Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Alexis and Kristina"...

This had better NOT change. 
That's all.


  1. I'll be taking GH off the DVR again if it does. I hate NuMichael (from the younger guy after Dillon) and I don't want to deal with another bad replacement.

  2. If they do it, this will be the straw the broke the camel's back for me. Been watching GH for 15+ years but I can't take anymore bad recasts especially when it affects the couple I'm currently shipping. Disgusted.

  3. If LA leaves this show than be sure that I will not be watching the show!! Why does GH insist on recasting amazing actors with TALENT for a "sexier" image!?!?! Which by the way Lexi Ainsworth has plenty of sex appeal!! They are constantly recasting, the writing is not that great, the editing is the choppiest ever, they have no teen ambience on the show or early college go-ers!! I will not be surprised when they go off air next year. They have no STABILITY!!

  4. gh is dead to me if they fire lexi. they are already on my list for not giving me ethan and kristina so i hope gh knows the meaning of change cause that is what needs to be done. all i know is i know what change means and that is what i am doing changeing the channel.

  5. I for one am appalled by the thought of GH firing a young and talented woman from their show just because she looks her age. Not only is this thought ridiculuous, but it is also careless/thoughtless for all of GH fan's/supporters. This gives young women (and alot of GH viewer's are teenagers) the ideas that looking your age/young is unacceptable and that we should not accept/love the way we look. Not every women can look mature and sexy all of the is just not possible. That is why LA is very relatable and loved by many, not saying that she is not an attractive woman because she is. IMHO, LA is an amazing actress, person, and role model for young women, teenagers, and even older women around the U.S. She is the main reason (along with Nathan Parsons, since I love the idea of an Ethan and Kristina pairing) that I tuned into GH in the first place. LA is Kristina, plain and simple...I mean, she was in the running for an emmy for JC'S sakes, that should mean something. I would be very disapointed if these rumors come to light and IDk if I could support a show that degrades young women like this.. If anyone agrees with me, I have a facebook site called "Save Lexi Ainsworth from being Fired" and there's a twitter site called "LexisArmy", as well as a Ethina page called "Ethan Lovett and Kristina Davis (GH) Unite". It is up to all of us to support our favorites!

  6. Also, I want to add that LA has chemistry with every guy you put her with on the show (Ethan, Johnny,Kiefer, and Taylor), not to mention everyone else she interacts with, especially her family (Sonny, Michael, Molly, Morgan, Alexis)...she is a part of the Davis girls and IDT that another actress could portray the realistic bonds I see when LA is on my screen with the other Davis women.

  7. While I may not like the character of Kristina I think Lexi is a wonderful actress and they would be crazy to get rid of her. If they feel she looks too young then give her a boyfriend that's closer to her age. As a matter of fact the should have her go to PCU and have her interact with other characters her age!


  8. LEXI IS KRISTINA!!! Garin Wold, Jill Farren Phelps and every other moron at GH needs to get it though their thick skulls that the only "Ethina" we're interested in is one where Lexi is front and center. stop recasting good actors, and flip the script on YOURSELVES. The problem is the writing, no the actors.

    If Lexi is let go, I will tune out - plain n simple.

  9. The problem is definitely the writers, not the actors. I've been reading the scoops and rumours and gagging. Lulu is now going to go down the addiction road, drinking herself stupid. Very original! Three family members in a row.

    Not surprised Steve has money troubles. Didn't he talk Liz into that venture with his "friend'? And she lost everything. Undoubtedly he would have had lots more invested than she did.

    The only good rumour I read was the possibility that Jake was still alive. I think that would make a big difference to the show.

    And the 'who's the daddy' storyline has been done to death. I hope they don't go there with Sam.

    And they'd better not kill Edward. Kill Sonny! PLEASE!!!

  10. Get over it, she's not that great of an actress (though she is better than the one playing Dolores), and the chacter of Kristina is whiny and annoying, and provides no redeeming value to the show.

  11. Love Lexi. She is Kristina and no one else will pull it off. They need to look back at Susan Lucci when she first started on AMC. Erica looked really young and the guys she was with were older. Erica and Susan Lucci became a legend.

