Monday, October 31, 2011

Aubrey: I know those nipples anywhere!!

OMG, OLTL was SO FUNNY!! LMAO!! Rex's eyeballs looking at Tina! HA! It was so fun.. Halloweenie hijinx! Little Sam as the shark was so cute. He even mentioned Marcie and Michael! 
Ah, loved the whole show..Tina is still so TINA! AND SHE AND CORD finally KISSED!! Squeeee!
Carlo Hesser Mention! 

Here we go... Well, Ethan is talking to Lasha's painting and a pumpkin LOL... Okay. ZZZzz

It is quite hilarious that it's Halloween ...and JaSam's still on Honeymoon. Heh-- they didn't do any timing at all, did they? Carly went to Hawaii in Sept and now it's HALLOWEEN! She won't know what to do! 

At LEAST GH remembered Halloween and Maxie's birthday--- GEORGIE  mention!! Mac Daddy on!!  That was a BIRKIN bag she got..not whatever they called it. Geesh Just say Birkin Bag!!

Robin has a dream. And why the hell would Patrick think Lisa's "gone" with no body? I'd be all over that sheeze. Mac should give her guards.

SEXIS...I don't even care about the Yale thing, it's hilarious!! Lexi was great today!! She looked awesome too. Then stupid Kate had to walk in looking like Madonna.  Oy. More Bensonhurst stories.ahhh

 Whoops Kelly !!
 BIG SURPRISE: Kim Kardashian files for Divorce!! Dear God.. come on, 2 months?? I am more convinced it was for the money. Greedy Hollywood sharks. All those millions ughhhhh. Hope they give millions to charity.

Halloweenie On General Hospital: Through the Years

I used to love Halloween on the 4th of July, it was consistent and FUN.  Maxie was BORN on Halloween!!! 

 WAHHHHHHH look at this:

And the best, the birth of Maxie: 

Remember Dr. Kelly?? 

THIS IS FAISON...ok, in a MOVIE but he's still scary as hell!! 
He should be in the tunnels in Wyndemere!

And we'll get this: (I think it's the 44th time Lisa's injected someone)

Have a good one!! What's YOUR FAVE Halloween Candy?? Mine is Blow POPS! I also love Sugar Daddies but they pull my fillings out. LOL

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Tainted Wub

Yep... Tainted Wub... "oooohhhh, tainted wub... " too bad Soft Cell couldn't have been playing during Lisa's needle jabbin' event.

OH! SO much to talk about, eh?? Last week had one of the most controversial scenes I think I've ever witnessed  on a soap.  (and this time it wasn't a rape!) Known sociopath, Lisa Niles, decides to bond Robin and Patrick together in her HIV hell. Twitter went nuts. Blogosphere went double nuts. I didn't say too much at the time other than GH uses Robin's disease for cheap stunts. I guess I'm so angry at the rest of the "stories" on the show, that really didn't sink in at first. 
I lost a very close childhood friend to AIDS complications in the early '80's. Back then the stigma was so bad he didn't even tell anyone he was ill until he was in the hospital dying. He was 26 years old. Another friend was a hemophiliac who got it through a blood transfusion. He lived longer, into his 40s but the disease finally took him. He had a 2 year old son.  I know AIDS sorrow. I realize people can live with it every day and seem 'fine'. I still don't think they talk enough about Robin's struggle however. Whenever your immune system is compromised you have to be cautious. GH only talks about Robin's HIV when it's a plot point. That bothers me.  Having Lisa use it as a weapon? It's vile and stupid but not as ignorant as the other ways they ignore her disease, imo. 

GH this week was a study in how NOT to tell stories. It was bad last week and this week continued to be even more of a mess.  You've seen my 'WUB BOAT timeline'-- it's not only comical it's sad. When  Nancy Lee  Grahn tweeted she and Tony were called on a Saturday to shoot their "Filler" Haunted Star and Kelly's scenes, I about died.  Can you imagine the producer calling 2 actors to say "Uh, the show is "short" on time, can you pinch-hit"?? ahahhahaaa. At least give JFP credit for having 2 stellar vets step in and give us the best scenes of the week. Oh, hell..the MONTH. They just riffed on real life stuff!! College, family-- drinking, not drinking-- the works.  Awesome. 

I can't even believe the Franco sheeze that's not happening.  It's just mind-boggling. Where's the build up? Do they really think watching Carly and her ever-pop up travel crib is 'must see TV'?? I mean, really. Even I, huge Francophile is fed up with the whole thing. I thought Guza bungled Brenda's return. This makes that look like Oscar winning moments. *sigh* Now, the 'story' is going to start and we aren't going to know if Sam is raped or not-- it will be a mind game. She'll have to struggle with the knowledge the baby she's carrying might be a psychopaths.  Fun times. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Alberta Wubs at the Premiere of Pretty!!

