gets in there somehow so she can help! woot! Oh, yea, there's a new cop "Dolores" (Mulva).  Shake me awake please.
Dante lays bleeding and has a chest-tube in the hospital. Olivia is allowed to sob.. Sonny is allowed to make his threats. He must get sick of saying them. Again and Again...and again.  *sigh*

While thinking of this week, I did have some trouble even remembering what happened. Sad, but true. I guess my FAVE part was Helena. Too bad she's yet again, isolated in Wyndemere. Get her IN TOWN ...take over ELQ--can you imagine? The Cassadines get a hold of ELQ--Tracy would have a cow. It would also be great to have the first two WOMEN in daytime wrestling for a company that's not cosmetics based. I am so hoping this "Gothic Tale" can be woven in a way that leaves me wanting more. Looking at the fake tunnels of the mansion and scary moaning isn't going to do it,  however.

JaSam didn't go directly to Hawaii to start their life, they went and talked about the stars for 2 days. I suppose the shirtless sex scene was worth it? I did find it interesting that he built a cabin on the sight of the box-car.  NOW only if Elizabeth would have gotten to paint  it, that would have been masterful!!  The Close-Up of Jason's eyeball was interesting. I knew we'd see the start of his fugue state--"Mirror Mirror On the Wall".. Did you take a gander at that spoiler I have??

The Rent-A-Maxie (Jen Lilley) did a good job of filling in I thought. She got Kirsten's banter down and seems to be a good actress. Of course, it's easier to accept her knowing she's a temp. (unlike Dolores who was, at best..wooden).  Here's hoping KS  is back soon. She has to start to get jealous over Matt and Liz's budding relationship!!

 I do admit, this is inspired! Looks like WUB-Work!

 Scene of the week:  I'm giving the scene above giant props because it's hysterical--I only wish my lobster could have been in there somewhere!! HOWEVER, for actors, I'm going with Julie Marie Berman at the hospital and looking lost at Dante's bedside. She was amazing. She was even amazing with the crummy dialog they gave her to hurl at Lucky. (all of this done in that horrific opera dress!!) 

 Dud of the Week. 

Worst Scene of the Week:  ANYTHING to do with that stupid warehouse's just not worth going into. Although I was glad Ronnie was there, the entire Shawn angle was so lame. The "investigation" was SO far from any kind of investigation, I can't even.  They think we are 12. 

 Hey, aren't you Carly's latest man-date?

Check out the survey from last week: The Elimination of Chef Mario Batali  Soapy Style. There are a few scoops up from yesterday as well. All I'm saying is that this show had better step it up because Wolf's "honeymoon" period is done. We need something and quick.

Wubbers raised  $150.00 for Team Pretty's LA AIDS Walk in October!! Alberta has walked it before with GH friends. Thanks to  your ad support, we could help yet another team reach it's goal.


  1. Carly is going to be locked in a panic room again? Do you think she will have flashbacks.......

  2. glad I was out of town and missed the sheeze as you put it and i agree.

  3. the rumors sound better than the spoilers. that nick twin rumor was going around years ago, sam was supposed to be his twin. too late for that since she slept with lucky. jasam wedding did not bring up the ratings like snb wedding.

  4. WAIT!!!!!
    Guza is still employed with the show??? He never left????
    Tell me I misread what you wrote.

    Scene of the week, sadly was that of Carly & Kate going at it.
    Alexis at the wedding. Slick remarks. That only Alexis can do.
    I am saddened to say, they have degraded Carly to walking around in high heels 'bumping' into Shawn.
    Useless use of time for this talented actress.
    If Guza is still around that explains why Alexis is nothing more than in a 'filler' role still.
    2 very talented actress's being wasted. Sad, isn't it??

    Worse of the week??
    Everything else.

  5. Ohhhh....was Jason's shirtless scene worth the chinese wedding, the motorcycle ride talking about stars for 2 days?
    NO! NOT even close.

    I LOVE my Jason, but not like he is being written now. I would gladly forfeit the scene for a good ol story for some of my fav's.

  6. So instead of dragging out a beautiful wedding full of a beautiful bridal party and guests, we got a week of dragged out Jasam staring at stars. Yes the rainbow was Steve half naked, but what a snooze fest.

    And did I miss Lucky singing to Aiden? Thursdays show started off with Liz admiring him holding him but I never/heard saw the singing.

  7. No Rhonda. We never saw him sing.
    It was either cut or it was never done.

  8. Karen says

    We know Guza's a producer still-- and boy, does it show.
    Karen WHAT?!?!!?! *jaw drops to the ground* What the hell are you talking about? Guza is a producer? I didn't see his name!! Since when? *Hits head on wall*

  9. Guza is still listed as a producer. NOT Head writer but a producer.

  10. My heart....its giving out.
    Why did I think Guza 'left the building'?

    I need more email address's for contacts over at abc.
    Just wrote to Sweeney.....
    Need more contacts.....

  11. Little fun dig:

    In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly mag, on that back page target, they had Chef whatshisname of The Chew, right on the very edge of the target with a note:

    'Susan Lucci you ain't.'

    I laughed outloud.