  12. Like so many others who have posted before me, I am appalled that GH would decide to recast Lexi Ainsworth for an older more sexier version just so the romantic pairing would look more appealing to a small amount of viewers. The character of Kristina Davis Corrinthos is supposed to be the age of 18. Lexi is 19. She looks the exact same way a teen would look because she is a teen. Nathan Parsons, her romantic lead, is only a few years older than Lexi.
    This decision to recast her character, if it should be true, is not only insulting to Lexi, but to many of GH viewers, Lexi's fans and younger girls. We tune in everyday supporting the show and have grown to love Lexi as Kristina. She has the ability to make me sense a connection to her character through the way she portrays her and I'm not a teenager. I'm 28 with a child. Lexi has such incredible chemistry with Nathan Parsons and that is the reason the fans love an "Ethina" pairing. You take away a half of the pairing and it's not going to be the same. Those two actors are what made the fans fall for the couple in the first place. She also has amazing chemistry with the other cast members and was nominated for a daytime Emmy. She brings and will bring much more talent to the show if allowed to stay and grow even further as an actress.
    It's degrading to think that the staff of GH think so little of us fans and Lexi. I am a long time viewer and I am insulted that they would think that I would not only accept this but would be fine with their reason for a recast! Shame on you GH staff for alienating such a popular fanbase with such a ludicrous idea! We love and appreciate what Lexi brings to the character of Kristina. You don't have to replace the actress because the couple isn't appealing to everyone. Write the couple apart and show the character facing real issues for her age or bring someone else on screen for her. Lexi doesn't have to be fired. Sure we want love in the afternoon but not at an expense where you send the wrong message to young impressionable girls and alienate the fans.

  13. I'm out of GH if they let go Lexi Ainsworth. We Ethina fans have waiting for more than 2 years and they better not doing it. They can't afford losing viewers.

  14. Lexi is an amazing and beautiful actress. She has made Kristina human. She is my favorite part of GH right now. Her chemistry with Nathan is so natural, recasting her would ruin the pairing not fix it. I agree with Stephanie about the message GH would send to young women about body image. Recasting could cause GH to lose a lot of the younger demographic, which they can not afford if the want to be on the air past 2012. Keep Lexi as Kristina and bring on the pairing of Ethan and Kristina! ¤ Brinx

  15. If GH fires Lexi or recasts Kristina there'll be literally nothing left for me to watch. I've had so much hope and patience with this soap because it's been a part of my life for so long. But, if my last favorite actress/character is destroyed when clearly there isn't ANY need, screw it.

    Viewers develop relationships with the characters because of the actors who portray them. We are loyal to them. It's not the sloppy writing that keeps us tuning in. Why disenfranchise myriads of viewers who love Lexi as Kristina?

    She is an amazing actress, she is a real 19 year old. I want to see her on my screen. Her chemistry with Nathan Parsons brings so much romance to the screen. Her chemistry with everyone brings so much life to the show. Aggh!!!

  16. WOW, I am so glad so many of you posted. I really didn't want to comment on it as I really love Lexi and she's been so gracious in the past. If she goes, I WILL go ballistic. Full out bitch on GH. Even more so (if possible). This CAN'T happen. boooooooooo.

  17. I want Nathan and Lexi as Ethan and Kristina, and that's all there is to it. They are WONDERFUL together with loads of chemistry. I also think Lexi is perfect with NLG and MB and everybody else. I will keep bugging TIIC and hope this rumor is FALSE. If it's not, they can count me out as a viewer.

  18. What I want to know is, why would the GH people think we fans of Lexi/Ethina would be okay with them suddenly and quickly writing Lexi out and bringing some newbie in? Why risk the newbie and NP not having any chem together when GH is on its last legs, anyway? It's the chem between NP and LA that makes Ethina! Do they really think we would be okay with a recast? I don't CARE what Lexi looks like, and I for damn sure don't care how she looks in comparison to Nathan. We see that kind of couple visually EVERY DAY in our everyday lives and no one bats an eyelash. I really hope they aren't giving in to a small group of haters on a vengeance mission against Lexi for things beyond her control. We have expressed our love for Lexi and Nathan and Ethina for a long time now and there are obviously a lot of viewers that like them and want to see them on their screen. Why not write Kristina and the couple to please US? Are they TRYING to lose viewers? I can't believe TPTB would even consider catering to a few Lexi haters and kicking a beautiful, talented young woman out of her job. What are they smoking at Prospect???

  19. I too love Lexi too, but please don't compare her to Susan Lucci. Susan Lucci can't act her way out of a cardboard box. LA can not only act, but she does a superb job with anyone she is paired with. Stupid writers.

  20. If this happens, it's yet another case of GH's laziness. Instead of writing a story or bringing on a love interest to fit the character/actress they have, they change the actress? Why? If Kristina ages, she will be older than Michael, which totally throws off the timeline (not that they pay attention to that much either). But would this also mean they re-cast Molly and possibly Michael, to keep them the proper years apart? When they aged all the kids a few years ago, it had that domino effect.