Wubber Susanne was so kind to take Alberta with her to meet the cast of Pretty the series when they had their premiere for Season 3 at Warner Brothers last Thursday night in LA!! LOOK who she met up with!!!

That's RIGHT....GENIE Francis held Berta!! WOOT! That's Berta's best fancy pin on her claw btw!! Alberta also met cast members of Pretty as well:

Kirsten V
 "Annette's Daddy, Michael Champagne"!

With "Annette"!! (Stacy) 

This was one of Alberta's fave trips because two of the most famous GH people were there and the cast of her fave Web Series!!! If you haven't seen Pretty, you should!! It's a riot-- Follow Annette, the 6 year old beauty queen on her pageant journey. They can be found on You Tube.

Pretty The Series PREMIERS on NOVEMBER FIRST !! Visit their fun website for the details. And, remember---BE PRETTY!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

FRIDAY: Can it top last week's 1.5 dismal rating?

OLTL was awesome..."A Baby Seal"!! aaaahhh! Tina in her '80's dress.  LOL. Shawn as Michael Jackson...heh. Natalie A BIG PARTY! With Grandparents watching the kids--having a story of their own. Think of it, if the Q's weren't slaughtered we could have had some of that. GIGI's lip goop is going to give her away!!

LOOK! Pretty the Series had it's Premiere last night and Genie and Leslie were there. Here they are with Will Keck from TV Guide Mag! GUESS WHO WAS there too? Alberta Lobster!! We'll have photos this weekend of her with the cast members, INCLUDING GENIE!!!!!!! EEEEEEEE! :thud: "Laura" held the lobster!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: a new DAY!! A NEW DAY!! :thud:  Hell.... it only took 11 days! LOL. or more.
WHO'S RUNNING THE Metro Court? Not Jax...Not Carly! 
 Ireland has a kindly landlady with Oyrish stew.-- and another time zone to keep track of. Lucky's going to be islolated from everyone on the show. *sigh* so will Sam/Jason during the whole Franco frenia. 
Luke and Tracy-- Tracy "Is it a Luke Spencer Hit and Run" OUCH!! I wish they'd stop fighting. boo.
Did you see Lasha's portrait behind Ethan?? She was just looking right at Lulu. 
SEXIS...I obviously love all scenes with NLG! She needs a raise.

NLG tweeted that her scenes with Like were "inserted" last  minute. JFP ordered them on the weekend because the shows were TOO SHORT.  WTF?  Um, okay. You could tell Nancy had her own coat on! I loved those scenes, btw--give us more filler!!

Soap Fan Events: What Say You about Pricing??

I recently came across an event that was being held in my "neck" of the woods--and by that I mean on the East Coast. We basically get very few GH events out here because of our proximity to LA. Lately, there has been more however, and the band Port Chuck came to pay a visit last month in Rochester (shock horror). The most expensive VIP passes at $250 sold out in a day. This got you access to the band before the show and a bunch of extras including photo ops. There was a $150 package, an $89 dollar one (to sit down) and a $50 general admission--standing up. I went to the "fan" event before the show and paid zero dollars. I didn't see the band, but had fun meeting up with other GH people in the area. 

I've seen actors at the mall, back in the day when it was 'free'. Of course, you did have to usually pay for a photo to be signed, even if you waited in line.  (and the lines were long). I never chose to wait in line. I just went and people watched in the crowd. I finally sprang for a trip to NYC to see Nancy Lee Grahn 2  years ago in Manhattan. It was a blast-- only $70 and she spent a lot of time with each table. I met up with great friends from twitter as well. The event was planned well, Nancy sat with fans, signed whatever you gave her, got her photo taken a million times and gave us all photos as well. With the flight down and the hotel, it was enough just to do that. We used it as a good weekend get away for the wub hub and I! 

The second event I attended was in Toronto. My brother and I drove up and stayed the night. The event was $150 to see Lisa LoCicero, Ronnie Marmo and Dom Zamprogna. This was a full charity event. The proceeds went to Make a Wish Canada  and one of the children that was sponsored for a Blue Jays Game came and was honored. There were munchies and good times had by all.  The actors signed whatever you wanted and even waited longer to get their photos taken by everyone. 

I've never been to the GH Fan event but I see most tickets go from somewhere between $100 and $150? This usually includes dinner, a "meet and greet" and a few actors for the most expensive of the bunch.  Most are around  $125. This is a weekend event however, so you can fly out, stay and do many things while you're there. Fans have parties and cocktail hours abound. Point is, you can make a "trip" out of it.  There was also the Soap Weekend at Disney World, where for admission you could see the stars at MGM and wait for autographs. (you could even ride the rides on that money!!)