  12. I subscribe to EW and saw that too!! hee hee... I tweeted it!

  13. kdmask says

    Guza is still listed as a producer. NOT Head writer but a producer.
    Wow I have to pay closer attention to the credits!!! When did this happen Karen?! :(

    My2Cents2 says

    Why did I think Guza 'left the building'?
    I thought he left the building too!!!! BAH!

  14. Sonya...I could have sworn I saw him leaving the building with his head down to the ground.........

  15. I think if the writers would have given Jasam a "real" wedding, the ratings would have been better. Only true Jasam fans tuned in and actually watched all of it. For the rest of us, sicne there was no glitz & no glam, we tuned out or FF'd. If they would have thrown some Liz angst in there, maybe watching from afar it would have made it even juicier.

  16. Not even JaSam devoters watched the wedding.

  17. Do we know the rating for last week? Just wondering if AMC time slot tanked this week.

  18. I'm glad no Liz angst was thrown in. Jasam id failing all on their own :) .

  19. I wish Liz was as the wedding.
    It would have given me a reason to laugh!
    Poor Liz. 'Always the mommy never the bride'

  20. Jason shirtless did NOTHING for me... there is NOTHING that could make that pairing interesting, nothing more than a snooze fest. I find the acting painful to watch, and the characters more shallow than tortillas... ..and NO I AN NOT A LIASON FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Shirtless Jason did nothing for me.. there is not a thing that could make that pairing interesting, never anything more than a snooze fest for me, a 2 for 1 on the FF button... ugh... the acting is poor and the characters are more shallow than a tortilla... so hope they take a long honeymoon FAR away.. and NO I AM NOT A LIASON FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. What exactly is does Sonny do if everyone insists that he "won't touch drugs?" Surely he doesn't have people shot and killed over Seriously, I have NO clue what is in those "shipments."

  23. I don't either Mindy. I asked once, and not to many people know.

  24. Oh, I actually laughed and laughed at the jasam wedding because there were many reasons to laugh. Sam in her skin tight jeans with the tacky shoes certainly didn't look bridal. Liz certainly didn't need to be present for a laugh and if she was there, she would have looked better than the bride by far as most women present did. The ratings will put a smile on my face for a long time as soap mags rate this wedding as having among the lowest ratings in soap history.

  25. I highly doubt it will be the lowest ratings in

  26. Actually , it is among the lowest rated. I am enjoying it and I hope Frons, Guza and GW do to. They could not mange to keep the incresed number of viewers that tuned in for AMC's final show. They did their best to promote GH and cancel AMC and OLTL and GH brings the lowest ratings of the three :) . I love it.

  27. Oh for fuck's's "too" not "to" wonder why soap viewers are thought of as uneducated.

  28. Hehehe, Anon--it looks like I'm no longer the only member of the "grammar police."

    Count me among those who thought that Guza was long-gone, fired--why is he still there?

    Another hehehe--"Carly walking around in high heels bumping into Shawn." ITA, it's a waste of time on all fronts, as I have always hated the character of Carly. Maybe Shawn should be w/someone else (but not "Mulva").

  29. They are the lowest of the 3 soaps.
    However, last weeks ratings were not the lowest in history. Not even close.

    I am a fan of Carly's.
    I understand her behavior. I don't approve most of the time, but I 'get her'.
    I also think she is one of the best daytime actress's on the show.
    Alexis is equally as good, she just isn't given the air time.

    Shawn & Carly....why are the writers writing him as a BAMBOON, HORNDOG, STALKER, sniffing McGuyver wanna be Jason??

  30. IS the F bomb really necessary? Geesh!

  31. Thank You Mrs B..My thoughts as well.

  32. My2Cents2 says

    Sonya...I could have sworn I saw him leaving the building with his head down to the ground.........
    ROFL! Yeah Cents me too! :)

  33. However Sonya, with the writing as it is, is it really that surprising?

  34. That mention of Guza still onboard actually made me nauseous. All the writers should be forced to watch GH from the 80's and 90's. Everyday dialogue is pretty good now, except for the sleep inducing Jasam conversations, but storylines are total crap. I wish Ric would come back to stir things up. Maybe JFP needs to go, too. And Frons.

  35. LindaV-You are enjoying the writing?
    Share your secret with me!

    I have come to the conclusion that tptb are simply 'buying' time until PP picks up GH.
    There is no other reasoning for this mess that IMO got worse with GW.

    Would LOVE for Ric to come back!
    But what good would it be it she writing STINKS??

  36. Hey anon 5:24 am, the one that demands good grammar. Do you think for Fucks sake is any better than to vs too? Get a life ladies!

  37. My2cents2, I only meant that the writing on the whole sucks, but there has been some good dialogue, especially with the Davis girls. There is no way I condone the quality of writing storylines now. They are all dumber and dumber. And I only enjoy it with a remote in my hand to ffwd., LOL.

  38. That last anon. was me - pulled the trigger too soon.

  39. 'And I only enjoy it with a remote in my hand to ffwd'



  40. @Jen and Mrs B. stop clutching your pearls over the use of the someone dropping the F bomb...Yes, AntJoan, the grammar police never sleep.



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