    This is typical of the character destruction that's been going on for years with GH. They seem to randomly pick someone and change the character to fit the story, when it should be the story molded by the characters. Plot is important, but in a long running serial, a character's consistency should be first. What would be so difficult about writing in a new character for any triangle they want with Ethan? Instead of bringing on Gina, make him Gino. for instance. Or let's see one of Michael's friends. Did you ever notice he has none?

    I also don't understand the need for any romantic involvement between Kristina and Johnny. If they do bring on Gina for Michael, there's your mob "Romeo and Juliet" story. Why do another one at the same time?

  21. I don't even want to think about it. The Davis girls are phenomenal and need to stay intact. Look at Becky H. - she has always been really young looking and they managed to pair her with another perpetually youthful actor - JJ. It can be done even if it isn't with Ethan.

  22. I agree with ABC on this one, she is way to young looking to be paired with Johnny or Ethan. , creepy. Is this the role they keep daying that Starr is coming to GH for? Hmmm,

  23. Why would anyone stop watching GH if they let a whiney 19 year old go? I don't get it. Let's worry more about JJ, TG, Mr.Q they are real actors.

  24. I absolutely love Lexi and think she had done an amazing job with the little she is given. The problem with Kristina is not Lexi, it's the writers! Unfortunately, they do not know how to write stories that don't involve the mob.

    Lexi has amazing chemistry with Nathan and everyone else she works with. After 20 years od watching the same old crap on my screen, my patience has run out with GH. If the rumors are true and they let Lexi go to recast Kristina, I will officially jump off of this sinking ship!

  25. Looks like the trolls found their way here too. To clarify, Lexi will turn 19 in a few weeks. That is the same age Genie Francis was when her character married Luke on GH. Tony Geary was 15 yrs older than Genie at the time she was paired with him, but TPTB felt that their chemistry more than made up for the glaring age difference.

    This argument is old as the "Lexi getting fired" rumor.

  26. While I love KA from OLTL, she would make a HORRIBLE Kristina. LA has done a wonderful job with all the crap she has been given. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter what we think...TIIC have already proven just how much they don't care what we think...they are going to do what they want to do and the fans be damned. Even though I no longer watch GH, I hope this rumor is not true. If it is true, it is just one more nail in GH's coffin, which is most likely what Frons wants anyway. And I am sorry to say this, but if GH does get canceled, I really hope PP does NOT pick it up.

  27. I want know what is GH smoking over there do they really think this big fan base would be okay with them cutting Lexi loose and than pulling a switchroo after she comes back with a new face I want know what color is the sky in their little world,because GH is certifiably insane,all of them. GH can't afford to loose more viewers but if you let amazing actress like Lexi Ainsworth go I will make sure you pay GH meaning I will turn you off for good.

  28. Raven is hearing that Kristen Alderson is coming over from OLTL and more than likely as Kristina. Eddie Alderson may also come over as Morgan. Today said all kids are being aged...we shall see..sources can be wrong, but ....

  29. ANON 1:53, I completely agree with you. Bring on a character that can be paired with Lexi/Krissy. It's as simple as that. The story they are trying to do has been done to death. Can we not have Krissy mature first in the way she behaves. I am not a fan of krissy but maybe I would be if she wouldn't act so childish. That is part of the problem, because she acts immature coupled with the fact that she looks much younger than her age. She is a good actress and I'd like to see her stay.

  30. Raven just said it was fun to watch Kristen grow up in real life on tv,and it would be fun to watch Lexie do that too. Not that she was taking Lexie's role.Someone misread this and now it's everywhere. I'd hate to see Lexie go too...but the dye seems to be cast.

  31. I reread Raven's comments and it sure sounds like Lexi to me. pair that with Lexi's tweet awhile back? Damn.

  32. They had better not mess with the Davis girls----Lexie is great. Whoever thinks she "isn't sexy" is a lamebrain. She has too many good qualites to list here but #1 is that she is a good little actress. It takes more than "boobs" to be appealing. I read that it is JFP who commented on her boobs, that they need an actress with bigger boobs. That just means JFP is a shallow, not too smart sexist. Period. That's all I have to say.