I was shocked to see the price of a fan event being held in Long Island with 2 actors. For 4 hours you can eat a buffet dinner and have 2 cocktails  (paid). The cost? with fees it comes to $280ish. Now is it just me or this is just plain nuts? None of it that I can see is going to charity, btw.  I can't even think of high-end concerts that go for that kind of dough. Especially in this economy and because many fans may have to travel there and stay over night, that's a ton of $$. Would you pay this kind of money to attend an event? I totally think that actors should charge what they think people will pay, I don't begrudge them that. They have to travel themselves and should be compensated. I just wonder if this kind of money leaves a LOT of people out.

How do you feel about paying to "see the stars"?? How much is the most you'd pay. I might pay $300 for a set tour....maaaaayyybe. That's about it. Not to see 2 people for 4 hours.  Am I being too crabby? I guess if they can get it, go for it.

Project Runway: Another Loser Wins...

*sigh* I TOLD myself that after gruesome Gretchen won, I was done with PR. Oh, but there I was, watching again. I thought this cast was one of the most under talented I've seen yet. Compared with the Santino Season? Snaoooze. 

The whole show this time around was more about the  designers NOT knowing what to do rather than enhancing their already great skills. One reason I liked Bert so much was that at least he knew what the hell he was doing. Viktor Luna had stunning designs week after week. He could make stuff in 2 days that looked like they took weeks. People hated Josh's personality but I liked him. Sorry but at least he was fun and a bit bitchy. You need that dramaz, especially in a dull season. PLUS, his clothes were interesting.

The finale was a let down...hey, remember the days when the designers were thrown another challenge on top of everything else? These guys get 2 days and $500 at MOOD to "enhance" their collections! WTH! Anya has nothing to show that doesn't look like it came from my old home ec class but manages to whip up an entire new collection in 2 days. Guess it pays not to have to sew. 

The end was such a disappointment. I have no words. After seeing the entire season--and coveting Viktor's coat and his OWN dang fabrics, I can't believe they chose Anya. Josh came in 2nd and really deserved to be at the top, imo. Either he or Viktor should have won. Anya had the same dress the entire show! Come on..not only that, the fabrics were pre-printed from MOOD. I think her edgy "look" and 1/2 shaved head wooed the judges into thinking her winning would give Project Runway a 'face'.  Ugh... lost a viewer AGAIN. Now let's see if I can keep my promise not to watch. 

PR has a "hot face" as the winner, that's about it, imo.

Happy Birthday To Lexi Ainsworth!

Our "Krissy" is having a birthday today and I want to give a shout out and good wishes to her!! As you saw in my previous blog post, she's working on a movie in her home state of Oklahoma right now.  "So This Is Christmas" will have a 2012 release date.

Kim and Lexi Red Carpet It!
As we all know, Lexi was recently let go from GH amid controversy as to the reasons why they want a recast. Kim McCollough responded to the whole thing by saying she too was pressured to look 'more mature" in her role as Robin. Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise for Lexi because she's already gotten a  new gig and will no doubt land more when finished. 

 Goodbye flowers from Nathan Parsons

"Kristina's" scenes going off to Yale are coming soon on GH. These will be Lexi's last  on the show. She did tell me that she will be visiting the set over the holidays so please think about sending her a birthday card there!! Address: General Hospital at ABC TV, 4151 Prospect Ave, Hollywood CA 90027.

SO HAPPY DAY and lots of WUBS to Lexi... here's hoping for a really wonderful year!!
Follow Lexi on twitter : @_LexiAinsworth and see her official FB Page.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Soap Opera Ratings Week of October 17th

And GH is almost dead last in Total Viewers (5,000 separate the 2) :   SON HAS  all the STATS!

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,491,000 (+282,000/-540,000)
2. B&B 2,989,000 (+125,000/-226,000)
3. OLTL 2,580,000 (+162,000/+129,000)
4. GH 2,348,000 (+99,000/-176,000)
5. DAYS 2,343,000 (-107,000/-70,000)

Interesting--last Friday GH had a 1.5 share... that's REALLY low, not sure I've seen it below a  1.6 other than like, a holiday/repeat. Was there a market share of the country that had breaking news? Weird. Fridays are usually strong.

General Hospital Break: Day Two? Will I Make It?

 I am deciding if I'm going to watch  the show today...  


OLTL: Roxy as  Britney!! :) Awesome... 
MIKE and Marcie I so love the two of them... their talk with John was so "real"  ..sigh. Miss them on the show. Maybe they'll come to PP.
The whole cast seems to be having fun.  Probably it's liberating to know the show is ending in a way. Just go with it. 
HOPE AS Mr. Peanut was so  damn cute and she had fun lines  too!!!  

