Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloweenie On General Hospital: Through the Years

I used to love Halloween on the 4th of July, it was consistent and FUN.  Maxie was BORN on Halloween!!! 

 WAHHHHHHH look at this:

And the best, the birth of Maxie: 

Remember Dr. Kelly?? 

THIS IS FAISON...ok, in a MOVIE but he's still scary as hell!! 
He should be in the tunnels in Wyndemere!

And we'll get this: (I think it's the 44th time Lisa's injected someone)

Have a good one!! What's YOUR FAVE Halloween Candy?? Mine is Blow POPS! I also love Sugar Daddies but they pull my fillings out. LOL


  1. Great stuff! Thanks! And Happy Halloweenie!

  2. Stop with the's breaking my heart!!!

    I immediately feel good remembering what was and thinking about what could have been.

  3. Guess I missed all the good ones--before my GH watching time--all I remember is the Black & White Ball it was not awful Ric got punctured and Carly almost got strangled so all in all not bad + we had the barn scene with Liason-pretty yummy.

    Happy Halloween!!!!! Wubbers

  4. Well, most of my patients cancelled today, I guess everyone's gotta trick or treat!!

    My fave Halloween candy is candy corn. Our pediatrician always had it in his office, so my sister and I called it "doctor candy."

    In Buffalo, where we grew up, my sister and I would love getting into our costumes, we couldn't wait. We lived on the longest block in Buffalo, St. James Place, so it would take all night to go to all the houses. We would also trick or treat for UNICEF, and every year the Presbyterian church on the corner would throw a party for all the kids who collected money.

    We would get so much candy, we would take it out, sort it, then eat it for months. I think it was our favorite holiday! (Well, that and Hanukkah, where we got presents for 8 nights!)

  5. Am I the only one who thinks Robin looks like she's laughing in that pic? Yes, Robin, it IS laughable!!

  6. great pictures, some great memories......

  7. Cameron Webber was conceived on Halloween!!

  8. More kids on GH were born on or around SWEEPS it's nuts! LOL THEY all have Oct/Nov. birthdays!

  9. Wow, the second picture down breaks my heart. It look so much like a real family/friends get-together for the holidays, it's unreal. I can hardly imagine the cast ever feeling that natural together seeing what has become of the show recently.

  10. Breaking my heart, too! And, if you remember, when they named her, it was Maria (pronounced Mariah) Maxamilliana Jones and they said they would call her Max. Tiffany said something like, "Max?? How 'bout Maxie" NO, Max, was the response. I think about the time Mac Scorpio came on someone went "duh...Mac, Max...too confusing" and all of a sudden she was Maxie.

  11. Oh, and I meant to add that Maxie named her baby sister George and they called her Georgie. But, when they show her gravestone it always says Georgianna, but that was not her name originally.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...