  33. I can't imagine someone else with NLG, MB or Kemo. Or Ethan. They would be making a HUGE mistake. :-(

  34. IF this is true, I'm appalled, disgusted and disillusioned. What kind of message does this send to young girls and women? Something like this only adds to the rise of poor self-image young people struggle today. ABC, GH and whomever else was involved in Lexi's early exit, should be ashamed of themselves! I am sickened, my heart is broken and I'm beginning to understand how hateful, as well as superficial, the Entertainment industry is. Lexi was nominated for a frikin' Emmy last year, she is an amazing actress, so talented! Not only that, but she's soooo sweet and an all around great person. Lexi has a bright future and in the long run, IF they have let her go she'll have the last laugh! We all love you tons Lexi! Chrissy *hugs*

  35. My reaction? If she's "too young" looking to be paired with a 23 year old THEN DON'T--- give her a DIFFERENT STORY! SORA'S her is just pissing me off.

  36. I will not watch if they fire Lexi, she is one of the reasons I watch GH.
    I know as much as I love Nathan, I will not be able to watch this show and what could of been.

    The writing is what is terrible and makes Lexi appear younger.

    She is a beautiful, talented woman and I hate the message this sends.

    I have a beautiful niece that is the same as Lexi and they look the same age. And I see young women their age with men that are the same age as Nathan.

    Goodbye to GH.

  37. She's a good younger actress and does a good job of playing the victim cause since she was aged that's really all she's done. However I do think she and Ethan look like misfits and she looks like she is about 16 though I know she isn't. they should put her with someone who looks like they are 20ish --it reminds me of Michael & Abby they are also too old/young looking.
    I've only seen stuff on YouTube since I stopped watching GH a long time ago.If she leaves the show I wish her the best.

  38. Love Lexi, love her and Nathan together too, their onscreen chemistry is great and they shouldn't mess with that. I enjoy their scenes together and I don't even notice any "age difference". I don't understand the need for them to do this, IF it's true. Hopefully it's not and I haven't seen the last of her or Ethan and Kristina on screen together.

  39. Let's face it soaps don't want teens to look like teens, but then neither do most shows on telly these days. Look at Glee - a high school glee club- with stars who range from mid twenties and up. Little wonder young people these days have such a poor sense of self and body image.

    Soaps also don't want woman to age naturally either. We have 30 year olds playing 50 year olds too.( women, that is)

    All that being said I've never been a Kristina fan. The actress is good but whe she first came on and tried to seduce someone it looked really sick to me. She looked about 12.

  40. Lexi was perfect as Kristina and I know myself and so many others are officially done with GH. If they recast the role, good luck to the newcomer because she will have some big shoes to fill. I do not see a majority of Kristina fans getting behind a recast and GH would be smart to not recast or simply to bring Lexi back. Lexi did not deserve this, but at least she went out with class.

  41. NLG must be FURIOUS!!!!

    I don't understand what they are doing to GH. They are getting rid of characters that have been on the show for awhile, and bringing in new people.
    Why would they do that when it takes awhile for the viewers to get use to another actor playing the part?
    Won't GH be cancelled by then??
    Does GH have the time to be changing things so fast when there ratings are so low??

    So we have a new cop that is as dull looking as they come.
    We have a NuKate.
    We have JaSam that is as boring as they come.
    We have a 'lady in white' coming to the show this month.
    We have a Gia coming as well.
    Krissy is leaving.
    Morgan left.

    I want to see Nik back.
    I want to see Jax back.
    I want to see a storyline for Carly & Alexis.


  42. i already commented on what was a rumor about a week ago (lexi let go)but i do have something else in general to say. i would rather see gina come on than have a nukristina. what i have learned from all of these rumors are they are started by the people in charge so they get some ratings from these rumors. i for one was watching to make sure lexi was on as kristina. now we get rumors of gh being canceled well that only means to me that tptb are running to fix all the wrong they have done to gh. to many new people for what there is no way gh will be on next year. i really am just watching one soap on abc and come jan i would pay to watch oltl cause it is that good.
    there is nothing i want to see cause gh never gives you anything to see and never follows threw with anything. it is a shame cause it use to be gh was the soap to beat now it has been beating to a pulp and i could care less.

  43. The 'rumor' about GH cancelling in Sept 2012 is not a rumor. From what I read, it is a given. However, with the outlash from the other 2 abc soaps being cancelled they are delaying making the 'official' notice.

    I am curious if PP wants GH in the terrible shape it is in.
    Or has GH already been included in the deal??

  44. Kevin in downtown TulsaOctober 11, 2011 at 6:08 PM

    How is it fair when male actors like Steve Burton (Jason) and Tyler Christopher (Nikolas) continue to gain weight, get fatter year after year?

    While a very talented Lexi Ainsworth (Kristina) gets fired because she is too thin and considered not sexy enough?

    DOUBLE STANDARDS!!! Shame on you, "General Hospital." You have once again proven yourself as the most sexist soap opera ever.

  45. Kevin in downtown Tulsa -GREAT comments!!!



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