Matt's Motto!

Guess I'm skipping GH today--- I saw everyone still on the boat. DID SEE MONICA! But that's all I can take. WUB TO ALL
A few new Spoilers are up!!

Sonya Eddy Goes on GLEE!

I was thrilled to see her on "The Middle" last week, now Sonya Eddy announced on Facebook she's going to have a guest part on "Glee"!! WOOT! Tune in November 1st!

The Wydemere Spoiler

Wolf on the GOTHIC Romance starting at Wyndemere:

 "A presence with a purpose," teases Wolf. "A romance or two, mixed up in a melody of madness. This is the story which will involve nine-plus principal players and yes, a new face or two — if you're fast enough to see them, hidden behind a foggy, frosted window.... Windows you can write things on [laughs]."

Clearly, Wolf himself is swept up in the tale he's unraveling, smiling, "This is Gothic romance. Hearts headed for happiness — if they can make it through the minefield of lies and secrets. Not everyone can. Not everyone will. [This is] a story that will change the future - and pasts — of many for a long, long time to come."

Note From me: I know that scripts are done through December (arcs) and that doesn't include Genie right now. IF she leaves Y&R and IF she comes back to GH this will play out one way. IF not--it will play out the other. They'd better get Nikolas/Helena back, don't you think?? I mean, hellooooo IT'S A CASSADINE STORY!! The way things have been going,  I have little hope it will be suspenseful, but we shall see.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wed. General Hospital Break Day One.

OH scoops are up and just found out JaSam doesn't get back from Hawaii/Franco  to PC until..NOVEMBER 11th!! ahahahahahha. I only hope it's in 2011. Let's hope the date is wrong. 

Wonder what else is on at 3pm??  Don't think I can deal with Dr. Phil.  I will DVR the show though so I don't miss a THANG...

It's crazy drizzle here and cold/windy. Looks like fog out but it's mist. Maybe someone is taking a BOAT TRIP out on Lake Ontario.. lol  AT NIGHT??! Fronkey or is it?? WTD Again??! 

I am a bit giddy at the Franco Fronkey Baby prospect. I want him to be a boy named Fred or Pablo or Alto or Frankolina (Lori's suggestion)  Sam will be PG, but not even know if Franco raped her so she can't make a "morning after" decision probably. Oh, GH. You slay me! 
OLTL: LOVED when Jack saw Gigi... too bad he still can't act himself  out of a paper bag!! LOL 

Todd to Viki: "I know, I come back and everyone is allergic to everything (meaning peanuts), and while we're at it WHAT the HELL is GLUTEN"????????????????????
OMG!! line of the YEAR! 

Loved Shane/Rex... It was cute for them to talk about Aubrey and taking her to the party. "Your Mom would want us to have fun"... 

General Hospital's Bloated, Boat Booze and Baffoon Tour!

 A three-hour tour...A three hour tour...

I've decided to take a bit of a break from GH because as you know, I am borderline manic on saying how horrible I think the writing/pacing/editing has been. My parting shot shall be a nice timeline of the BORING BOAT TOUR for your enjoyment. Maybe you can read this instead of watching GH today. By the way, never fear,  I will put up comments so people can still discuss the show. 

Let us begin. Remember, this was supposed to be a 'few hours' for Matt's celebratory party. When Spin rowed up to the boat with Maxie he actually said "It's 1/2 hour LATE returning". That means what? 4 hours tops? (we of course have seen it for at least a week or more making it's painful journey even worse). In one  portion of the "night" the following happened: 

Monday, October 17th 
1. Patrick tells Matt about the party. Matt, Liz, Olivia, Patrick, Steve and Robin all climb aboard. They have time for a little song on deck and some munchies. Matt gets a call from Dad. Patrick and Matt fight about their issues. Liz draws a portrait on a napkin..meanwhile..

2. Lisa appears in her underwear in Johnny's apartment..she stabs him with a paralyzing drug. She goes to the dock... attacks Anthony Z with a board and throws him into the water. Next time we see her she's skulking around with a pocket full of needles. ON THE BOAT.

3. Maxie's in a panic looking for the boat... AZ rises up from the water and she saves him. He lays there for awhile-- can't move much..and the next time we see him--HE'S ON THE BOAT. I think he was even dry by that time. Anthony threatens Lisa and then...disappears.

4.  Olivia and Steve go off to have sex...then go off naked and jump in the water for a swim. Then go to have sex again but she gets dizzy. Patrick and Robin go and have sex in a cabin. Matt and Liz argue, she gets injected by Lisa, who throws her over.  By the time we see Liz again, she's washed up on Spoon Island. Must have been a big current.  

