Thursday, October 27, 2011

Soap Opera Ratings Week of October 17th

And GH is almost dead last in Total Viewers (5,000 separate the 2) :   SON HAS  all the STATS!

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,491,000 (+282,000/-540,000)
2. B&B 2,989,000 (+125,000/-226,000)
3. OLTL 2,580,000 (+162,000/+129,000)
4. GH 2,348,000 (+99,000/-176,000)
5. DAYS 2,343,000 (-107,000/-70,000)

Interesting--last Friday GH had a 1.5 share... that's REALLY low, not sure I've seen it below a  1.6 other than like, a holiday/repeat. Was there a market share of the country that had breaking news? Weird. Fridays are usually strong.


  1. Confused...GH is 2nd from last.
    Days being last. Does this mean TPTB think GH is getting better?

  2. Days should NOT be behind GH. I watch both, and have for years. Days has improved TREMENDOUSLY. It is not "can't miss" like OLTL. But it is not "can't stomach" like GH. They have a cast full of vets. They are focusing on core families and characters we love. That is the opposite of GH. Watch Days, people!!

  3. MindyMoe I loved watching Days myself till I got tired of always watching Sammy shes as bad as Sonny on GH

  4. So true, Mamaspat! They were on Sami overload for a while there. Not as much now in the past month. Still on our screens 3-4 times a week, but there are so many other vets taking up screen time.

  5. I copied the wrong one I think...

  6. So is GH last then? Please say it is.

  7. Am I living on another planet??
    I just saw a glimpse of 'The Bay'.

    Anyone watch this??
    Is this a internet soap??
    How long has it been on??
    If his is a glimpse of what internet soaps are going to be about, WOW are we in for a treat.
    All our old fav's are on this show.
    The show (from what I saw) is primetime soap, daytime on line!!!

    Jackie Zeman....looked gorgeous. Looks like she has put some weight on, her face is flawless.
    Tristian Roberts is on the show? Andrea Evans?? And the list goes on.
    Anyone know more about this fantastic on line show??

  8. About a year ago I decided to check out The Bay on line, since I heard Lane Davies would be on, and other actors I'd been missing, like Jed Allen. I was so impressed--but it was on in five or ten minute segments and I just couldn't handle that. I mean, ten minutes per episode or less if you count having the opening on each time.

    But what an intriguing bit it was that I saw, with all my favorites, and one or two (or three?) episodes with Mary Beth doing a monologue were simply awesome. She was talking about her character's past and it was well written and she was marvelous.

    I know very little about this series and I do wish they would put the episodes together as one regular length show and show it again. It was in such short dollops that I couldn't really follow the story.

  9. Thank You!! That is what I saw too. 5-10 minutes at a time.
    I thought that was a preview, but you are saying that is the whole show??
    That wouldn't interst me at all.
    Not unless it was on everyday.

    I can't believe I haven't heard about this before. Michael Fairman has the link to watch the clips, but very little information was given. I wonder why??



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