Friday, October 21, 2011

General Hospital: Casting Fools!

Here we go with ANOTHER NEWBIE! According to Soaps in Depth, GH is looking for a 14 year old "African American Urban Youth" with a chip on his shoulder. Could he be Shawn's son? Can someone tell me why? Why not bring back Lucas or Dillon Q?? Or.. er..anyone else that has ties already to the show?? Plus the fact they SORA'd Krissy--why bother with this? Shawn. Yawn. Sure, he looks ok with this shirt off, but other than that? Don't really care. I want Jax back.


  1. I agree. Dillon ....Jax.....Ned.....anyone who we all love.
    WHY the newbies?

  2. cheap and they will be able to justify (in their peabrains) the inevitible cancellation.

    just waiting for the mass exodus of the core veterans of the show.

  3. With 3 writers gone now, Karen Harris, MVJ and MKP it's just downhill

  4. Karen still think Guza is writing and Garin Wolf is taking credit remember Guza loves to get new people to come to Gh Look how long Terrell lasted the friend of Lisa's Alfred by the way.

  5. I'm glad to see some Diversity, and maybe we'll see a new and better Sean. All in all I still agree with Karen though. Would much rather see a connected character return. And how fun would it have been to have Sean's son & Kristina to connect on a romantic level? Bring up a good teenage subject of interacial relationships and how it affects one another.

  6. I'm pissed. I am writing a letter.
    I can't stand what this show has turned into. Putting my anger into a letter instead of emailing. Maybe they will read it if they know I spent money on postage? lol

    I want Shawn GONE. Or at least out of Carly's life.

  7. I understand that newbies are cheap, but why bring them on as new characters? For instance, the actor who portrayed Terrell. Why didn't TPTB bring him on as Tommy Hardy Jr? It would've been a nod to GH history, and would've grounded the character more. If they couldn't afford old Dillon, why not just cast a new actor in the role?

    BTW, I'm onto two weeks without GH, can't say I really miss it. And all the recaps I've read suggest that the show would only make me angry. The ONLY thing right now that might bring me back is if Jax would return, to save Carly from that horribly boring Carly/Shawn pairing.

  8. Kristina isn't 14. Maybe you meant Molly, Mrs. B?

  9. So....they got rid of Lexi and destroyed Ethina, but they're bringing on yet ANOTHER newbie with no ties in Port Charles? This damn show. *facepalm*

  10. Why oh why must every black character in soaps be an "urban" disgruntled youth, w/ a chip on his/her shoulder? There are many grounded, appreciative, happy, fortune black youths out there. Not all of them are orphans, missing fathers, or have drug addicted/unstable mothers RME...

  11. A new teenager and they all have to have chips on their shoulders, don't they? And just WHO would this 14 year old interact with?

  12. So sad how Garin promised so much (sometimes they retun) and has not delivered!!! They ask not to ff through the commericals fine but I'm ff through the whole show! It might be cheaper to hire new people but why not save that money and hire some new writers?? Keep the same charecters and let them do their job! MAybe they should allow them to adlib! The best was when Scotty and Luke were on screen together! When it was good.
    It is a complete joke that Carley took Jos to Hawaii, where Franco is! Umm Sam falling asleep with Jos... I was falling asleep!!! Maybe the writers should start reading this web site!

  13. So sad how Garin promised so much (sometimes they retun) and has not delivered!!! They ask not to ff through the commericals fine but I'm ff through the whole show! It might be cheaper to hire new people but why not save that money and hire some new writers?? Keep the same charecters and let them do their job! MAybe they should allow them to adlib! The best was when Scotty and Luke were on screen together! When it was good.
    It is a complete joke that Carley took Jos to Hawaii, where Franco is! Umm Sam falling asleep with Jos... I was falling asleep!!! Maybe the writers should start reading this web site!

  14. Lisa...I must admit, some of the comments on here I do send to Frons & Sweeney! Do they read them? Probably not. But its my obsession for now.

    I not only FF thru the commercials, I FF thru the entire show. In all my years of watching this show, I have never seen such lazy, sloppy writing being shown to us.
    And the editing?? OMG? Are they sleeping on the job? I still can't get that 'boil' on Coleman's chest out of my head!!! ICKY!!!

    "they all come back'
    WHO came back? Monica? We get her one scene a week?? We have lost more actors than ever.

    No matter how bad the storylines were on this show, GH always had the 'knack' to hire great actors. Well these great actors can't even do their job anymore......

  15. I have heard that Garin Wolf isn't being allowed to do the story lines that he wants. Have you heard this? If so, it seems to show that TPTB want the show canceled. No surprise there.

  16. That is always a possibility Anon..



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