5. Spin finds Maxie!! They row out to the middle of the "harbor" in the dark and she blathers on for what seems like a  whole show.  Then the boat malfunctions but they get to Spoon Island. They get off the rowboat, go and explore Wyndemere...see some lights and hear some spooky stuff. Walk around, banter..yada yada.

6. Lisa manages to kill the captain and a steward.  (I don't think this giant boat has anyone else running it but them??)  She also manages to inject Patrick, haul his 200 pound life-less  body out of the shower and tie him up all while Robin is getting a snack.  She then manages to tie up Robin to a chair.

7. Matt? Oh, he's had his 99th bottle of champagne and is singing in the lounge by himself.  I bet he had to pee in there somewhere! In Sex Central,  think  Steve sings Olivia another song and has a naughty Nashville flashback. 

8. What is this!!? Anthony is back on DRY LAND, on the dock when Johnny comes walking up in a sweater asking what's going on. WOW..some fast acting paralysis there. Not even a headache!! 

9. Maxie and Spin have managed to get the boat going and row back OUT TO THE BOAT (in the pitch dark)  where she climbs up the hanging ladder? 

10. Olivia fixes the giant boat motor but is fainting in the process. Steve's off getting a first aid kit (while never hearing or seeing anything or anyone else on the cruise). 

11  Back in the Stateroom from Hell, Robin watches in horror as Lisa taunts Patrick with her HIV blood. Struggle..struggle... wham bam.. Lisa runs, Robin gets Patrick untied and goes after her. Tussle Tussle on the deck (where no one is) and Robin gets knocked down. Fade to Lisa's face (this was yesterday). 

Tuesday, October 25th 
12. Oh, by the way, Spinelli in his bid for the Olympic crewing team, rows BACK to Spoon Island and finds a lifeless Liz who was put there by some person we saw the shoulder of.  He wasn't even panting hard. 

 Johnny, paralyzed and cured all within 3-4 hours!

Excuse me while I hurl. Not even the Toxic Ball story was as poorly edited/executed. Even the month long Black and White Ball was more exciting. I watch One Life to Live which actually wanted me to believe in time travel. I get that soaps are "fantasy".  This? This is another example of cheap sets, shoddy writing and lazy storytelling. Of course, the HoneyMoon From Hell is also going on which is another snoozer so I'm book-ended by misery. See why I need a break? I'm glad some of you seem to be enjoying this. I just-- can't deal.

Photo of Maxie on October 17 after she realizes she "Missed the boat"...
My face every day since then. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday: Spoilers, Scoops and Snoozing

That's right.. GET YOUR HOT Scoopies on The Wubs Net!! What's coming? Oh..let's see. Maxie kisses Spinelli, Steve and Matt go to Jake's. Olivia is taking a PG test. Pee Stick-style. Newbie Maggie shows up. AND.. Lisa Murder Mystery. 

Sounds better than it probably will be, I'm sure. Lucky's in Ireland (whenever that starts), Shawn and Carly are snoggin' and Brenda serves Sonny papers via Diane. Ah, nice waste of a year, wasn't it? 

People were asking me on Twitter about The last Nurses' Ball. That would have been TEN years ago in 2001.  Yepper. People are very angry/sensitive about the HIV "Storyline" that was used yesterday. The whole Lisa trying to inject Patrick with Robin's blood. GH only brings up Robin's HIV status when it feels the need to use it as a plot device. I am going to be thinking about this a lot before Sunday Surgery. There is so much wrong with GH, I honestly can't even start to bitch about this one thing. 

OLTL: OMG, Marcy and Michael!! and she's PG AGAIN!! I love this show!!!! Problem  is,  if OLTL can't be saved with it's awesomeness and great ratings, GH has hope. Can't wait until it's online!! Everyone is in Llanview--not off to "Hawaii" or "Ireland" or off on a boat. All the stories come together. The one thing dropped is Destiny's PG story--which is the only hole that bugs me. 

GENERAL HOSPITAL:  WHERE THE HELL did AZ come from??!! ahahhaha he's on the DOCKS!!  With the 2x4 that Lisa nailed  him with!! What in God's name???'s like he transported. Spock? Beam me  up? And Johnny's walking around. Okayyyy. Editors you are fired!

JaSam argued forever about getting MARRIED-- now it's all about the BAY-BEE!!! zzzzzzz

LOVED NATASHA and LUKE!!!!!!!!! They remembered the KAT BELL murder on the parapet.!! "Good Times, Good Times" ahahhaa. BEST thing on GH all month. HELL in 5 months!! Alexis used Sonny to get Krissy into Yale.  heh.

SO, WAIT... Maxie and SPIN rowed BACK OUT TO THE SHIP IN THE DARK from Wyndemere. AHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :crying:  And then MAXIE gets on the boat by climbing up. 
OH MY.  THEN SPINELLI rows BACK to Spoon Island and sees LIZ!! 

