Thursday, October 13, 2011

Maurice Tweets about Lexi Leaving GH

@MauriceBenardMB: On my last day with Lexi, we did a scene together, and I had a knot in my throat the whole time


  1. I hate my job I wonder if the GH actors hate theirs because it seems like a hell of a place to work.

  2. YES Carrie, I believe they do HATE their jobs.
    Think about it. They know the show will be more than likely cancelled, if it hasn't already been.
    Yet they have to go in everyday, and learn to work with new characters. They have to give it their best for the public to see, only for future career moves.
    YES I sympathize much with them.
    We can hate our jobs, but we aren't on television daily to show the disgust we feel.

  3. I have often though about how hard they work, realy professional, knowing what they are doing is crap! and then taking abuse from some who seem to think its their fault....

  4. Does anybody else remember an episode -- about three or four months ago -- that revolved around Kristina getting a new hairdo (although I didn't see a difference), a new dress and putting on tons of makeup???

    Everybody laughed and sneered at her and questioned why she wanted to make herself look older.

    And now TPTB fire the actress because she just didn't look like a seductive vixen?!!! Kinda ironic, huh?

  5. yeah... I remember that episode. looking at the new DOC you can see what they want Kristina to look like

  6. This a link to Miss Representation, a documentary coming up on the Oprah Network. Watching it reminded me of a lot of what's wrong with GH/ Lexi's firing. It's long, but worth watching.

  7. Dear GH - JFP, GW, BFrons, whoever - SUCK IT. I am tired of losing my favorites for stupid reasons or no reasons, only to see newbie after newbie come on board and add absolutely NOTHING to the show. Really? I have had enough. This is the straw that broke the camel's back.

    Bite me,

    Former GH viewer

  8. Anon...can I forward that to Anne Sweeney??
    I know it will do no good, but it will give some of us a second of satisfaction.

  9. Knock yourself out. They ignore us, anyway, probably can't hurt anything... lol

  10. If the dang show wasn't THE GREAT MAURICE"S Show she wouldn't have been let go........Thats why I come here to find out about GH so I don't waste my time watching it.



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