THIS episode will stand as one of my all time WORST ever. Pacing,  Editing, storytelling.  Awful. Thank goodness for Luke/Alexis. 

PS. When Jeff  Webber shows up, you know  I knew it first! When did I have that? July 28th people!!  It's all over the net now. Here's hoping Richard Dean Anderson says YES! Get Monica back for a love story!!! 

Monday, October 24, 2011

OLTL: Started out with the BANG !! WOOT! Cutter just told Rex right out, "Gigi's alive"!! I LOVE Viki/Clint and Bo/Nora. People watching DVDs..being all real!! Clint has a ton of medicine to take which is really true to life.   Nora misses Dorian. (me too). So, "ComaGigi" is talking like Stacey-- "that's my sister"..but I'm still  not convinced it's not really Gigi! eeeee YOU GO OLTL! Can't wait until this show can kick ass online!!
 THIS is what Lisa should have worn!
GH: At least Matt was funny being all pathetic alone on the boat. 
Uh, Olivia is fixing the boat motor?? I know she's good with cars, but a giant boat??  LMAO! Like they captain is missing-- and they are talking about looking "under the hood"??  Then they try to have sex and she gets all swoony. She's either PG  or has a tumor.

Why didn't Robin scream her banshee head off?? I would have been howling!! Crazy Lisa is pulling out Robin's HIV blood!!  Having her inject it into Patrick? Wow...that's a little harsh. 

THANK GOD Brianna Brown is back or this show would have taken a huger nose dive than it already has.

Where's AZ? did he swim back to shore? Maybe making a snack in the galley? 

The Liz rescue was so anti-climatic. Heh. Done in tiny chunks.

Honeymoon.... wow this is so so sad. IT WAS SO BAD...Shawn and  Jason talking in the tiki light for hours?? What the hell is that about?!!!!! I guess foreshadowing the whole 'I have a kid thing".
Sam and Carly?? ugh 

Trying to pimp up Shawn and Carly. Do you like them??

THIS SHOW HAS MOVED ABOUT 3-4 days in the last MONTH --and I am not kidding you. Seriously.

Shelly Altman Named CoHead Writer To GH

She's been on OLTL and a breakdown writer on GH since this summer. SOD reports she's moving into "coheadwriter position" now.  I'm  not enthused. Color me cynical, but they are going to need something way bigger than this to fix the show.

Digest has learned that Shelly Altman has been named co-Head Writer of GENERAL HOSPITAL, effective immediately. She will work alongside current Head Writer Garin Wolf. An Emmy winner herself, Altman has worked on ONE LIFE TO LIVE and ANOTHER WORLD, among other television projects. She's also been nominated for Best Writing by the Writer's Guild of America. Welcome aboard!

Anthony Bourdain HATES the Chew TOO!

Oh, Anthony, I knew you were a closet LaLucci fan! Go to  New Times and see full exchange including video. 
Needs to drink watching The Chew! 

In an interview with Mercury News, Anthony Bourdain was asked what he thought about The Chew, the ABC foodcentric daytime talk show.

Bourdain said, "(Heavy sigh) I'm really shaken. Honestly, I don't know what to believe anymore. Mario Batali is a better chef than I am, a better businessman. And Michael Symon! I can't tell you how much I like and respect those guys. They're the smartest, funniest, best since Julia Child. They had to know what they were getting into. I'm not trying to be funny or snarky -- I'm really shaken. I feel like I've left the mountains, and found all my comrades had joined the Interior Ministry. The whole world has tilted in a way I don't understand. I feel like I'm a million years old and very naive. I just don't know who the fool is. I suspect it's me.

Alberta's First Video!!

 More to come! This is just part one of her many photos with Soapy/Movie stars!! She's going out to LA this week tothe Pretty premire on Warner Bros. lot!!

Deadline: Couric Cleared in 60% of Market!

 Promo Poster 
One more nail. DeadlineHollywood is reporting that Couric's talk show has been sold in 14 out of the 15 top markets. The show will be called "Katie" and debuts in the fall of 2012. Rumors  persist she's slated to take over General Hospital's time slots in most cities.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

So This Is Christmas

Lexi is in Oklahoma filming her movie "So This Is Christmas" with 
Eric Roberts and Vivica A Fox.

The film  began Oct. 15, for four-plus weeks, in the Tulsa area at sites including Utica Square, Will Rogers High School, the Spotlight Theater and River Parks.
The story is  a tale of redemption that follows a teen girl who turns her empty life around and finds meaning by giving back to others. 

Talent in front of the camera: The lead character is played by Lexi Ainsworth, an Oklahoma City native and veteran of film and TV who earlier this year was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award as outstanding young actress for her performances in "General Hospital." Her character is a member of an interesting family mix that includes parents played by film veterans Eric Roberts of "Runaway Train" and "The Dark Knight" and Vivica A. Fox of "Independence Day" and "Kill Bill, Vol. 1." The girl's brother is played by Titus Makin Jr., who appeared in six episodes of "Glee" last season as one of the Warblers. 

Can't wait to see more of this!! This movie has a 2012  release date, btw..

Sunday Surgery: Hypothermia

Hypothermia (from Greek υποθερμία) is a condition in which core temperature drops below the required temperature for normal metabolism and body functions which is defined as 35.0 °C (95.0 °F).  If exposed to cold and the internal mechanisms are unable to replenish the heat that is being lost, a drop in core temperature occurs. As body temperature decreases, characteristic symptoms occur such as shivering and mental confusion.

Now...this definition from Wikipedia describes perfectly last week's GH. Not only should Olivia and Steven succumbed o the condition, many of us viewers should have as well. Shivering and "mental confusion"!! THAT'S what was happening to me all week after the show!! 

Good Lord, where do I start. How about the news of MVJ leaving the writing staff and another newbie coming aboard.  Soon we'll have Maggie (NuDoc #1), Ewan (NuDoc #2) and "African American kid". There's a bunch of day players on during Lucky's Ireland trip--which should have started like, yesterday btw. Of course, we aren't seeing any of our beloved characters returning to the set as of yet. Well, something that looks like Siobhan will appear. Erin Chambers isn't done with GH after all. 

Helena was on for 2.5 seconds to taunt Ethan. That was it. Ummmmmm, why? Why not have her on more? Doing REAL STUFF? Where's Edward been? Monica? Those new characters like "Asher"?? Where did that thread go? Where are the ELQ offices? :throwing up hands:

Ok, this week. How was the pacing for you? Johnny was on the floor--then not seen for 3 days, then shown Friday still in the same spot, reaching for his cell phone. That was it,  they didn't show him again. AZ was on the dock, pulled out by Maxie, bleeding-- then shows up on the boat that's already launched out to sea. THEN he's gone again on Friday. Just gone. 
 Bringing Joss to Hawaii: Worst Decision of the Decade

The JaSam honeymoon is such a mess,  I can't even begin to describe it. I suppose catching a glimpse of Franco wrapping up a baby in tissue paper should make us shudder. The simple fact that Carly dragged Joss across the country right into "Franco-Territory" is so stupid it's embarrassing.
Naked Guitar Guy

BUT! The worst part BY FAR was the "Party"for Matt on the boat which turned into a Sex Cruise. HAHAHAA. They go out for a few hours and we get: Scrubs Sex, Stevia sex and skinny dipping (in October no less). Everyone was  acting like a 15 year old at a make-out party. Then, Steve, while drinking champagne actually says on Friday he has to get back to work soon. Uh... okayyyy. Don't want to be your patient, buddy. Lisa is of course, running around with a pocket full of syringes. What should have been a tense, exciting story became a comical bore. 

 More airtime than Alexis!

Sprinkled in the week was a weird Lulu/Sonny conversation where she drank Sonny's left over scotch at the end (ewww). SKate shennigans (with a bit of Deke angst throw in), I think some coffee bag hauling by Michael and  then Mulva  (Dolores) going off on Dante in the hospital. Wow. Luke crabbed around town and Ethan was dragging Laura behind him.

One thing a good story needs is consistency and flow.  What we are seeing now is a bunch of stuff thrown together. Literally thrown. I think the scripts were on the floor and got shuffled all around.  I kept waiting for something ANYTHING to grab my attention. *sigh* not to be. Not to be. There are two psychos running around and it was still as boring as hell!

at me for being such a bitch about the show, I'm saying right now I'm not going to give GH a pass because it's the last soap standing. Wolf needs to bring it and bring it FAST. While I wasn't on board as much as others in the beginning of all this, at least there seemed to be more integration and a different direction. HA! Well. Geesh, that ended quick. GH is like the your hometown football team, you bitch when they suck for ages but you still love them to death. Unfortunately OUR team relies on the ratings which are still behind OLTL in most categories (rightfully so, that show rocks). I guess it's true that ABC wants to squash it no matter what. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Anything with Ethan in it. He seems like the only actor that is genuinely having fun anymore. He was a sparkle in the dull canvas.  Kudos to Nathan Parsons for really growing in his role. Who'd a thunk he was the best Spencer Standing? (ie: No whining/no drinking/drugging).

NOT the SCENE OF THE WEEK: When Anthony shows up on the boat. A collective scream went up on twitter because it was so implausible it looked like a gaff.  HOW the hell did he get there??
RUNNER UP: Row boat mess with RentAMaxie and Spin. Talk about filler chatter. 

Leave your best comments!!  

Friday, October 21, 2011

Kimberly McCollough On Lexi Ainsworth's Firing

Oh Daytime Confidential has the digs on the newest edition of Soap Opera Digest (Nov. 1st). Seems Kimberly is well aquainted with Daytime's blatant stupidity when it comes to sex and age. The younger you are, the older they want you to look-- the older you are, well, you know how THAT goes. 

"That's baloney, because the same thing happened to me," she shares. "Young is a nice way of saying you're not sexy enough. This has nothing to do with being young. I completely relate because I faced the same problem. "

I was the one that pointed out that TPTB could have recast "Robin" all those years ago but chose not to. Now, we have a great actress that grew up on the show. Not so for Lexi, who is also an Emmy nominee. GH is making such terrible choices lately. Glad people are calling them out.

Enough Crappy News For A Friday?

Michelle Val Jean out-- I just remembered Karen Harris left not too long ago as well. JUMP THE SHIP! And now another newbie casting. Unless he's like Bringing Taggert back with him..DON'T CARE!! What the hell ever. Maybe he's  Kate and Shawn's from a wild night in the '90's!

Buffalo Area Code....

I wanted to mention I have a Tumblr Blog too-! It's mostly for crazy photos I find that I love. Tumblr is very fun and has really cool art all over it. There's a LOT of Franco on there heh. 

OLTL: wow, where did the Starr being abused come from?? Interesting!! Paps! Extras! 
LOVE the integration on the show--Aubrey is bartending and mixing it up with Rex. Tea and Tomas-- they move things along!! I should have a site for OLTL I get it--sorry, I love this show so much.  Paris Hilton and Twitter mention in same sentence heh. 

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Please, let's hope the boat-porn has stopped today!!  

Liz OVERBOARD! Geesh, Lisa jsut whipped her right over that rail!

Steve and Olivia, waste of time--they did NOTHING today but blab... and Steve says he has to be back to the hospital because no one could cover for he's drinking more champagne? ahaha

Spixie at Wyndemere.. ummm, just stand there and bicker cause THAT'S SO INTERESTING. not! LOL "Jackal 2.0" he calls himself.  How could they SEE in that house?? Rent a Maxie's voice got on my migraine today like a flea. 

That Johnny insert scene should have happened 2 days ago..

Sonny just 'happening to go into Jake's" is so he's ever in there. He paid off someone at Yale to get Krissy in. Nice. .DEKE!! OMG, get off that horse!! GOD!!  They'll be going back to Bensonhurst soon. UGHHHHHHH And, by the way, it's like Brenda coming back NEVER EVER happened.  It's just..not right.

Robin gets Chloroformed by Cray Cray Lisa

OMG, this is hystercial, a fan made it: Jason/Lucky: GIF

Tristan Roger's time is running out at Y&R and he's tweeting mysterious things, is he headed back to GH? Writing is so bad--not sure I want him there.

I watched Project Runway Finale Part one last night and have to say I really think (other than Victor) the collections have stepped down over the years. They used to seem so much more 'involved'. Not hugely impressed. I MISS SANTINO! lol.. hopefully, the All Stars will be cool.

General Hospital: Casting Fools!

Here we go with ANOTHER NEWBIE! According to Soaps in Depth, GH is looking for a 14 year old "African American Urban Youth" with a chip on his shoulder. Could he be Shawn's son? Can someone tell me why? Why not bring back Lucas or Dillon Q?? Or.. er..anyone else that has ties already to the show?? Plus the fact they SORA'd Krissy--why bother with this? Shawn. Yawn. Sure, he looks ok with this shirt off, but other than that? Don't really care. I want Jax back.

Nail. Coffin: Michele Val Jean, Writer for GH Moves to Bold and Beautiful

Oh hell no...this is so telling people. Michele Val Jean, writer for GH is moving on to another soap. Read about it on The Bold and the Beautiful's site. She was basically the last diaglog writer I liked.
Wow. GH, is indeed, imploding.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

LaLucci To Army Wives, and Fiona Hutchison to OLTL!

That's right!! Susan Lucci is going to Army Wives says Michael Ausiello! Click on the link for details. We all know KIM Delaney is on there and in SOAP-LIFE is really our "Jenny" from AMC. Nice synergy.

Fiona Hutchison who played Gabriele on OLTL is returning to that show before it's off the air. She put a message on FB. She will be taping in late October, airdate sometime in November!!

Rock Solid Show Today!

  I had the 2 year olds today and I'm SO TIRED so.. buckle up!!  Carly is telling Jason that he can't tell her what to do regarding ...